Just When one thought that things were getting better as the EU Commission ruled that Gibraltar was breaking no laws with the Bunkering and also by placing artificial reefs - Spain has to go and destroy the celebration!
Spain comes up with a proposal that does not solve the frontier queue issues - which let me remind you all are politically motivated by the Spanish Government as and when they want to order the Spanish Para military to cause them.
So who benefits from this new idea? Only Spanish residents who live in Spain but work in Gibraltar.
What does this pass actually mean? That everyone who is not the above will have to queue in the heat or cold or rain from 2 to 8 hours!
This new move targets the people of Gibraltar - Tourists - our economy above all else.
Of course we want a solution but the solution is easy - STOP CAUSING QUEUES ON PURPOSE FOR POLITICAL MEANS!
You do not have to be a rocket scientists to know and understand the problems at the frontier - there is much more smuggling of drugs, tabacco, human beings weapons etc at all other entry and exit points in Spain than via the frontier between Gibraltar and Spain.
So why this new move? Well once again to take away the focus on the recent corruption that has raised its ugly head in Spain once again.
Read below: http://insurgente.org/index.php/template/politica/item/12344-g%C3%BCrtel-estalla-aparecen-implicados-ligados-al-pp-por-todas-las-esquinas
The Defenders of Gibraltar would like to be absolutely clear in our complete rejection of Spain's latest brainwave regarding the issuing of passes for Cross Frontier Workers. We believe that the frontier pass system would be inherently discriminatory towards Gibraltarian and other Nationalities residing in Gibraltar, as well as a dubious cover for gaining information on individuals who cross that frontier (where we assume it is, given their track record, aimed at intimidation as has been seen in the past).
Whilst there would be some obvious benefits to the pass system, specifically for Spanish based Frontier workers, the issue of causing frontier delays would then be isolated only to Gibraltarians, locals, our economy and of course our tourism trade. In effect, our agreeing to such a system would be tantamount to consent to be punished in isolation.
We believe that Spain's latest idea is a distortion of the EU's recommendation and a twisting of their will and intent. We further believe that the main aim of this idea is to plant a seed of doubt in the minds of cross frontier workers as to who to blame, given that they just want the issue resolved and are fed up of being subjected to inhumane pedestrian or vehicular queues.
The Defenders of Gibraltar support the Governments position, as revealed in their latest press release, which is that we consider that any proposed solution to the politically motivated delays at the frontier must also encompass EU nationals and others who are not workers, such as tourists and residents on both sides, whose right to freedom of movement continues to be undermined by the Spanish Government.

Gib Govt studies legality of Madrid decree that opens ‘fast lane’ for cross-border workers
by Dominique Searle
The move, that is careful to include all formally registered cross-border workers of any nationality, living in either Gibraltar and working in Spain or in Spain (defined by them as EU customs area but understood to effectively encompass the Campo municipalities), prompted Gibraltar Government concerns over what may be the introduction of discriminatory access across a Schengen border of the EU.
“Everyone is entitled to a free flowing frontier,” said a No 6 spokesman last night. The Government said it noted the publication in Spain’s ‘Boletin Oficial del Estado’ of a new special regime under which cross border workers will be allowed to cross the land frontier between Gibraltar and Spain.
“The Government is in close discussions with its legal advisers and with the United Kingdom Government on this latest development and will comment further once matters have been analysed in more detail,” said No 6.
The bulletin in fact sets out to make use of the red channel so that vehicles - cars or bikes - leaving the Rock carrying cross-border workers who have registered with the Agencia Tributaria in la Linea can drive through so long as they are not carrying declarable goods. Workers who have any declarable good would be expected to use the ‘green’ channel like any other traveller. The pedestrian system remains the same. A scheme is also being intorduced for pedestrians who obtain passes to similarly speed through the red channel in the pedestrian check point.
Whilst there is an online registration in effect this will only be available to workers who have full registration in the Spanish system. In effect the system being introduced will only be attractive to Spaniards and other workers, on either side, who have formalised their residence and work and other state documentation such as tax on both sides of the border. The application system requires production of formal documents, including work contracts, and passes will be valid for up to a year or less if the contract end is dated before that period expires.
No 6 said that it is expected that in practice this system will apply mainly to EU nationals who live in Spain and who work in Gibraltar, the bulk of whom are Spanish.
“The Government considers that any proposed solution towards a free flowing frontier must also encompass EU nationals and others who are not workers, like tourists and residents on both sides, whose right to freedom of movement continues to be undermined by Spain,” said the spokesman.
“The reality is that the Spanish authorities make life difficult for people and vehicles crossing the border for political reasons and because they want to. All that Madrid has to do is to improve the flow rate of cars and persons and operate proper red and green channels. This alone will reduce waiting times to cross the frontier.”
Spanish MP and Algeciras Mayor Jose Ignacio Landaluce welcomed the move as “protecting both Spanish commercial interests from contraband and the interests of Spanish workers.”
Gibraltar Opposition Party

