2nd July 2014
Today the Defenders of Gibraltar together with other Gibraltarian and Spanish groups met with two of the EU Inspectors currently visiting Gibraltar and Spain and were given the opportunity of presenting their views to the EU Inspectors. Anne-Marie Struggles (Chairperson) of DoG (speech attached) spoke and also presented the EU Inspectors with photographs of the problems that continued at the Border highlighting the intimidation, harassment and bullying of both Gibraltarian and EU citizens on a daily basis by the Spanish Authorities.
Dr.Michal Gondek opened the meeting by explaining that in this second visit of the EU Inspectors they wanted to find out what. Politics aside, what problems were still be experienced on the Border. Dr. Gondek said that he wanted very much to meet with the various groups and to hear their comments.
He talked about the free movement of workers as a fundamental right in the EU and justifiable restrictions. Their brief was to listen to what we had to say and to take it back to Brussels were it will all be analysed. Christian Bulzomi, EU Inspector said that what he was interested in today was to know whether the pictures they had been shown, and the long queues and whether there had been any improvement since last year. Again he mentioned that they did not want to deal with the political issues, but to deal with the humanitarian, legal and employment issues of cross border workers. Each group gave their presentation and DoG are very pleased that all the parties represented were able to talk on different issues, but all with the same fundamental problem, the intimidation, harassment and bullying of cross border workers, E.U citizens and Gibraltarians as a whole.
Ellie Mccauley-cummins
Defenders of Gibraltar Group
TEXT OF SPEECH ------------
Good morning All,
My name is Anne-Marie Struggles, and I am the Chairperson of the Defenders of Gibraltar group.
I would firstly like to thank the EU Commission delegation for taking the time to come to Gibraltar again, and hope that they feel welcome in our little home.
The aim of the Defenders of Gibraltar is to expose what we perceive to be the Spanish Governments campaign of bullying and harassment of Gibraltar and its people, be it through pressure exerted at the frontier to affect our economy, or illegal maritime incursions to affect our security.
Established relatively recently in 2012 following the election of the Partido Popular, we have worked hard to ensure that we document incidents, expose these to the world, lobby our political representatives and act by conducting peaceful protests or demonstrations where they need to happen.
In such a short space of time, we have achieved much. We have recorded 100s of hours of video footage of frontier queues and interviewed people stuck in them, we have urged EU citizens to complain to their MEPs and governments regarding their inhumane treatment, we have acted as humanitarians by distributing food and water to those suffering 5 hour long queues, we have conducted peaceful protests in Gibraltar and London to both Governments and also in front of the Spanish Embassy - and we will continue to highlight Spains campaign of harassment and intimidation.
We have established cross border working relationships with other groups such as “For a Humanitarian Frontier” and mutually assist each other.
But most importantly, we have encouraged others to take a stand and voice their displeasure, to complain, to express their opinions, to stand up peacefully to the bully using the only viable weapon we have which we know can end this situation; the truth. We take immense pride in this, especially as Gibraltarians had become accustomed to the bullying.
It is truth which we have always stuck to as our foundation, as our guiding light. It is this principle that we believe has enabled us to continue to grow (we have just opened a permanent UK branch).
The truth combined with modern media evidence such as photography, video and audio testimony are extremely powerful in reigning in a bully.
We sincerely hope and hold faith in that the facts, the evidence, and the truth are on our side. We believe that by reviewing the facts and the evidence with an open mind you will come to the same conclusion as us, and combined with moral courage, be able to help put an end to such needless suffering; something which should not be happening in Modern Day Europe.
Thank you very much for listening
Spanish Press Release from the groups who joined us to meet the EU Inspectors
[02/07/2014, 12:20] jj.-: Reunidos Grupos Fronterizos Ascteg. Frontera Humanitaria. Españoles y Gibraltraeños Unidos. Fronterizos. Defensores de Gibraltar. Y los inspectores Europeos responsables en los asuntos de Justicia, los derechos de los ciudadanos y trabajadores fronterizos.
Nos han pedido información directa acerca de si apreciamos que se hayan producido algunos cambios en la frontera con respecto a la vez anterior que ellos estuvieron aquí.
Le hemos dicho que las colas no son de tanta intensidad aunque se hacen sin que se esperen y afectando a los peatones y sobre todo los niños y personas mayores que a veces pasan horas en cola.
en este aspecto al hablarle de los niños y mayores afectados por las colas y del riesgo a contraer cáncer por estar juntos a cientos de vehículo que emiten partículas cancerígenas
se han preocupado.., tambien del hecho de que los controles incorporen a fuerzas especiales que hacen un segundo o tercer filtro a las mismas a personas o vehículos además de que no se use el carril de NO DECLARAR pues los 6 carriles de Salida de Gibraltar convergen en un solo Carril.
De la incongruencia que junto a una de las ciudads más ricas de Europa, Gibraltar, encuentre La Línea ls más pobre y viendo la oportunidad de prosperar debido a las problema de frontera y de relaciones deterioro de relaciones.
Nuestra responsable en temas de Directivas Comunitarias europeas le ha dicho que se incumplen 4-6 y ta mbien15 articulos de la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Union.
