Spain Still continue to do their bullying against Gibraltar.
Today back to the Guardia Civil incursions in our British Gibraltar Territorial Waters!GC being escorted off the premises this morning, NW Gib Bay photo courtesy M. Porral

No matter how much Press have covered the cruel and inhumane treatment to thousands of people caught in the queues - Spain still continues with the bullying.
Yesterday Tuesday the 30th July not only did the Spanish Guardia Civil start the queues to come into Gibraltar but then later to get into Spain!
Do the Spanish Government not realise that they are going to kill someone very soon by forcing innocent people in the thousands to sit in their cars in over 35 degrees?
Why is the United Nation for Human Rights?
Why is the European Union?
This treatment has to stop! No human being deserves to be treated in this manner! Basically there is very little difference between these Spanish actions and what terrorists have been doing all around the world!
No one from any country has the right to detain people in this manner and treat them without any care for what could happen to the babies, chiildren, the frail, elderly etc.
I guess they will only stop when someone actually dies from heat exhausation!
Below is just a bit of how the local lad's mother whose son was brutally beaten on Sunday has felt:
"My son was beaten up at the small holding station before he was taken to their central station. I was assured he was fine by the captain there. Of course I was not able to see him until he was released this afternoon. I have taken him to our own Police Station where a statement has been taken and a Forensic doctor has examined him and photographs taken. My son is , thankfully, a very strong young man but he has severe bruising on his chest, upper arms and very swollen and bleeding wrists. His knees and elbows are chaffed from being dragged across the floor. He was thrown on the floor of this small holding room face down where he was stamped on his handcuffed hands. There's more.......but is this not enough?"
So no matter how the Spanish Government can try to excuse this behaviour - there is no excuse!
What they are resorting to do is a tactic that their previous Dictor Leader Franco did to Gibraltar just before he decided to close it!
The Minister for Foreign Affairs from UK has tried to stop this bullying but it has as always reached DEAF EARS to his counterpart Mr Margallo! Spain is intent on making matters worse and be sure the next thing they will try to attack is our Bunkering business that is done in OUR waters!
Spain is in a financial crisis and in the middle of Government corruption cases - so what is hte best they can do to avoid riots to get them out of Government - target Gibraltar. In other wordsthey change the focus on what is really important to what is not!
Then we have to fight for UK Government to stand up for the people of Gibraltar and they do not - they only appease.
How can this also happen? Well what do you expect if UK Government have ministers who have no loyalty to Gibraltar like Nick Clegg who is married to a Spanish woman! He is now putting his personal life before the many thousands of us suffering daily at the hands of SPAIN!
How can anyone in their right mind expect this Minister to be unbiased! This is so wrong!
Another spineless politician!
![]() | Clegg refuses to boycott Spain over Gibraltar row - ITV News
Read Clegg refuses to boycott Spain over Gibraltar row latest on ITV News. All the Politics news
This Deputy Prime Minister has not even named his children English names - I rest my case of where his allegiances are!
Personal details | |
Born | Nicholas William Peter Clegg 7 January 1967 Chalfont St Giles, England |
Political party | Liberal Democrats |
Spouse(s) | Miriam González Durántez (2000–present) |
Children | Antonio Alberto Miguel |
Alma mater | Robinson College, Cambridge University of Minnesota, Twin Cities College of Europe |
Religion | None (agnostic)[1] |
Website | |
a. ^ Office vacant from 27 June 2007 – 11 May 2010 |
Guardia Civil boards vessel in Gib waters
Date: 31 July 2013

Guardia Civil has today again taken executive action within British
Gibraltar Territorial Waters. Civil Guard officers went on board a
Spanish-registered yacht when it was sailing between the south and the
Detatched Mole. They then took the vessel to La Linea.
a norm, the Guardia Civil reports any suspicious activity to the Royal
Gibraltar Police, but this did not happen on this occasion. A spokesman
for the RGP told GBC that in the main, both law enforcement agencies
enjoy a good working relationship. ****************************************************************************** THE TIMES SENDS STRONGLY WORDED MESSAGE TO MADRID
In an editorial entitled ‘Spain should respect Gibraltarians’ wish to be ruled from Britain’ The Times yesterday sent one of its firmest views expressed in recent decades calling on Spain to form their policies around the concept of consent.
The editorial stated:
“To be made to sit in a car for six hours in searing heat may not be the worst instance of arbitrary power but it is heavy-handed. It is what Spanish border guards have required, with rigorous searches of vehicles, in recent days at the crossing point into Gibraltar. Although the Spanish Foreign Ministry maintains that Spain has the right and obligation to exercise controls, there is little doubt about what sparked them. Gibraltar constructed an artificial reef last week to deter Spanish fishing.
The dispute between Britain and Spain over the sovereignty of Gibraltar is longstanding. It has no immediate prospect of being resolved because Britain has a democratic obligation to the Rock’s 30,000 inhabitants. They want Gibraltar to remain a British overseas territory. The British Government should uphold that wish and the Spanish Government should respect it.
Under the Treaty of Utrecht of 1713, the town and harbour of Gibraltar were ceded to Britain “to be held and enjoyed absolutely with all manner of right for ever”. No British government would insist on maintaining this provision just for a piece of rock covering two and a half square miles, however. The crucial principle is consent. Gibraltarians do not consent to a transfer of sovereignty.
Spain has every right to seek to persuade the people of Gibraltar of the advantages of such an arrangement. Nor should democratic governments in Madrid be tarnished by the record of the Franco dictatorship, which restricted movement across the frontier with Gibraltar from 1965 to 1968 and then closed it. The Government of Mariano Rajoy, however, is inviting the comparison by its behaviour. It should stop.
As partners in the EU and Nato, Britain and Spain are committed to democratic principles and have common ends. Spain needs to accept that democracy applies to Gibraltar too.”
Meanwhile -
Czech website also covered the queues.
Spor o Gibraltar: Španělé dusí Brity na hranicích
Obyvatelé Gibraltaru, kteří chtěli o víkendu opustit své ani ne 7kilometrové území, čekaly na hranic...
Australian News website channel coverage on the queues.
![]() | Gibraltar accuses Spain of causing border delays
GIBRALTAR (AFP) - Britain said it had
So now we need to enforce the full law to all those who break any of our laws as we cannot have our people illtreated and any other person either!
One example that our RGP has to enforce the law is below - So wake up RGP and do your job to this person who is blatntly getting away with unsocial behaviour, illegal fishing and illeal fishing means! That is to name but a few!
The pirate of BGTW

CM stated that the Government could not interfere and that it was a matter for the police.
The Editor,
31st July 2013.
I thought that we had heard it all, but far from it. We now have the skipper of the fishing boat ‘Divina Providencia’ using threatening language as to the removal of the concrete blocks—or else.
There are two options in dealing with this individual. Firstly his boat is in continuous violation of trespassing into BGTW and therefore must be arrested by the Police, reason the current CM stated that the Government could not interfere and that it was a matter for the police. Next instead of the huge flag being paraded, he should instead fly the Cross and Bones, after all they always call us pirates, who is the pirate now?
The outcome could then end up in an International Court of Law and this will give Spain the opportunity to tell the whole world that the 1713 Treaty is way above all other legislation, but also give our Legal representative the opportunity to request their adherence to the wording of Articles ii, vi and xi same treaty, not forgetting Treaty of Seville and Treaty of Versailles.
Yours faithfully,
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