The onslaught against Gibraltar from Spain
If there was ever any doubt how much Spanish Government
hates Gibraltar and its people – the behaviour of their government in the last
year leaves no doubt to anyone’s mind!
Their onslaught attacks to discredit our country - our
government – our laws and our people is more than just playground childish tactics.
We are in the 21st Century both Spain and Gibraltar are in the
European Union and both could do more for each other if only they stopped
making their claim to our country and used any possible means to make their
claim and use it against us!
Spain is constantly trying to undermine our laws and push a
sovereignty claim with total disregard about OUR VOICE - OUR CHOICE AND OUR
RIGHTS! This is now beyond a joke – it is against our basic human right of
Freedom of choice! It is against what DEMOCRACY stands for!
All high-level dealings between London and Madrid have been overshadowed by the Spanish Government’s insistence in using those meetings to raise any issues about Gibraltar. Spanish Government know full well that those meetings are NOT for raising Gibraltar as that should be raised in the tripartite talks! This PP spanish government has not only stopped tripartite talks but even the agreements made in the Cordoba agreement.
Repeated challenges to British sovereignty have been rebuffed by us – the Gibraltar's residents, who rejected the idea of Spanish rule in referendums in 1967 and 2002.
The current Spanish government under Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy stepped up pressure earlier this year in talks with David Cameron during which he demanded Gibraltar back, an invitation the British prime minister declined.
Queen Sofia of Spain then took Mr Rajoy's advice earlier this month and declined an invitation to Windsor Castle to attend a lunch to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.
El Pais newspaper in Spain said the snub was in response to a forthcoming trip to Gibraltar by Prince Edward.
Giles Chichester, another Tory MEP whose South West euro-constituency includes Gibraltar, commented: “Gibraltar is under British rule and that is how it will stay for the foreseeable future. The Spanish are being irrational and need to get a grip. What happens in Gibraltar, frankly, is not the responsibility of the Spanish”.
Fellow Tory MEP for Gibraltar Ashley Fox said he had written to the European Commission to condemn “this latest act of provocation” by Spain.
”This is simply another case of the Spanish government trying to divert public attention away from the problems with their economy. The Spanish need to accept that Gibraltar is allowed to govern its own waters.
All high-level dealings between London and Madrid have been overshadowed by the Spanish Government’s insistence in using those meetings to raise any issues about Gibraltar. Spanish Government know full well that those meetings are NOT for raising Gibraltar as that should be raised in the tripartite talks! This PP spanish government has not only stopped tripartite talks but even the agreements made in the Cordoba agreement.
Repeated challenges to British sovereignty have been rebuffed by us – the Gibraltar's residents, who rejected the idea of Spanish rule in referendums in 1967 and 2002.
The current Spanish government under Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy stepped up pressure earlier this year in talks with David Cameron during which he demanded Gibraltar back, an invitation the British prime minister declined.
Queen Sofia of Spain then took Mr Rajoy's advice earlier this month and declined an invitation to Windsor Castle to attend a lunch to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.
El Pais newspaper in Spain said the snub was in response to a forthcoming trip to Gibraltar by Prince Edward.
Giles Chichester, another Tory MEP whose South West euro-constituency includes Gibraltar, commented: “Gibraltar is under British rule and that is how it will stay for the foreseeable future. The Spanish are being irrational and need to get a grip. What happens in Gibraltar, frankly, is not the responsibility of the Spanish”.
Fellow Tory MEP for Gibraltar Ashley Fox said he had written to the European Commission to condemn “this latest act of provocation” by Spain.
”This is simply another case of the Spanish government trying to divert public attention away from the problems with their economy. The Spanish need to accept that Gibraltar is allowed to govern its own waters.
The “Get tough on Gibraltar” a policy from Mr Rajoy has to come to a
halt. Spain has its' own colonial enclaves in North Africa - so we find the claim
on Gibraltar to be very hypocritical to say the very least. Maybe we should
start to openly support the Moroccans in their claim for the return of Ceuta,
Melila and the other outposts of Spain in North Africa.
The fishing dispute raises an interesting paradox - Spain says that
Gibraltar does not have any territorial waters. How strange that the ONLY place
to fish around the Iberian Peninsula is adjacent to Gibraltar. The Spanish
fishermen want to fish in Gibraltar waters because they can't fish in the
waters off Algeciras because the nets they use are illegal under Spanish law.