Nos han dado an entender que estan preocupados por lo que ocurre y las distintas comisiones están trabajando para que se llegue pronto a la normalidad en la Frontera.
Le hemos entregado un dossier que incorpora muchas fotografías y datos importantes y nos han pedido que mantengamos contacto con ellos.
Courtesy - Tommy Finblayson
This morning at 0900 the EU Commission arrived and toured the Gibraltar frontier facilities.
They were met by a delegation from Gibraltar which included the Collector of Customs and the Commissioner of Police Eddie Yome.

What was really important about the EU Inspectors meeting different groups was so that they could get a clearer picture of what was happening from the perspective of the people!
Remember in their last visit they did not meet any Non Governmental Groups! We complained about this as we said that the EU would never know or understand the depth of the problems if they refused to talk to the people affected! We told them that they were only listening to politicans and that they needed to listen to the very people who live and breathe the issues at the frontier daily!
What we wanted and did achieve was to emphasise the HUMANITARIAN issue. None of the groups present were trying to play the politician and solve the political issues which is the real fundamental problem. However, we wanted to show how the behaviour by Spain is affecting people daily - children, the elderly, the disabled and tourist and workers!
We made a point of putting across that these queues caused on purpose were totally unacceptable and that what we wanted was for the EU Inspectors to see the way it affects us all!
We also talked about how people felt like criminals as they entered and left Gibraltar due to the amount of checks and armed police - well the riot Squads used at the frontier by Spain making checks at times - intimidating and over the top! We talked about there being four checks and how could Spain be allowed to do this and get away with it and that there were far more dangerous and important frontiers or ports that these black berets (Riot Squad) could be more utilised!
All we wanted was for the EU to hear the truth from us - the people. We are the ones being used as pawn in the political game!
The truth is that SPAIN will never stop until they accept the truth and that is that we the people of Gibraltar do not and will not ever want to be SPANISH! Furthermore we will not sell our land! We are not for sale and the more they bully us the more we will stand strong and firm!
So we urge the EU to stop the bullying tactics by Spain especially in using the Frontier as a means to make people suffer and suffocate our economy!
I am very proud that our Gibraltar Government put in place every suggestion given to them after the EU Inspector's first visit. Yet SPAIN have not! I am sure they will find excuse after excuse for not doing it!
Now we need the EU and the UK Government and the FCO to do their job which is primarily to STOP the bully!
The time has come for actions to go with the many words!
Anne-Marie Struggles
2nd July 2014
Today the Defenders of Gibraltar together with other Gibraltarian and Spanish groups met with two of the EU Inspectors currently visiting Gibraltar and Spain and were given the opportunity of presenting their views to the EU Inspectors. Anne-Marie Struggles (Chairperson) of DoG (speech attached) spoke and also presented the EU Inspectors with photographs of the problems that continued at the Border highlighting the intimidation, harassment and bullying of both Gibraltarian and EU citizens on a daily basis by the Spanish Authorities.
Dr.Michal Gondek opened the meeting by explaining that in this second visit of the EU Inspectors they wanted to find out what. Politics aside, what problems were still be experienced on the Border. Dr. Gondek said that he wanted very much to meet with the various groups and to hear their comments.
He talked about the free movement of workers as a fundamental right in the EU and justifiable restrictions. Their brief was to listen to what we had to say and to take it back to Brussels were it will all be analysed. Christian Bulzomi, EU Inspector said that what he was interested in today was to know whether the pictures they had been shown, and the long queues and whether there had been any improvement since last year. Again he mentioned that they did not want to deal with the political issues, but to deal with the humanitarian, legal and employment issues of cross border workers. Each group gave their presentation and DoG are very pleased that all the parties represented were able to talk on different issues, but all with the same fundamental problem, the intimidation, harassment and bullying of cross border workers, E.U citizens and Gibraltarians as a whole.
Ellie Mccauley-cummins
Defenders of Gibraltar Group
TEXT OF SPEECH ------------
Good morning All,
My name is Anne-Marie Struggles, and I am the Chairperson of the Defenders of Gibraltar group.
I would firstly like to thank the EU Commission delegation for taking the time to come to Gibraltar again, and hope that they feel welcome in our little home.
The aim of the Defenders of Gibraltar is to expose what we perceive to be the Spanish Governments campaign of bullying and harassment of Gibraltar and its people, be it through pressure exerted at the frontier to affect our economy, or illegal maritime incursions to affect our security.
Established relatively recently in 2012 following the election of the Partido Popular, we have worked hard to ensure that we document incidents, expose these to the world, lobby our political representatives and act by conducting peaceful protests or demonstrations where they need to happen.
In such a short space of time, we have achieved much. We have recorded 100s of hours of video footage of frontier queues and interviewed people stuck in them, we have urged EU citizens to complain to their MEPs and governments regarding their inhumane treatment, we have acted as humanitarians by distributing food and water to those suffering 5 hour long queues, we have conducted peaceful protests in Gibraltar and London to both Governments and also in front of the Spanish Embassy - and we will continue to highlight Spains campaign of harassment and intimidation.
