Once again despite being warned time and time again Spain's paramiltary were out yesterday with one thing in mind only to try and exercise jurisdiction in our British Gibraltar Territorial Waters! We had incursions at 7.30am then again later and then again in the evening!
21.23 and Guardia Civil does a pass
from South to North, RGP interceptor follows them 5 minutes later all the way
into Western Beach! Where's the Royal Navy?
Photo by Derek Booth
Shame on the Spanish government! Shame on you UK government for lack of action! Shame on your European Union committee for ignoring our please! To you all i will hold accountable should an accident or death happen in our waters!
Spain keeps abusing the so called "Innocent Passage" this is bullying and blatantly for all to see and yet who dares enforce the laws and who dares stand up for us?
UK Government is purring like a pussy cat instead of roaring as the lion that we have known and believed in! By keeping quiet and by allowing this behaviour to continue unchallenged is like saying that we indeed have no waters!
We all know throughout history that diplomacy does not work! So why are we being allowed to be trodden on by Spain? Why is UK Government and the other many officials cowering? Why are they appeasing at the cost of our sovereignty?
We need to all stand up and not be afraid in speaking out the truth as without standing up we are in a defeatist position! It is us the PEOPLE of Gibraltar that has to send out a Wake UP call to the UK government! The land, air and sea belongs to US the PEOPLE!
We all need to be inundating the UK MP's with protests from us all, emails letters etc. We all need to start writing and insisting on more action! The standing up to the bully cannot just be left to Defenders of Gibraltar and Government it has to involve the whole of Gibraltar - think about what message is stronger? A few letters, a few protest of a few or a great mass demonstration as big as National Day celebrations and as big as May Day?
We all have a duty to care ofr our country and m,ake sure that it remains British and that laws are respected by everyone and from any country! This is the future of Gibraltar and for our children's children!
We should not fear but stand up there are many ways and everyone of us has a part to play and you can do it from your home, your pc or phone or letters. Just write the reality of why Spain's para military must not enter our waters! What is threat? They have loaded guns without license Gibraltar! They tug boats without the pilot lights on so they behave like PIRATES!
Why should we do this? For us, for our people, our children and our FUTURE!
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