Today is the day after our victory at sea! Our Victory at sea was hte first time that Royal Navy. Royal Gibraltar Police and Defence Police actually joined together to stop the SPANISH ARMED PARA MILITARY applying jurisdiction in our waters! But today it was revenge - Madrid told the Guardia Civil to create 8 hour queues - how low could a Democratic government who is in the EU and in Nato behave this way in which they were holding hostage thousands of people for over 6 hours in the sweltering heat! Disgusting to say the least and very sad! The worst is that 80 percent of those in the queue were their own people! —
26/07/13 6 hour queues at Frontier - The backlash!
The above are some photos that Gerald Struggles and Sheridan Borda took!
The worst is well described below:
those thinking that the artificial reefs were an unnecessary antagonism
to a belligerent neighbour who always bullies us - you are SO wrong.
There are links below for you to see how dishonest Spain is.
The fact is that Spain has created lots and lots of artificial reefs
exactly like the ones we have created - in fact there is a huge one in
Malaga which was created to stop OVER EXPLOITATION of FISH!
seems that when it actually boils down to it, they just hate anything we
do that shows we own our waters, our land, our airspace and more
those thinking that the artificial reefs were an unnecessary antagonism
to a belligerent neighbour who always bullies us - you are SO wrong.
There are links below for you to see how dishonest Spain is.
The fact is that Spain has created lots and lots of artificial reefs exactly like the ones we have created - in fact there is a huge one in Malaga which was created to stop OVER EXPLOITATION of FISH!
It seems that when it actually boils down to it, they just hate anything we do that shows we own our waters, our land, our airspace and more importantly OUR ABILITY TO DETERMINE OUR OWN FUTURE.
The fact is that Spain has created lots and lots of artificial reefs exactly like the ones we have created - in fact there is a huge one in Malaga which was created to stop OVER EXPLOITATION of FISH!
It seems that when it actually boils down to it, they just hate anything we do that shows we own our waters, our land, our airspace and more importantly OUR ABILITY TO DETERMINE OUR OWN FUTURE.