So the GC are protecting them in one place and at the same time arresting other
fishermen near Marbella for doing the same thing as they are encouraging off
was under Moorish rule for 700 years until the 15th century, when it was
conquered by the Duke of Medina Sidonia.
In 1704,
during the War of the Spanish Succession, the British navy captured Gibraltar.
Most of the town's citizens left the city.
In the
treaty of Utrecht in 1713, Spain ceded Gibraltar to the UK. The phrase used was
'in perpetuity', words which mean Eternity – Endlessness, Permanence, Infinity,
Timelessness, Time without end or all time.
this, Spain continued to covet The Rock and made several attempts to regain its
control, the most famous of which being the Great Siege of 1779-1783.
the Napoleonic Wars, Spain and Great Britain became allies and the Spanish
relinquished their claim over Gibraltar.
In 1954,
Queen Elizabeth II visited Gibraltar. This was to spark a renewed claim by
Spain to the sovereignty of Gibraltar. Franco, dictator of Spain at the time,
imposed restrictions on movement between Gibraltar and Spain. In 1967 a
referendum was held in Gibraltar regarding the colony's sovereignty - the
overwhelming majority voted to remain British. Two years later, Franco closes
the border between Gibraltar and Spain. In 1982 the restrictions were partially
lifted and in 1985 the border was fully reopened.
More of
our hoistroy below from our government website
History -
When you first see the Rock of Gibraltar, whether it is from the air, from the sea or from the Costa del Sol , it is its impressive stature, towering isolated above the surrounding countryside, that causes the greatest impact. It has had this effect on people for many thousands of years. Gibraltar is a beacon which signals the position of the Strait of Gibraltar, the narrow neck which separates Europe from Africa and provides the only link between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Through the following text you will be given a dated account of all the historical moments of importance involving Gibraltar. Pre History
African Plate collided tightly with Europe some 55 million years ago. The
Mediterranean became a lake which, in the course of time, dried up until 5
million years ago when the Atlantic broke through the Strait of Gibraltar and
flooded it again, isolating the Rock of Jurassic limestone.
940 BC
The Phoenicians follow other navigators
from the eastern Mediterranean in visiting the Strait and found the city
Carteia at the head of the Bay of Gibraltar. The Rock becomes a place of
worship where sailors sacrifice to the gods before entering the Atlantic.
711 AD
It happened in the month of April in
the year 711 AD. Following the death of the prophet Mohammed a wave of
Islamic conquest overran North Africa from Arabia. By 710 AD it had reached
the shores of the Strait and Europe was poised for the Islamic conquest.
There are various versions of the events but one thing is clear - the
Visgoths who had deposed the Romans and ruled Spain were weak and divided.
The Visgothic Count Julian who ruled over Ceuta in North Africa was
surrounded and he had a score to settle with his compatriots on the other
side of the Strait. So, to divert the Muslims, he offered to assist them in
the conquest of Spain.
The assault was down to a Berber chief,
Tarik-ibn-Ziyad, the Governor of Tangier. He sailed across the Strait by
night, from Ceuta not Tangier so as not to arouse suspicion and used
Visgothic ships. His first attempt on Algeciras failed but he was successful
in landing undetected on Gibraltar.
Following the Moslem General Tarik
successful landing on the Rock, he assembles his forces before defeating the
Gothic King Roderick, and entering into the conquest of Spain. Gibraltar
becomes known as Jebal Tarik (Mountain of Tarik) from which it takes its
present name.
1160 AD
By the 11th Century AD Gibraltar is
part of the Arab kingdom of Seville except for a short period when it comes
under Berber rule from Malaga. The mounting threat of invasion by North Africa
sects forces the Arab Governor of Algeciras to order in 1068 the building of
a fort in Gibraltar. Spain is eventually overrun by another North African
sect, the Almohads, and it was their leader, Abd-ad-Mummin, who commanded the
building of the first city in Gibraltar - the Medinat al-Fath, the City of
Victory. It was by all accounts, an impressive city and its foundations were
laid on the 19th May 1160 AD. On completion of the works Al - Mummin
personally crossed the Strait to inspect the works and stayed in Gibraltar
for two months, inviting all his subordinate kings to see his works. It is
said that Al - Mummin was especially impressed by a large windmill which had
been built on top of the hill (Windmill Hill).