Open letter to Spanish Government and Spanish People
By Gareth R Gingell
Dear Spanish Government,
Please sort out your own country before interfering in the business of another country which does not belong to you, and hasnt for over 300 years, whose population have stated clearly they do not want to be Spanish. Please stop acting like the psycho ex-boyfriend still obsessed with their ex-girlfriend. Move on...its unhealthy and only serves to add more waste to an already wasteful apparatus of Government (spare a thought for how much this Gibraltar campaign has cost the Spanish taxpayer).
Dear Spanish Citizen,
Consider that every time you hear of the topic Gibraltar in the news, a new smokescreen has been deployed to hide something your Government has done which they do not want you to know about. Barcenas? Gibraltar.... Corrupt Royal Family? Gibraltar.... Cataluna independence? Gibraltar.....Political Party corruption? Gibraltar..... = I think you see the pattern.
Ultimately, I couldnt care less if you decide to break up into 25 small fiefdoms, or autonomous states, or become nationally bankrupt - its your problem. If however you wish to take advice on how to run an economically, politically diverse, democratic, tolerant, inclusive and prosperous society, you can always holiday over in Gibraltar and take notes. Our power and internet suck, and that's just about it.
By Gareth Gingell
I have full confidence in that the UK Government, as well as the Gibraltar Government, will do their best to ensure that Spains latest "brainwave" in allowing cross frontier workers to jump the queue (Gib workers who work in Spain, and Spain based workers who work in Gibraltar) will never see the light of day for 2 very simple reasons:
1) The vast majority of cross frontier workers include Spanish based workers whose main job is in Gibraltar. I am certain that there is not even a handful of people who live in Gibraltar and work in Spain - there just arent any jobs in Spain!
2) The idea is such ridiculously overt discrimination, as to be
laughable that the EU allow the twisting of its recommendations to go
I support this Government in trying to ensure this does not go ahead, but if it is implemented, you can count on myself and many many others calling for the frontier to be blocked by human chain in protest.
Enough ridicule!

Courtesy Nuria Gomez
Before being a worker I am person and, in my opinion, with the same rights and duties as all other people crossing from one side to another, whatever their reason.
I waive the discriminatory ability to pass by a 'nothing to declare' created only for workers to skip the politicized tail.
What i do want is a customs of the 21st century, with full use of all the green or red lanes and the means sufficient to ensure, as it puts the BOE, the principle of proportionality, allowing you to maximise the level of control in producing the minimum damage in foreign traffic,... but that of all people, not only of workers!
So I say no to this discriminatory resolution from July 25, 2014
Courtesy Panorama.gi
Frontier workers are to be issued with Spanish passes that will allow them faster access across the frontier, the Spanish Government has decided. This means that Spanish and other workers in Gibraltar, but resident in Spain, will qualify; as well as workers in Spain but resident in Gibraltar.
Such frontier workers will be allowed to enter Spain via the red channel, whether pedestrians or those using
vehicles.Those requesting such access will need to fill in a form, and will be required to supply documents such as IDs and contracts of employment.
Spanish sources say that over 4,000 Spanish workers with contracts of employment in Gibraltar, and between 3,500 and 6,000 employed on an hourly basis, would be eligible to apply.
Those using the red channel will be deemed not to have goods to declare.
Workers resident in Spain, who would be eligible to apply for the new passes, would need to live in La Linea, Algeciras, San Roque, Los Barrios or Castellar.
The move has been declared discriminatory by the La Linea association of Spanish workers in Gibraltar. Juan Jose Uceda of the said association has recalled that years ago there was established a lane for workers which ended up being
closed.The new move would facilitate matters mainly for Spaniards and follows requests that such workers should not be made to suffer at the frontier.
It follows that tourists to Gibraltar would not be eligible to obtain one of the new Spanish passes; likewise visitors to Spain would neither be eligible to obtain a pass.
***********************************************************************I support this Government in trying to ensure this does not go ahead, but if it is implemented, you can count on myself and many many others calling for the frontier to be blocked by human chain in protest.
Enough ridicule!

