Armed Spanish Para Military Guardia Civil once again try to exercise JURISDICTION in OUR waters!
The Convent has reported an incursion into GBTW by 2 Guardia Civil Launches to London and Madrid.
The incident happened last night when two Guardia Civil vessels sailed
in and around the Western Anchorage in close proximity to several
merchant ships. A Convent spokesman says there was no reported verbal or
physical interaction between them but states the incursion was clearly
unlawful. The Gibraltar Squadron issued warnings and the Guardia Civil
left British Gibraltar Territorial Waters.
Yesterday 30/08/13 we had more incursions by the Guardia Civil
GC launch leaves Algeciras port heading for Gib lighthouse on her way to east side of the Rock.
Law enforcement vessel moves from position kept for surveillance in
Reefy area to cut across a Spanish fishing boat’s course that was in
line with passenger liner as she docked at North Mole

o now Spain as upped their attacks on Gibraltar - so causing queues at the frontier is not enough now they attack our bunkering?
Spanish government to ban bunkering at sea in Gibraltar
Bunkerworld (subscription needed)
Spain has taken steps to ban the bunkering of vessels in waters
surrounding Gibraltar, according to a report by the Financial Times.
Rounding off what has been ..
Yet how HYPOCRITICAL SPAIN are below is the pic taken TODAY 31/08/13 of the SPANISH doing BUNKERING in their own waters just outside ALGECIRAS!
Photos courtesy T. Finlayson
What else are Spanish Government doing to bring Gibraltar down - so we know about the queues but did we know they have also upped their game on that - now they are targeting PEDESTRIANS!
Even worse they have targeted a Local Irish National going into SPAIN:
From Rory Cartwright in another forum:
I bought a gift yesterday and tried to bring it back home to La Linea,
and was told I needed to pay €100 tax on it. When I questioned it they
confiscated my passport and threatened to confiscate the gift. So I said
I would just bring the item back to Gib and return it. They weren’t too
happy with this idea but I managed to walk past the Spanish passport
control back into Gib. 30 minutes later I came back (without the gift)
and asked them to give me my passport back - they said I had to bring
the item back and give it to them, and threatened numerous times to
arrest me. Once they realised I didn’t have it anymore they still
demanded I pay them €100 as a ‘police obstruction fine.’ A few work
colleagues crossing the border tried to get involved as I was getting
pushed about and threatened, and one got pulled aside and searched. All
this happened in the customs hut on the Spanish side. Eventually I got
pulled into a side room, kicked by them in the ribs and hit in the back
of the head with the handcuffs. They forced me to pay €100 to get my
passport back which at that stage I had no choice to do. I was then
allowed walk out. And you thought the border queue was a problem…
Galeote Quecedo former Partido Popular MEP in Europe.He resigned in
2009 after allegations of corruption as detailed in this link from
was the last Spanish ''politician'' which I believe last complained in
writing to the EU regarding our East side development which has now been
revived by the Spanish government and most of the Spanish media. This
is a link to his complaint and the answer can be found by clicking on
the right hand box where it says Answer(s).
to a European Parliament written question made by Giles Chichester and
Julie Girling on the 14th of June 2011 on bunkering carried out by
Gibraltar in our Bay. The reply given by the European Union can be read
by clicking on the right hand side in the box that is entitled
Despite the way SPAIN behave We in Gibraltar get more UNITED and get Stronger to defend our land!
Below are some beautiful paintings - hand painted by A Mr Martinez in 1941 looking at them you can see hte passion we as a people have with UK!

You can only fall in love with the People of Gibraltar cos no matter how hard SPAIN try to demoralise us - bombard us with bad and damaging publicity - we the people of Gibraltar are proud of who we are and will never ever give in to SPAIN!
Gibraltarian we are and Gibraltarian we will stay! We are British Gibraltarians!
We have a great sense of humour below is picture of our OWN Reefy made by R. GIngell but origin picture was created Mr Charles Canessa.
In the Photo is one of our Ministers Joe Bossano (was our Chief MInister for many years) Also Reefy and our Chairman Gareth Gingell. Today they walked with Reefy to show him our Gibraltar!
Gibraltar's Chief Minister Fabian Picardo met David Cameron at Downing Street
Britain will always stand up for Gibraltar and the interests of its people, David Cameron has said.
The prime minister said it was something that mattered to us
"very deeply", as he held a meeting to discuss the border dispute with
After talks at Downing Street, the British territory's Chief
Minister Fabian Picardo said Gibraltar knew it had "a friend in David
Mr Picardo also met Foreign Secretary William Hague on Wednesday.
A Number 10 spokesman said Mr Cameron's meeting reaffirmed the "strong and historic bonds" between the UK and Gibraltar.
"They discussed the unacceptable delays at the
Spanish/Gibraltar border and agreed that these are damaging to the
people and economies of Gibraltar and Spain," he said,
"They agreed that efforts should remain concentrated on finding a diplomatic solution."
So with that vow we are happy and hope that SPAIN will stop her bullying tactics which if anything is making it look harder for them to have the Olympics in SPAIN in 2020!
Who would want to have the Olympics staged in a country that is harassing a smaller one just because they do not wish to negotiate their nationality?
For our Spanish readers I suggest you listen to these videos done by Spanish people defending Gibraltar
Anne-Marie Struggles
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