La Junta instala 25 arrecifes artificiales en la costa andaluza para evitar la sobreexplotación...
una inversión final cercana a los 12 millones de euros (25% Comunidad
Autónoma y el 75 % restante con el Fondo Europeo de Pesca).
La Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca, consciente de la necesidad de
proteger los recursos pesqueros en las zonas litorales, ha instalado 25
arrecifes artificiales en la costa andaluza en el periodo comprendido
entre 1989 y 2011. El conjunto global de estas actuaciones supone la
protección de unos 480 km cuadrados de costa y una inversión final
cercana a los 12 millones de euros (25% Comunidad Autónoma y el 75 %
restante con el Fondo Europeo de Pesca).
Para la consejera de Agricultura y Pesca, esta actuación convierte a Andalucía en un territorio que apuesta por la protección del medio marino, al tiempo que se potencia el sector pesquero artesanal, más selectivo, permitiendo la regeneración de los recursos pesqueros y su explotación racional.
De esta forma, con la instalación de estos arrecifes se contribuye a proteger las zonas de costa, algunas de ellas de elevado interés biológico y pesquero, sometidas a una sobreexplotación de los recursos mediante prácticas de pesca no permitidas.
En este sentido, la principal finalidad que tienen estos arrecifes es disuasoria, ya que su instalación evita que se desarrollen actividades pesqueras como el arrastre en fondos no autorizados, preservando, de esta forma, el valor ecológico de los mismos y potenciando la fase de alevinaje de muchas especies de interés pesquero. En definitiva, se produce un incremento de los recursos pesqueros litorales y se favorece una explotación sostenible de los caladeros.
Para la instalación de estos arrecifes, que se construyen a partir de módulos, se utiliza hormigón armado como material básico debido, fundamentalmente, a la porosidad y rugosidad del material y a su efectividad tanto en su construcción como en el transporte, instalación y permanencia en el fondo. Antes de colocar un arrecife artificial, hay que construir los módulos de hormigón armado y transportarlos, para luego proceder a su instalación bajo el mar. Para terminar, se realiza la comprobación mediante sónar de barrido lateral de que se han instalado correctamente.
Arrecifes artificiales en Huelva, Granada y Málaga
En la costa de Huelva, Granada y Málaga se trabaja en la instalación de arrecifes artificiales con fines disuasorios. En el caso de Huelva, el proyecto de Mantenimiento y Refuerzo del Arrecife Artificial ‘Desembocadura del Río Guadalquivir’, ubicado al norte de la desembocadura de dicho río, frente a la costa del Parque Nacional de Doñana (Huelva), tiene como objetivo el mantenimiento y refuerzo de este arrecife para evitar que se desarrollen actividades pesqueras como el arrastre en fondos no autorizados y, de esta forma, preservar el valor ecológico de los mismos.
Dicho arrecife está ya instalado y, próximamente, se comprobará el correcto posicionamiento de los módulos fondeados mediante el uso de un sónar de barrido lateral.
Igualmente, el arrecife artificial de Calahonda (Granada) cumple con los objetivos de protección, regeneración y desarrollo de los recursos pesqueros al tiempo que frena el deterioro de las praderas de fanerógamas con un alto valor ecológico para ayudar a la recuperación del hábitat y de los organismos integrantes de estos ecosistemas.
Otro de los arrecifes artificiales instalado recientemente (marzo 2009) es el de Algarrobo (Málaga), ubicado frente a la costa de esta localidad, y que cumple con los objetivos de protección, regeneración y desarrollo de los recursos pesqueros.
Para la consejera de Agricultura y Pesca, esta actuación convierte a Andalucía en un territorio que apuesta por la protección del medio marino, al tiempo que se potencia el sector pesquero artesanal, más selectivo, permitiendo la regeneración de los recursos pesqueros y su explotación racional.
De esta forma, con la instalación de estos arrecifes se contribuye a proteger las zonas de costa, algunas de ellas de elevado interés biológico y pesquero, sometidas a una sobreexplotación de los recursos mediante prácticas de pesca no permitidas.
En este sentido, la principal finalidad que tienen estos arrecifes es disuasoria, ya que su instalación evita que se desarrollen actividades pesqueras como el arrastre en fondos no autorizados, preservando, de esta forma, el valor ecológico de los mismos y potenciando la fase de alevinaje de muchas especies de interés pesquero. En definitiva, se produce un incremento de los recursos pesqueros litorales y se favorece una explotación sostenible de los caladeros.
Para la instalación de estos arrecifes, que se construyen a partir de módulos, se utiliza hormigón armado como material básico debido, fundamentalmente, a la porosidad y rugosidad del material y a su efectividad tanto en su construcción como en el transporte, instalación y permanencia en el fondo. Antes de colocar un arrecife artificial, hay que construir los módulos de hormigón armado y transportarlos, para luego proceder a su instalación bajo el mar. Para terminar, se realiza la comprobación mediante sónar de barrido lateral de que se han instalado correctamente.
Arrecifes artificiales en Huelva, Granada y Málaga
En la costa de Huelva, Granada y Málaga se trabaja en la instalación de arrecifes artificiales con fines disuasorios. En el caso de Huelva, el proyecto de Mantenimiento y Refuerzo del Arrecife Artificial ‘Desembocadura del Río Guadalquivir’, ubicado al norte de la desembocadura de dicho río, frente a la costa del Parque Nacional de Doñana (Huelva), tiene como objetivo el mantenimiento y refuerzo de este arrecife para evitar que se desarrollen actividades pesqueras como el arrastre en fondos no autorizados y, de esta forma, preservar el valor ecológico de los mismos.
Dicho arrecife está ya instalado y, próximamente, se comprobará el correcto posicionamiento de los módulos fondeados mediante el uso de un sónar de barrido lateral.
Igualmente, el arrecife artificial de Calahonda (Granada) cumple con los objetivos de protección, regeneración y desarrollo de los recursos pesqueros al tiempo que frena el deterioro de las praderas de fanerógamas con un alto valor ecológico para ayudar a la recuperación del hábitat y de los organismos integrantes de estos ecosistemas.
Otro de los arrecifes artificiales instalado recientemente (marzo 2009) es el de Algarrobo (Málaga), ubicado frente a la costa de esta localidad, y que cumple con los objetivos de protección, regeneración y desarrollo de los recursos pesqueros.

Ministry for the Environment webpage with a listing of all artificial
reefs laid out in their coast which you can access by clicking ''Ver
listado de arrecifes gestionados por las CCAA'' available in the initial
page that appears in this link.

