Sunday 4 August 2013

Spain threatens Gibraltar with an act of war!

Spain threatens Gibraltar with an act of war!

The time has come now that SPAIN is behaving as bad as Argentina did before Argentina invaded the Falklands!

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Our Governor and the UK Government need to wake up to what is being said by SPANISH Government in the press today!

The Spanish Foreign Minister has declared publicly that they will not hesitate in sending "La Armada" to Gibraltar. This is the Spanish NAVY!

Today's La Razon newspaper talks about Spain's much publicised "Four Point Attack" on Gibraltar. The Spanish Government's attack includes disregarding Gibraltar's membership of the Open Skies Agreement and subsequent lifting of the Spanish ban via the Cordoba Agreement and the new plan includes blocking and imposing difficulties for aeroplanes to land or leave Gibraltar (ALL Flights - including Military). it also includes plans to attack Gibraltar's Maritime-based economy. It also plans to interfere and cut off Gibraltar's telecommunications. And it also plans to collapse Gibraltar's economy by making entry to tourism into Gibraltar difficult and unattractive by introducing long delays and ALSO a 50 EURO fee for ENTRY and EXIT to Gibraltar.
The front page also mentions that Spain is now seriously considering deploying a Military presence and base them in the vicinity of Gibraltar. 


 In another Spanish Government paper:

Gibraltar has also been threatened by Spain to introduce Toll charges to enter Spain? They have threatened to target 6,700 Gibraltarians who have houses in Spain to pay residency tax when most have the houses legally as summer homes only or weekend home.

The Spanish Government have admitted publicly that they have a plan in hand to destroy Gibraltar! That they will bring to an end playground time and enforce their full plan! They have also admitted publicly that this is all about us putting artificial reefs in OUR waters! Somehow in their own insanity thinking they think we have no waters and that if anything we should be asking them permission! If it were not so serious one could laugh about it!

So what have they tried up to now?

  1. They came into Government promising to destroy the previous spanish government relations with Gibraltar - DONE!
  2. They have shot at our people on Jet Ski! DONE
  3. They said they would break their part of the Cordoba agreement - DONE
  4. They said they would enforce jurisdiction in our waters as if the waters were theirs! - DOING IT EVERYDAY!
  5. They said they would create queues on purpose to inflict pain and suffering to show Gibraltar who is BOSS! DOING IT WHENEVER THEY WANT!
  6. They are enforcing unnecessary force to our people! - DONE latest one hte local lad who was crossing with a bicycle!
  7. They have been discriminating against our people trying to cross into SPAIN - using their local ID as invalid - that they have a local license and local vehicle and as such refused them entry sending them back to the Gibraltar but keeping the vehicle!

As if that is not enough they are now getting Argentina on their side so that they help them should they invade Gibraltar which is on the cards.
Sunday Express 4 August 2013

Jet fighter threat to the Falkland Islands
SPAIN is selling a fleet of Mirage fighter jets to Argentina in a £10million deal that fuels suspicions over relations between the nations who are both opposed to British territorial possessions, writes Marco Giannangeli.
Sun, August 4, 2013
 Mr C Gomez write it clearly on social medai:
La Razon (sic) is one of the organs of the PP - the UK is therefore on notice that Madrid intends to send its navy into our waters. The way to prevent an escalation is for a Royal Navy frigate to get here first and anchor within BTW. London unfortunately has form for reacting late (whilst the Rolls Royce (sic) minds at the F&CO try to get their heads around simple propositions - remember e.g. the Falklands). I hope that on this occasion Whitehall will react in time.
Spain have at present 130 similar artificial reefs created on their cost lines, compared to the one they protest against in Gibraltar
 As seen in Spanish waters - their reefs

 Here is SPAIN dumping their artificial reefs in their own waters!
So Gibraltar has every right to protect their environment too by putting artificial reefs in their waters!

It is clear that Spain is about to unleash its most intense attack against our economy and way of life.