We have established cross border working relationships with other groups such as “For a Humanitarian Frontier” and mutually assist each other.
But most importantly, we have encouraged others to take a stand and voice their displeasure, to complain, to express their opinions, to stand up peacefully to the bully using the only viable weapon we have which we know can end this situation; the truth. We take immense pride in this, especially as Gibraltarians had become accustomed to the bullying.
It is truth which we have always stuck to as our foundation, as our guiding light. It is this principle that we believe has enabled us to continue to grow (we have just opened a permanent UK branch).
The truth combined with modern media evidence such as photography, video and audio testimony are extremely powerful in reigning in a bully.
We sincerely hope and hold faith in that the facts, the evidence, and the truth are on our side. We believe that by reviewing the facts and the evidence with an open mind you will come to the same conclusion as us, and combined with moral courage, be able to help put an end to such needless suffering; something which should not be happening in Modern Day Europe.
Thank you very much for listening
Spanish Press Release from the groups who joined us to meet the EU Inspectors
[02/07/2014, 12:20] jj.-: Reunidos Grupos Fronterizos Ascteg. Frontera Humanitaria. Españoles y Gibraltraeños Unidos. Fronterizos. Defensores de Gibraltar. Y los inspectores Europeos responsables en los asuntos de Justicia, los derechos de los ciudadanos y trabajadores fronterizos.
Nos han pedido información directa acerca de si apreciamos que se hayan producido algunos cambios en la frontera con respecto a la vez anterior que ellos estuvieron aquí.
Le hemos dicho que las colas no son de tanta intensidad aunque se hacen sin que se esperen y afectando a los peatones y sobre todo los niños y personas mayores que a veces pasan horas en cola.
en este aspecto al hablarle de los niños y mayores afectados por las colas y del riesgo a contraer cáncer por estar juntos a cientos de vehículo que emiten partículas cancerígenas
se han preocupado.., tambien del hecho de que los controles incorporen a fuerzas especiales que hacen un segundo o tercer filtro a las mismas a personas o vehículos además de que no se use el carril de NO DECLARAR pues los 6 carriles de Salida de Gibraltar convergen en un solo Carril.
De la incongruencia que junto a una de las ciudads más ricas de Europa, Gibraltar, encuentre La Línea ls más pobre y viendo la oportunidad de prosperar debido a las problema de frontera y de relaciones deterioro de relaciones.
Nuestra responsable en temas de Directivas Comunitarias europeas le ha dicho que se incumplen 4-6 y ta mbien15 articulos de la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Union.
Nos han dado an entender que estan preocupados por lo que ocurre y las distintas comisiones están trabajando para que se llegue pronto a la normalidad en la Frontera.
Le hemos entregado un dossier que incorpora muchas fotografías y datos importantes y nos han pedido que mantengamos contacto con ellos.
Courtesy - Tommy Finblayson
This morning at 0900 the EU Commission arrived and toured the Gibraltar frontier facilities.
They were met by a delegation from Gibraltar which included the Collector of Customs and the Commissioner of Police Eddie Yome.
Concerned Citizens where also present and carried out a peaceful demonstration.

What was really important about the EU Inspectors meeting different groups was so that they could get a clearer picture of what was happening from the perspective of the people!
Remember in their last visit they did not meet any Non Governmental Groups! We complained about this as we said that the EU would never know or understand the depth of the problems if they refused to talk to the people affected! We told them that they were only listening to politicans and that they needed to listen to the very people who live and breathe the issues at the frontier daily!
What we wanted and did achieve was to emphasise the HUMANITARIAN issue. None of the groups present were trying to play the politician and solve the political issues which is the real fundamental problem. However, we wanted to show how the behaviour by Spain is affecting people daily - children, the elderly, the disabled and tourist and workers!
We made a point of putting across that these queues caused on purpose were totally unacceptable and that what we wanted was for the EU Inspectors to see the way it affects us all!
We also talked about how people felt like criminals as they entered and left Gibraltar due to the amount of checks and armed police - well the riot Squads used at the frontier by Spain making checks at times - intimidating and over the top! We talked about there being four checks and how could Spain be allowed to do this and get away with it and that there were far more dangerous and important frontiers or ports that these black berets (Riot Squad) could be more utilised!
All we wanted was for the EU to hear the truth from us - the people. We are the ones being used as pawn in the political game!
The truth is that SPAIN will never stop until they accept the truth and that is that we the people of Gibraltar do not and will not ever want to be SPANISH! Furthermore we will not sell our land! We are not for sale and the more they bully us the more we will stand strong and firm!
So we urge the EU to stop the bullying tactics by Spain especially in using the Frontier as a means to make people suffer and suffocate our economy!
I am very proud that our Gibraltar Government put in place every suggestion given to them after the EU Inspector's first visit. Yet SPAIN have not! I am sure they will find excuse after excuse for not doing it!
Now we need the EU and the UK Government and the FCO to do their job which is primarily to STOP the bully!
The time has come for actions to go with the many words!
Anne-Marie Struggles
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