Ecologia Verde website recommends it.
So going back to the cruelty and inhumane behaviour today below are some pictures - courtesy Bianca Baglietto
afternoon after getting home from the beach i decided to walk down to
Catalan Bay with my camera ... my aim was to capture the inhumane
suffering that the Spanish government is causing their own people.
Children, elderly and pregnant women were stuck in the blistering heat
for over 7hrs, why well because they decided to come to Gibraltar for
the day. I lost count of the number of people that were taken to
hospital both young and old again through no fault of their own. Feel
free to share the images either the whole set or individual photos,
everyone needs to see this not just the cars lined up but the actual
people that are in them. Mothers with young children abandoning their
husbands and vehicle's and opting to walk from Catalan Bay to the
You will see
A poor little girl was really
A policeman = Moving rocks so that this
elderly man could get home as he had a pacemaker and needed his
Policeman - After speaking with a lady she was just trying to get
back into Spain as she needed to take her meds, as shes suffering
from High Blood Pressure due to the pregnancy
You will see the ambulance - A young
man was taken to hospital (one of many)
A poor little girl was really
A policeman = Moving rocks so that this
elderly man could get home as he had a pacemaker and needed his
Policeman - After speaking with a lady she was just trying to get
back into Spain as she needed to take her meds, as shes suffering
from High Blood Pressure due to the pregnancy
You will see the ambulance - A young
man was taken to hospital (one of many)
4 hour queues at frontier caused by Spanish guardia civil. Children thirsty, elderly suffering, pregnant women in pain. How can you keep people in the searing heat like this? Shame on Spain. Shame
Photo courtesy Gareth Gingell

Another comments -
Que gobierno ordena que se hagan colas?? Gibraltar o madrid ? creo que los culpables son los de Madrid,ya que no tienen ni pu idea de que es esto,de como convivimos,de como estamos codo con codo,de como nos ayudamos y beneficiamos mutuamente... Gracias a Madrid y su politica de exteriores,la linea y el campo de Gibraltar,estan como estan.. la zona mas desamparada por el paro de toda Espania... Aqui se da trabajo,se ayuda economicamente a la linea,con proyectos como el parque de las tablas... y esto que ha pasado hoy,no es nada nuevo..cuando no es el tema de la pesca,es el del tabaco,y cuando no es ese,es otro..asi llevamos muchas decadas ya,o esque a la gente se le olvida que pararon hasta el oxigeno para el hospital de entrar por esa frontera.Ahora diran que somos malos,tirando bloques de cemento al mar,para que no se pueda pesacar...esque esa es la respuesta facil,para intentar de hacernos quedar como los malos de la pelicula..cuando en realidad, es para la proteccion del medio ambiente marino...tal como se hizo en las costas de Malaga y Granada entre otras en el 2011..y entonces,no se oyeron las quejas ,como se estan escuchando ahora,pq la diferencia es que en el 2011 lo ordeno la junta,y ayer lo ordeno el gobierno de Gibraltar...
Another person photo and comment:
If you have a problem with anyone you try to sort it out with them, that is if you have any decency about you,
you do not involve others in your arguments,
So why do the spanish government involve innocent men women and children and put them though hell!,
up to 4 to 5 hours fronter queues in this heat is inhuman to say the least,
Iam sorry for saying this but you lot who are the spanish government
you really do need to grow up and stop this madness against your own
people or have you no decency!!
I call on you to show some human kindness and decency before its to late,
You are only hurting your own people
Do what you are supposed to do Rule and run your Country,
up you now your are making a complete mess of it,
I also call on the british government please help the people and the
government of Gibraltar and put an end to this madness now, iam an ex
service man who served his country, so mr Cameron its your turn to help
me and the people of Gibraltar who have also served the british crown
for centuries, don't let these MAD men walk all over you.
Another person photo and comment:
Melvin Chellaram
!! Families with kids in the heat! Over 4 hours in queue how barbaric
can politicians be to their own people. Cruel and Inhumane ! Bullies is
an understatement. Long live Gibraltar and Gibraltarians who are
generous, kind, compassionate, loving and caring individuals who fight
hate with love, fire with water, and cruelty with kindness. Hats off to
Mr Gareth Gingell and Co. for being human and bringing water to the
So what is our message to the SPANISH government after all the bullying and inhumane act done today?
assured we the people of Gibraltar will never surrender in fact SPAIN
is making a bigger mistake than ever - they are making us stronger as a
How do the Spanish Guardia Civil cause such big queues?
easy - there is supposed to be a green lane and a red lane. Green
equals nothing to declare, Red equals something to declare.
Today we saw that the green lane was used to queue the cars but every single car had to go to teh red lane to be searched.
Guardia Civil searched every car one by one but in groups of 3. But
until all 3 were searched - no more cars could move in the green lane -
until the cars in the red were searched and left and then they would add
another 3 and each time stopping any other movement!
aim of hte Spanish Government giving these orders is to not only make
traffic chaos in our land but to ensure no more toursist come to our
country! The worst is they do not and did not care about the sweltering
heat for their own people and that included Children, the elderly and
pregnant women!
also did not care that they had spanish workers who came to Gibraltar
at 6.00am to work still in the queue for six hours after they finished
The attempt to bring Gibraltar to its knees! Traffic blocked eventually at certain areas!
should recognise that we are in the year 2013 and we live in a true
democracy and they are in the EU and in Nato and this behaviour is
barbaric to say the least!
So join us in showing the world that SPAIN is behaving in an inhumane way!
If you have a problem with anyone you try to sort it out with them, that is if you have any decency about you,
you do not involve others in your arguments,
So why do the spanish government involve innocent men women and children and put them though hell!,
up to 4 to 5 hours fronter queues in this heat is inhuman to say the least,
Iam sorry for saying this but you lot who are the spanish government you really do need to grow up and stop this madness against your own people or have you no decency!!
I call on you to show some human kindness and decency before its to late,
You are only hurting your own people
Do what you are supposed to do Rule and run your Country,
up you now your are making a complete mess of it,
I also call on the british government please help the people and the government of Gibraltar and put an end to this madness now, iam an ex service man who served his country, so mr Cameron its your turn to help me and the people of Gibraltar who have also served the british crown for centuries, don't let these MAD men walk all over you.
you do not involve others in your arguments,
So why do the spanish government involve innocent men women and children and put them though hell!,
up to 4 to 5 hours fronter queues in this heat is inhuman to say the least,
Iam sorry for saying this but you lot who are the spanish government you really do need to grow up and stop this madness against your own people or have you no decency!!
I call on you to show some human kindness and decency before its to late,
You are only hurting your own people
Do what you are supposed to do Rule and run your Country,
up you now your are making a complete mess of it,
I also call on the british government please help the people and the government of Gibraltar and put an end to this madness now, iam an ex service man who served his country, so mr Cameron its your turn to help me and the people of Gibraltar who have also served the british crown for centuries, don't let these MAD men walk all over you.