Skirmishing and fighting continued
between 1160 and 1300, among Muslims or between Muslims and Christians. 1252
left only two Islamic kingdoms in Spain, in Murcia and Granada. By the year
1309, King Ferdinand IV had laid siege on Algeciras and, learning of Arab
weaknesses on the Rock sent Alonso Perez de Guzman to capture it. Thus
Gibraltar endured its first siege. The Spaniards took the Upper Rock from where
they bombarded the town using cannons. The garrison surrendered after one
month. Gibraltar then had 1500 inhabitants and they were allowed to leave for
North Africa.
1333 AD
The Spaniards set to repair the
fortifications and shipyard but few people wanted to settle in Gibraltar,
which was considered to be a high risk town. This forced Ferdinand to offer
freedom from justice to anyone who lived in Gibraltar for one year and one
day. By 1333 Gibraltar was once more in Muslim hands as Abdul Malik, son of the
King of Morocco, laid siege. The garrison surrendered after four and a half
months of siege.
1374 AD
Gibraltar becomes part of the Muslim
Kingdom of Granada.
1462 AD
Gibraltar is recaptured by Castille and
became part of the estates of the Duke of Medina Sidonia.
1492 AD
The Catholic King Ferdinand and Queen
Isabella conquer Granada, the last vestige of the Muslim domination of Spain.
The Jews are expelled from Spain and many pass through Gibraltar on their way
into exile in North Africa.
1501 AD It was Queen Isabella who, tired of the petty squabbling among her nobility, issued a decree on the 2nd December 1501 AD, making Gibraltar, Spanish crown property. 1502 AD
Queen Isabella grants Gibraltar a coat
of arms consisting of a castle, which symbolises its importance as a
fortress, and a key which highlights its reputation as the key to Spain,
which it has held since the time of Moslem conquest.
1540 AD
By the middle of the sixteenth century
a new kind of conflict had arisen as Corsairs from the coast of Barbary,
under their infamous leader Barbarossa, hounded the zone. In the summer of
1540 a large fleet of pirates assembled and raided the poorly defended
Gibraltar. Years later, after mounting pressure from the inhabitants of
Gibraltar, the Emperor Charles V ordered the Italian engineer Calvi to build
a protective wall. This wall was extended to reach the top of the Rock in the
reign of Philip II some years later.
1606 AD
The Moriscos (the descendants of the
Moslem inhabitants in Spain) are expelled and many pass through Gibraltar on
their way into exile in North Africa.
1704 AD
Life continued at a slow pace until the beginning of the eighteenth century. Then, on the 17th July 1704, a council of war was held aboard the English warship Royal Catherine off the North African town of Tetuan. Four days later the English fleet, under Admiral Sir George Rooke, entered the Gibraltar Bay. At 3pm 1,800 English and Dutch marines were landed on the isthmus with the Dutch Prince Hesse at the head. Gibraltar was cut off but the Governor of Gibraltar refused to surrender. The days that followed saw a massive bombardment of the town by the English fleet on the morning of the 23rd, 1,500 shots were fired in 5-6 hours against the town. Landings took place in the south and in the morning of the 24th, the Governor capitulated.
So in this way a joint Anglo-Dutch
force captured Gibraltar, on behalf of Charles of Austria who was pretender
to the throne of Spain. Things took a while to settle down. Shortly after the
capture a Spanish goatherd, Simon Susarte, led 500 Spanish troops to Europa
Advance on the south-eastern side of the Rock and then killed the guard. They
moved to the Upper Rock and spent the night in St Michael's Cave. The next
morning they attacked the Signal Station but the alarm was raised and the English
counter-attacked. 160 prisoners were taken including a colonel and thirty
other officers; the rest were killed trying to escape.
1705 AD
Gibraltar is declared a 'free port',
which leads to its development as an important international trading centre.
1707 AD
The first British Governor is appointed
and takes up residence in the Convent of the Franciscan Friars.
1713 AD
Spain under the Terms of the Treaty of
Utrecht cedes Gibraltar to Britain in perpetuity.
1727 AD
Skirmishes and attacks continued for a
while. By 1726 trading between Gibraltar and Spain had resumed. Then, early
in 1727 the Spaniards laid the 13th siege on the Rock but after several
unsuccessful and costly attempts gave up in June of the same year.
