More on the suffering of the people caught in the cruel queues created by Guardia Civil on orders by their Government!
So Spain tried again to bring Gibraltar to our knees! Did it work? No of course not!
Spain always underestimate our strength and courage! They underestimate our UNITY in a crisis like this!
When other human beings are mistreated we the people of Gibraltar rise up like we have done for many centuries now! Hence the reason why we are still BRITISH and yet proud to be GIBRALTARIAN!
SO what has happened this last weekend - my comparison is equal not to just a bully but a spoilt bully at that! The spoilt bully throws a tantrum when it does not get its way so then goes on to cause harm not thinking of the consequences!
So what did we see? People suffering in the heat as they were FORCED to wai in a queue created deliberately and with the sole intention of causing HARM!
Spanish Government have given a very poor and weak excuse of smuggling as their reason! If it were not so serious one could laugh at this incorrect accusation!
The Spanish Government try to brainwash people to believe a myth of the amount of smuggling done by a small group of SPANISH people who are trying to earn some money passing some packets of tobacco all day! These persons are labelled as "Matuteras"
By no way am I agreeing with this act but as I say until you walk in the shoes of the persons - we are no one to judge! But if you are well educated and nowadays many more people are - use the internet and do the research and the mathematics like many of us have done already!
No matter if this group continued or not it would take them a year to be able to reach the real problem of tobacco smuggling that SPAIN does suffer but not because of Gibraltar but rather at much bigger ports like ALGECIRAS, VALENCIA and yes even ANDORRA to name just a few. Here is the real and biggest problem of the so called tobacco smuggling - everyday thousands no millions of euros worth of smuggled tabacco in containers make its way into SPAIN with no issue! By no issue I am stating - no queues or delys in traffic - ships and people - all day - every day - all YEAR round! These are the ports that have certain MAFIA families controlling their entries and exits.
Don't believe me Google it! Do not be brainwashed! Be a searcher of TRUTH and JUSTICE! Be a part of the world to make a difference - stand up and be counted and do not remain blind and death and dumb to the truths around you!
So moving on to the injustices suffered by human beings! Animals I think were treated better than how people were treated this last weekend by the SPANISH Government and the weak follower of commands - The Guardia Civil should grow some B*lls and speak out and refuse to obey orders that are unjust and merciless!
I personally saw hundreds suffering in the heat across all ages each and every minute and second they were stuck in the queue! I am talking about the elderly, the frail, the sick, the children, the babies, the pregnant mothers and the disabled! Yes and even the very brave young and old men and women who did not fall into that category and yet suffered trying to calm their family, friends and children.
Below are some more pics taken by T Bickerstaff.
When the tactic changed to stop and harass people ENTERING GIBRALTAR!

From this photo down was the queue before they changed the tactic to focus on the entry to Gibraltar.

So now - please help us and do the below - from other countries - please send your complaints to your own Minister of Europe or your contact of the United Nations of HUMAN RIGHTS!

About the local lad who was treated like an animal - here is the PHOTO of the Century!
Courtesy of the GSLP youth section
The photo that captures a thousands words without speaking them out loud!

This Gentleman who is the Gibraltar Representative of United Nations for Human Rights was with the family of hte local lad offering help and support yesterday and today in the Spanish Courts.
Bryan Zammit

So all in all we have come out stronger an dmore determined than ever to stand up for our RIGHTS!
So thank you Government of Spain you have done us all a good thing - no hay mal que por bien no sea!
Anne-Marie Struggles
I agree!!! Finally, when the s**t has hit the fan, at least and at last, people are being made aware of our situation. The more they try to hurt us, the stronger they make us!!!!!!!