Should their actions continue and should the UK ,as in the past, fail to get them to act as a civilized Nation in Europe, it is clear our economy is going to suffer.
SO FCO and the UK Government and yes even our Governor need to step up our call that we have been making for nearly two years and protect our people - our sea - our air - our land!
 ENOUGH is ENOUGH! The Spanish Government is ignoring British Diplomacy and is on an outright plan to inflict Gibraltar and bring us to our knees!
We remind UK Government and FCO Gibraltar will not go on our knees and give in to SPAIN - no matter what they do or try with force! 
Makes me wonder if all this appeasement is UK Government's or FCO's way to push Gibraltar to SPAIN? Your lack of defending in the last 30 years leaves a lot to be desired and I know that if we had oil or petrol you the UK Government and FCO would have done more to stop these bullying tactics towards us!
We have gone through so much as a people - loyal British Citizens and what have you done for us? Removed military budget, close our only dockyard, removed more military presence, ignored our pleas for help on numerous occasions even forcing us to sit at a table to negotiate issues like Sovereignty which we refused blatantly many times! The worst you have done is force the clause of the Treaty of Utrecht in our constitution thus holding us to an invalid treaty!
Do we have to have a DEATH before YOU ALL WAKE UP?
You could have avoided the Falklands invasion and you ignored all the tel tale signs - we are now telling you the likelihood of the same action from SPAIN - when will you do your job to protect us? Where is the BRITISH LION that used to roar?
Enough diplomacy and mere looking on! No more from the sideline!
All out onslaught against Gibraltar from the Spanish government as featured in multiple articles in today's edition of Spanish newspaper La Razon.
 Interview with Landaluce. 
Spanish Navy to be sent to waters off Gibraltar 
Targeting online gaming 
That shame called Gibraltar 
 Spain has tools to defend itself 
Gibraltar the last colony (this one is by subscription)
We want our British LION - OUR DEFENDER to ROAR as never BEFORE!
Do what you do best DEFEND your PEOPLE! DEFEND GIBRALTAR!
Clearly posted in social media by N.E. Duarte says it all clearly
1. Spain’s Objective. Spain’s objective is to bring about the economic collapse of Gibraltar in order to effect a political capitulation, and the destruction of the Gibraltarian as a political reality. Elements within the British foreign affairs and business establishments would not be averse towards such an outcome.
2. Convergence of British and Spanish Geopolitical Interests. The situation is exceptionally dangerous because global security and economic realities have exposed a high degree of convergence between Britain and Spain on significant geopolitical issues. Although Britain is tied to Gibraltar’s political aspirations through the 2006 Constitution the risk is that Britain will cease to balance its global grand strategic interests against those of Gibraltar. Gibraltar will lose.
3. Economic Warfare. Spanish thinking on organised crime conflates all types of criminality, grey activity and aggressive tax avoidance. It is in this failure to distinguish that the threat to Gibraltar lies. If directed aggressively against Gibraltar the new units established to target economic crime, coupled with the CNI’s technological and human assets, could lead to serious complications, particularly with the focus on revenue fraud.
4. Economic statecraft, with the darkside of economic warfare, is of particular relevance to Gibraltar, particularly when combined with economic intelligence, both in pursuance of economic security.
5. Gibraltar is seen by Spain as an economic threat within the broader threat posed by the Anglo-Saxon dominated financial system. This theme has emerged more strongly as the economic crisis has deepened.
6. It is in relation to Spain’s view that Gibraltar is an economic threat for financial and hydrocarbon reasons that the idea of economic intelligence becomes relevant.
7. Qualitative Changes – Spain Strengthens. The qualitative changes in Spanish statecraft will allow it to pursue a protracted campaign against Gibraltar. Spain’s statecraft towards Gibraltar has changed. This is evidenced in the tempo and intensity with which it is wielding its instruments of state. It is certain that Spain is acting in accordance with a specific and documented plan – Spain has a strategy that aligns ends, ways and means.
8. Cognitive Dissonance Amongst Gibraltarians. The prevalent feeling in Gibraltar is that Spain’s behaviour is as it has always been. This is not the case. By equating the current situation with the past Gibraltar is failing to understand the danger it is facing, a danger born of the qualitative changes to the Spanish foreign policy machine.
9. Morocco as a Factor. The challenge to British Gibraltarian Territorial Waters is occurring against the context of unresolved issues between Morocco and Spain, and at a time of extreme economic difficulties; tensions are high because the stakes are high. The territorial and maritime issues between Morocco and Spain remain unresolved at a time when both countries are expanding oil and gas exploration operations, both east and west of the Straits of Gibraltar – into the Western Atlantic and the Alboran Sea. The stakes are high and Spain will be unwilling to compromise over maritime boundaries.
Not only do we suffer the incursions in our waters by para military personnel from SPAIN, not only are we shot out but we are all now held hostage as many other thousands of tourists when they come to Gibraltar! This is an act of terrorism and now they declare an act of WAR!
If SPAIN were not an EU Country or in NATO - I hate to think what other tactics they would do! At the moment they are making a joke of UK Government and FCO!
Anne-Marie Struggles

1 comment:

  1. the Queen should act as head of parliament and tell her parlimentarians what to do since they do not know them selves


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