Monday 4 March 2013

Press Release on Border Signs - Thank you Government of Gibraltar!


The Defenders of Gibraltar have in the past had a simple mission statement when it comes to delays at the border:

No Queues = No Photos.

This tactic was combined with collecting evidence (photographs interviews) of the queues and the people in it, leaflet distribution and on a number of occasions humanitarian acts.

Responding only to queues in excess of 2 hours, members of the Defenders of Gibraltar have had to put up with numerous threats and insults from a minority of Guardia Civil members, although I am extremely proud to say we never stooped to their level. We held our heads high and refused to back down even in the wind and rain.

As part of this strategy, we solicited the Government for assistance in providing water bottles and food for people stuck in the longest queues. We also asked for cameras so that the world could see what Spain was doing, as well as the putting up of signs to make people aware that Spain was fully responsible for the queues.

We sincerely thank the Government of Gibraltar which clearly listens to its people. The proof of this ability lies in the fact that today, we have 2 Internet live streaming cameras monitoring the flow of frontier traffic, as well as billboards making people aware of Spain's responsibility for the queues. This a great step in ensuring that tourists coming to Gibraltar do not leave with a feeling that Gibraltar was the source of their unnecessary suffering.

We have also achieved some notable victories during the time at the frontier:

1) Fantastic spur of the moment idea which turned into a youtube hit found here (Great local music to go with it too)

2) Mention in European Parliament by a German MEP who received a complaint by a constituent stuck in the Oct 12 6 hour queue. This individual had been handed one of our leaflets.

With the instalment of the billboards now complete and following our relaunch as a group, we see no need to be taking photographs of the Guardia Civil conducting excessive and illegal checks. We feel that the situation is being covered responsibly by this Government and we have no wish to be or wrongly accused or viewed as being antagonistic.

This does not mean the pressure on Spain will stop. It is simply the evolution of one form of pressure into another - our strategy will be revealed in the days ahead.

We would like to thank all those people who supported us during our time at the frontier - rest assured that our pressure will continue, albeit in a manner which we believe is more responsible and will have a longer lasting and notable effect on our situation.

We would also like to thank this Government, for not backing down to the pressure Spain is exerting on our homeland. Defending Gibraltar is not just the premise for the founding of a group - it is an idea, It is gratifying to see that we are certainly not the only ones who hold this ideal close to our hearts.

Aut inveniam viam aut faciam

Yours Truly,

Mr Gareth R Gingell
Chairman and Spokesperson for the Defenders of Gibraltar Group

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