Should the care of Gibraltar come under Mr David Lidington?
Being away from from Gibraltar for a week I have had lots of time to reflect on who is caring or should care about Gibraltar and the people. I have to say that one thing I do not understand is that for some absurd reason we come under David Lidington! This Minster is mainly for Minister of State at the Foreign Office, serving as Minister for Europe This responsibility includes the overseas territories of Gibraltar and Akrotiri and Dhekelia.
So my question is simple - why does our UK Government treat the Falklands different to Gibraltar? The Falklands is looked after by William Hague and hence is always treated with the utmost respect and urgency.
So why is Gibraltar and the people of Gibraltar treated like 3rd class British Citizens?
This is not right and this is a continual denial of our rights as a people! We are not happy with the way that Mr David Lidington is treating the people of Gibraltar. His last reply to the Voice of Gibraltar Group leaves a lot to be desired and ends with a THREAT! How dare he!
Not only that we the Defenders of Gibraltar are still as yet more than 6 months now waiting on a reply to the petition handed to him by our Governor Sir Adrian Johns!
We have been requesting meetings to no avail and have tried through many means! We would like to meet with MR LIdington as a Non Governmental Organisation so that he can really hear the views from the people! One thing is for sure we are FED up of the so called diplomacy and restraint being exercised at our cost as a people!
So again why is Gibraltar being treated with 2 other places which are sovereign bases. Gibraltar is not the same as Dhekelia and Akrotiri!
The Sovereign Base Areas were created in 1960 by the Treaty of Establishment, when Cyprus achieved independence from the British Empire. The United Kingdom desired to retain sovereignty over these areas, as this guaranteed the use of UK military bases in Cyprus, including RAF Akrotiri, and a garrison of the British Army. The importance of the bases to the British is based on the strategic location of Cyprus, at the eastern edge of the Mediterranean, close to the Suez Canal and the Middle East; the ability to use the RAF base as staging post for military aircraft; and for general training purposes.
SO the first thing we are demanding is to be separated from these two and given to the correct Minister to care for us and that is not David Lidington! Gibraltar like the Falklands is a British overseas Territory!
SO we will now fight to be placed under the correct Minister who will really know who and what Gibraltar and the people are and stop appeasing Spain at our detriment!
Below is the letter of response from Mr LIdington to VOGG

We are not happy at all with his response and have now sent our own letter to challenge this response.
The Rt Hon David Liddington MP
Minister for Europe
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
King Charles Street
London SW1A 2AH
Dear Mr Liddington
We are extremely disappointed at the patronizing letter the VOGG has received from you.
To say that “a further escalation of tensions could put Gibraltar’s prosperity at risk and damage UK wider interests” is something that we would appreciate if you would clarify.
As for “damage wider UK interests”. According to the British press the UK pours £53M a day into the EU, much of which goes to subsidize countries like Spain, and British tourists are the mainstay of the tourist industry in Spain. No doubt there are many other interests to consider, but we would have thought that it is Spain that has more to lose from upsetting the UK than the other way around, not forgetting the UK’s intention of holding a referendum on whether to pull out of the EU.
Gibraltar’s prosperity is being continually put under threat when Spanish judges sit in judgement of cases concerning Gibraltar, not once but twice. Does the FCO not get advanced information of the judges who are going to hear the cases? Did the FCO complain about the presence of Rosario Silva de Lapuerta in the two cases? These are things we regard as quite serious and they are occurring without, it would appear, any successful challenge on the part of the UK, or is it the policy of the FCO to also send “notes of protest” to Europe?
How much further can our prosperity be at risk when we cannot even rely on being adequately defended in the European justice system?
So I am sure you will realize that we are not too concerned that a further escalation of tensions could put our prosperity at risk, as this is something that has been happening since the new government in Spain was elected, and EXPECTED to continue so long as the British government keeps looking the other way.
Gibraltar’s prosperity is already under threat given the weak responses from the FCO in protecting anything that concerns Gibraltar. Do you not think that interfering with bunkering operations by allowing incursions into BGTW, not could, but already has “put Gibraltar’s prosperity at risk”?
In any case, Spain does not need an excuse to exert control in Gibraltar waters (it is not about the fishing), as they continue by carrying out slow patrols close to our land to demonstrate their claim that Gibraltar has no waters. Violation of our sovereignty is a direct challenge and therefore a threat to our sovereignty.
There are many other more positive diplomatic measures the UK could take through other bodies, but does the UK have the will to do so?
You also state that in the way of protest this is “the first time an EU ambassador had been summoned for many years”. Do you honestly believe this is a deterrent? Has it not occurred to you to imagine what the Spaniards do with these summonses and protests? Do you think that Spanish politicians who renege on treaties and agreements are going to be too concerned with summonses and protests, when they know only too well that nothing further will be done?
Unless the UK government has a master plan and is in the process of amassing evidence for some future action to be taken, we consider your letter to VOGG is extremely condescending and offensive.
Clarification of all of the above would be greatly appreciated.
Yours sincerely
G Gingell
Defenders of Gibraltar
Below are some pictures of our Rock of Gibraltar - our land, sea and air!
Wake up UK Government this country of ours is ours and not for sale or negotiation! Do your duty and protect the integrity of British Territorial Waters!
We say to our Governor and to Mr Lidington and to the rest of the UK Government you are all failing us the people of Gibraltar! We are NOT 3rd class citizens so why do you insist in treating us differently?
We have Rights, We have a voice and we already made our CHOICE! Respect our referendum results and do your duty to protect us and we say NO MORE APPEASING TO SPAIN!
Anne-Marie Struggles
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