1779 AD to 1783 AD
The final military siege on Gibraltar
followed many years later, in 1779. On this occasion the Spaniards and French
combined forces and launched a massive onslaught, which was to last close to
four years. It was a siege, known as the Great Siege, which was to test the
ingenuity and will to survive of the garrison. The galleries were dug during
this time, as Sergeant Major Ince attempted to drill a tunnel to place a gun
in a vantage point on the Rock. On tunnelling sideways to make ventilations
he realised that these exits would make perfect gun positions. Later, a
Lieutenant Koehler designed a carriage, which allowed guns on the cliffs to
be directly pointed down at the enemy. Accounts of the siege are full of
vivid stories of survival and daring. On the 21st November, 1781, the
defenders of the garrison took the offensive and caught the enemy batteries
on the isthmus by surprise, destroying them and setting back their progress:
this event is commemorated as the Sortie.
1782 AD
Work starts on the Great Siege Tunnels
which became the great and complex system of underground fortifications which
today criss-cross the inside of the Rock. After the Siege, the fortifications
were rebuilt and, in the following century, the walls were lined with
Portland stone which gives them their present white appearance.
1784 AD
The war with Spain ends after the
Treaty of Versailles is signed.
1793 AD to 1815 AD
The French revolutionary and Napoleonic
Wars lead to a big increase in the trade, prosperity and population of
Gibraltar. The town, which had been destroyed in the Great Siege, is rebuilt.
1805 AD
The great yellow fever epidemic, over a
third of the civilian population die.
1810 AD
The Spanish fortifications at the
frontier are demolished as Britain and Spain are allies in the War against
Napoleon. Free access across the frontier is established.
1830 AD
Gibraltar is declared a Crown Colony.
The Royal Gibraltar Police is established.
1848 AD
A skull was found in the Forbes's
Quarry at the foot of the sheer north face of the Rock of Gibraltar. Nobody
knew it at the time but it belonged not to a modern human, like us, but to a
prehistoric form. It was sent to the UK where it was conserved. Eight years
later in the Neander Valley near Dusseldorf in Germany another was found
giving this human its name - instead of Gibraltar Man it became Neanderthal
The construction of the dockyards
1922 AD
The City Council is established and the
first elections are held in Gibraltar.
1940 AD
As a consequence of the Second World
War, which broke out in 1939, the civilian population is evacuated to
Britain, Jamaica and Madeira, in order for Gibraltar to be fortified against
the possibility of a German attack. By 1942 there are over 30,000 British
soldiers, sailors and airmen on the Rock. The repatriation of the civilians started
in 1944 and proceeded for some six years although the majority had returned
by 1946
1950 AD
Gibraltar's first Legislative Council
is opened.
1967 AD
A referendum is held and the
Gibraltarians overwhelmingly vote for continuing their association with
1969 AD
Franco closes the Frontier in pursuit
of his claim for Gibraltar.
1982 AD
In 1982, ships were refitted for the
Falklands campaign and Gibraltar became a stopover for ships and troops.
1983 AD
Spain reopens the frontier for pedestrians
1985 AD
The frontier with Spain is opened
fully. Gibraltar's trade and population thrive. Its inhabitants live
harmoniously in a peaceful and unique multi-cultural society
1991 AD
As in 1982, Gibraltar served a similar
function during the Gulf War. The Rock, the beacon which attracted the
Gibraltarians over the ages, retains its power and charms as it looks towards
the 21st Century.
Furthermore they are breaking many of the laws in the
European Charter in the preamble from the European Parliament. Do not take my
word for it read the below for yourselves and then you can understand how wrong
and illegal Spain’s constant bullying and harassment is to Gibraltar and how
The European Union and their MEPs are turning a blind eye to what is happening
right before their very eyes! I urge all of you readers out there to write to
your own MEPs and stand up and fight for our liberation from the Spanish Oppression
from the Spanish Government in Madrid!
Reference to
the European Charter in the preamble in European Parliament.
Article 6
Right to liberty and security
Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person.
Article 11
Freedom of expression and information
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall
include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and
ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.
2. The freedom and pluralism of the media shall be respected.
Article 12
Freedom of assembly and of association
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to
freedom of association at all levels, in particular in political, trade union
and civic matters, which implies
Article 20
Equality before the law
Everyone is equal before the law.