Another person photo and comment:
Melvin Chellaram
Ridiculous !! Families with kids in the heat! Over 4 hours in queue how barbaric can politicians be to their own people. Cruel and Inhumane ! Bullies is an understatement. Long live Gibraltar and Gibraltarians who are generous, kind, compassionate, loving and caring individuals who fight hate with love, fire with water, and cruelty with kindness. Hats off to Mr Gareth Gingell and Co. for being human and bringing water to the needy!
So what is our message to the SPANISH government after all the bullying and inhumane act done today?

assured we the people of Gibraltar will never surrender in fact SPAIN
is making a bigger mistake than ever - they are making us stronger as a
How do the Spanish Guardia Civil cause such big queues?
easy - there is supposed to be a green lane and a red lane. Green
equals nothing to declare, Red equals something to declare.
Today we saw that the green lane was used to queue the cars but every single car had to go to teh red lane to be searched.
Guardia Civil searched every car one by one but in groups of 3. But
until all 3 were searched - no more cars could move in the green lane -
until the cars in the red were searched and left and then they would add
another 3 and each time stopping any other movement!
aim of hte Spanish Government giving these orders is to not only make
traffic chaos in our land but to ensure no more toursist come to our
country! The worst is they do not and did not care about the sweltering
heat for their own people and that included Children, the elderly and
pregnant women!
also did not care that they had spanish workers who came to Gibraltar
at 6.00am to work still in the queue for six hours after they finished

The attempt to bring Gibraltar to its knees! Traffic blocked eventually at certain areas!
should recognise that we are in the year 2013 and we live in a true
democracy and they are in the EU and in Nato and this behaviour is
barbaric to say the least!
So join us in showing the world that SPAIN is behaving in an inhumane way!
Anne-Marie Struggles
Anne-Marie Struggles
As a Gibraltarian now living in Canada - I am still discussed by the treatment of Gibraltar by their unfriendly neighbours.
ReplyDeleteYour posts really do show the issue but not the true extent of it :(
Some one form outside of Gibraltar (eg UK politicians etc) cant see the true extent of this as they amy not be savvy to the locations in the photos.
Help them understand more by producing a map which shows (in red for example) the grid lock.
Much like a path showing where people must join the queue and flow though in order to reach the cause (border).
This will surely help show the true extent of the issue!
Keep up the great work - you are supported here in Canada too!
Chris Bennett / Toronto, ON. Canada
News for you all, Spain is not a democracy,it likes to think it is,but it ain´t,and I should know I have the misfortune to be stuck living here!
Spain has gone from Franco's FASCISM to plain FASCISM and is trying to make Britain give up what belongs to Britain by intimidation and idle threats. Now in league with FASCIST Aregentina they hope to sway the opinion of the naive the world over to their. First let SPAIN Return Melil and Ceuta to Morocca, then we can start any discussion.
ReplyDeleteAs for la putana Cristina Fernandaz de Kirchner she should go back to her Bordello in Buenes AiresRe