Gibraltar has waters and catches Spanish Drug Smugglers in our WATERS!
In the Gibraltar Chronicle

Two Spanish drug smugglers caught with over a tonne of cannabis resin worth £7m were jailed for five years and four months by the Supreme Court yesterday.
The two were arrested in July last year after they abandoned their fast launch and jumped into the sea when they were spotted by a Gibraltar Defence Police patrol boat near the Detached Mole.
Their rigid-hull inflatable boat was found loaded with 44 bales of drugs weighing 1,500 kilos.
The two men had sailed from Algeciras to Morocco to collect the drugs and took refuge in British waters after being chased by the Guardia Civil on the way back to Spain.
Father-of-two Juan Gabriel Garcia Aguera, 31, and Jesus Martin Ros, 41, both unemployed and from Algeciras, pleaded guilty to operating a fast launch, possession and possession with intent to supply the drugs.
In sentencing, additional Puisne Judge Barrington Black said the two men had played a lesser role in a wider operation. Neither of them had previous convictions for smuggling.
“With little prospect in the current climate for remunerative employment, here was an opportunity presented to you, no doubt by others, to earn some money, albeit at risk to yourselves,” Mr Justice Black said.
“I believe this episode lacked sophistication, occurred due to financial pressure, was a one off incident.”
But the judge also said that the subsidiary roles played by the two men had to be weighed against the large amount of drugs found on their vessel and the money they would have been paid if they had got across the Strait of Gibraltar undetected.
He imposed a sentence of eight years in respect of the drugs and one year for operating a fast launch, to run concurrently.
But Mr Justice Black also applied a one third deduction in recognition of their early guilty pleas and the remorse shown by the two men.
The final sentence for each of them was five years and four months.
Spanish papers -
Condenados a mas de 5 años cárcel 2 españoles por narcotráfico en Gibraltar
Algeciras (Cádiz), 19 abr (EFE).- La Corte Suprema de Gibraltar ha condenado hoy a dos ciudadanos españoles a la pena de cinco años y cuatro meses de prisión por un delito de contrabando, después de que fueran arrestados el pasado año cuando transportaban en una lancha la cantidad de 1.500 kilos de hachís.
La sentencia, a la que ha tenido acceso Efe, establece una pena inicial de ocho años para los españoles Juan Gabriel García, de 31 años; y Juan Jesús Martín, de 41 años, ambos residentes en Algeciras (Cádiz) por el delito de narcotráfico, si bien por atenuantes del reconocimiento de la culpa y del arrepentimiento, la sentencia quedó finalmente fijada en cinco años y cuatro meses, que cumplirán en la prisión de Gibraltar.
Los hechos se produjeron el pasado año, cuando los dos condenados viajaban a bordo de una lancha hinchable en aguas de la Bahía de Algeciras con un total de 1.500 kilos de hachís. Al ser advertida su presencia por la Guardia Civil, los portadores de la droga huyeron, adentrándose en aguas que Gibraltar reclama como propias.
En ese momento, los dos ciudadanos españoles fueron interceptados por una embarcación de la Policía de Gibraltar, que intervino el total de 44 fardos de hachís que portaba, los cuales arrojaron el peso de 1.500 kilos.
En la sentencia, el juez de la Corte Suprema de Gibraltar ha tenido en cuenta la ausencia de organización "sofisticada" en la comisión del delito, así como las presiones económicas sufridas por dos personas, sin empleo remunerado, y para los que el cargamento suponía "una oportunidad".
La sentencia se ha remitido también la jurisprudencia existente con otros dos españoles, Padilla y Fajardo, a los que se les impuso la misma pena por la cantidad de 1.200 kilos de hachís con la que fueron interceptados.
El juez ha ordenado también la destrucción de la embarcación y la droga intervenida. EFE
The smuggling Spain always blames Gibraltar and here is one more case that proves it is SPANISH people smuggling in OUR waters! Well at least they admit WE HAVE WATERS - TAKE NOTE UK GOVERNMENT _ HAGUE FCO!
Anne-Marie Struggles
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