Article 21
1. Any discrimination based on any ground such as sex, race, colour,
ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief,
political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property,
birth, disability, age or sexual orientation shall be prohibited. 2. Within the
scope of application of the Treaty establishing the European Community and of
the Treaty on European Union, and without prejudice to the special provisions
of those Treaties, any discrimination on grounds of nationality shall be
Article 37
Environmental protection
A high level of environmental protection and the improvement of the
quality of the environment must be integrated into the policies of the Union
and ensured in accordance with the principle of sustainable development.
Article 41
Right to good
1. Every person has the right to have his or her affairs handled
impartially, fairly and within a reasonable time by the institutions and bodies
of the Union.
2. This right includes:
The right of every person to be heard, before any
individual measure which would affect him or her adversely is taken;
The right of every person to have access to his
or her file, while respecting the legitimate interests of confidentiality and
of professional and business secrecy;
The obligation of the administration to give
reasons for its decisions.
3. Every person has the right to have the Community make good any
damage caused by its institutions or by its servants in the performance of
their duties, in accordance with the general principles common to the laws of
the Member States.
4. Every person may write to the institutions of the Union
in one of the languages of the Treaties and must have an answer in the same
Article 44
Right to petition
Any citizen of the Union and any natural or legal person residing or
having its registered office in a Member
State has the right to
petition the European Parliament.
Article 45
Freedom of movement and
of residence
1. Every citizen of the Union has the right to move and reside freely
within the territory of the Member States.
2. Freedom of movement and residence may be granted, in accordance
with the Treaty establishing the European Community, to nationals of third
countries legally resident in the territory of a Member State.
Article 52
Scope of guaranteed
1. Any limitation on the exercise of the rights and freedoms
recognised by this Charter must be provided for by law and respect the essence
of those rights and freedoms. Subject to the principle of proportionality,
limitations may be made only if they are necessary and genuinely meet
objectives of general interest recognised by the Union or the need to protect
the rights and freedoms of others.
2. Rights recognised by this Charter which are based on the Community
Treaties or the Treaty on European Union shall be exercised under the
conditions and within the limits defined by those Treaties.
3. In so far as this Charter contains rights which correspond to
rights guaranteed by the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and
Fundamental Freedoms, the meaning and scope of those rights shall be the same
as those laid down by the said Convention. This provision shall not prevent
Union law providing more extensive protection.
Article 53
Level of protection
Nothing in this Charter shall be interpreted as restricting or
adversely affecting human rights and fundamental freedoms as recognised, in
their respective fields of application, by Union law and international law and
by international agreements to which the Union, the Community or all the Member
States are party, including the European Convention for the Protection of Human
Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and by the Member States' constitutions.
18.12.2000 EN Official Journal of the European Communities C 364/21
Article 54
Prohibition of abuse of
Nothing in this Charter shall be interpreted as implying any right to
engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of
the rights and freedoms recognised in this Charter or at their limitation to a
greater extent than is provided for herein.
Do you consider that the pressure that the Spanish
government is exerting on the Divina Providencia case is a gross and an
unacceptable interference on the independence of our nation's judiciary and
that it should not be tolerated?
According to the Area campo news website all the
participants in the spanish state meeting held in Madrid on the joint strategy
against Gibraltar all agree that Friday's court case should be adjourned.Is
this what is going to happen is it going to be adjourned yet again.
Worse still the Spanish Government
are using and abusing the fishermen just to make their sovereignty claim again!
They just do not get it Gibraltar is British and according the the UNCLOS we do
have territorial waters!
Their propaganda of hate towards us
as a people and a country is now spreading through their people see below
another tactic following the guy with the T-Shirt last week with the caption close
the border!
Now a group of Spanish people are
giving out leaflets or rather placing them on Gibraltar registered cars whilst
they park in La Linea town – this is the town nearest the border.
The Spanish language sign reads
"GSE - Acronym for Gibraltar Forever Spanish. Get out of Spain" (By that they mean Gibraltarians leave the Rock)
We also hear reports of several restaurants, bars and coffee shops again displaying "Gibraltarians are not allowed into these premises " signs in Spain. These were being displayed a while back, and seem to have re-emerged of late.
Anne-Marie Struggles
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