Courtesy Nuria Gomez
Yo, Nuria Gomez, trabajadora española en Gibraltar, NO QUIERO TRATOS DE FAVOR al cruzar la frontera.
Antes de trabajadora soy persona y, a mi entender, con los mismos derechos y deberes que todas las demás personas que cruzan de un lado a otro, sea cual sea su motivo.
Renuncio a la posibilidad DISCRIMINATORIA de pasar por un 'nada que declarar' creado sólo para trabajadores para saltarse la cola politizada.
SI QUIERO un puesto aduanero del siglo XXI, con uso pleno de todos los carriles y los medios suficientes para garantizar, tal como pone el BOE, (http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2014/07/29/pdfs/BOE-A-2014-8059.pdf) el principio de proporcionalidad, permitiendo maximizar el nivel de control produciendo el MINIMO PERJUICIO en el tráfico exterior,...pero el de todas las personas, no solo el de los trabajadores!
Antes de trabajadora soy persona y, a mi entender, con los mismos derechos y deberes que todas las demás personas que cruzan de un lado a otro, sea cual sea su motivo.
Renuncio a la posibilidad DISCRIMINATORIA de pasar por un 'nada que declarar' creado sólo para trabajadores para saltarse la cola politizada.
SI QUIERO un puesto aduanero del siglo XXI, con uso pleno de todos los carriles y los medios suficientes para garantizar, tal como pone el BOE, (http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2014/07/29/pdfs/BOE-A-2014-8059.pdf) el principio de proporcionalidad, permitiendo maximizar el nivel de control produciendo el MINIMO PERJUICIO en el tráfico exterior,...pero el de todas las personas, no solo el de los trabajadores!
I, Núria Gómez, Spanish worker in Gibraltar, do not want any special FAVOURS or deals I want to cross the border like any other person.
Before being a worker I am person and, in my opinion, with the same rights and duties as all other people crossing from one side to another, whatever their reason.
I waive the discriminatory ability to pass by a 'nothing to declare' created only for workers to skip the politicized tail.
What i do want is a customs of the 21st century, with full use of all the green or red lanes and the means sufficient to ensure, as it puts the BOE, the principle of proportionality, allowing you to maximise the level of control in producing the minimum damage in foreign traffic,... but that of all people, not only of workers!
So I say no to this discriminatory resolution from July 25, 2014
Courtesy Panorama.gi
Frontier workers are to be issued with Spanish passes that will allow them faster access across the frontier, the Spanish Government has decided. This means that Spanish and other workers in Gibraltar, but resident in Spain, will qualify; as well as workers in Spain but resident in Gibraltar.
Such frontier workers will be allowed to enter Spain via the red channel, whether pedestrians or those using
vehicles.Those requesting such access will need to fill in a form, and will be required to supply documents such as IDs and contracts of employment.
Spanish sources say that over 4,000 Spanish workers with contracts of employment in Gibraltar, and between 3,500 and 6,000 employed on an hourly basis, would be eligible to apply.
Those using the red channel will be deemed not to have goods to declare.
Workers resident in Spain, who would be eligible to apply for the new passes, would need to live in La Linea, Algeciras, San Roque, Los Barrios or Castellar.
The move has been declared discriminatory by the La Linea association of Spanish workers in Gibraltar. Juan Jose Uceda of the said association has recalled that years ago there was established a lane for workers which ended up being
closed.The new move would facilitate matters mainly for Spaniards and follows requests that such workers should not be made to suffer at the frontier.
It follows that tourists to Gibraltar would not be eligible to obtain one of the new Spanish passes; likewise visitors to Spain would neither be eligible to obtain a pass.

Gib tug-of-war: 'Commuter pass', extra lane and biometric 'passport swiping' machines to cut border queues
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
![]() Andalucía tax authorities say the 'red' lane, for people travelling into or out of the Rock's territory and who have goods to declare is rarely used, but the 'green' or 'nothing to declare' lane is normally gridlocked. Commuters who have a pass would be able to use the 'red' lane even though they do not normally have goods to declare to customs officers as it would mean they could get to work and then return home without queuing for hours. To obtain the pass, they would need to provide photo ID, a padrón or local census certificate and a copy of their job contract, and then renew this border card every year. Also, regional authorities in southern Spain plan to build a third lane for cars crossing the border in either direction. And whereas at present, one on-duty police officer checks every pedestrian's passport or national ID card, 12 'biometric' machines will be installed so border-crossers can simply swipe their passport as they can now do at many European airports. Over-zealous border checks purporting to be in order to reduce contraband cigarette smuggling into Spain from the Rock – even though the checks are equally stringent for people entering Gibraltar from Spanish territory – mean daily queues in either direction reached between three and seven hours at their peak last summer and continue to be a headache for those with jobs in Gibraltar and homes in Spain. The Gibraltarian and British government considered these checks to be a 'tit-for-tat' exercise in protest over concrete blocks placed in UK waters to form an artificial reef and encourage fish-breeding, but which Spain claimed was in its own seas and was damaging fishing grounds. This and the foreign affairs minister's constant declarations that Gibraltar should be handed back to Spain, despite most Gibraltarians and Spaniards who work in the British territory being against this idea, appeared to be the main ulterior motive behind the long border queues, in the opinion of the UK government and authorities on the Rock. But the European Commission has ordered Spain to take measures to minimise the queues, albeit without becoming lenient over cigarette-smuggling, as well as agreeing with the British authorities that the artificial reef was perfectly acceptable. The proposal to create a 'commuter pass', open a third lane and set up biometric scanners at the border shows Spain is becoming willing to compromise and recognises that those who are most inconvenienced by the queues are, in fact, Spanish people rather than Gibraltarians. However, Gibraltar's head minister Fabián Picardo is against the 'border pass' move. “Any proposed solution to achieve a free flow of traffic across the border should include citizens of the EU who live on either side of the frontier, whether or not they are workers, but also tourists and casual visitors,” states Picardo. “European Union citizens, who include natives of Gibraltar and Spain, have a right to free movement between EU member States – but Spain continues to place obstacles in the way of this right. “The reality of the situation is that the Spanish authorities are making life difficult for people in vehicles or on foot crossing the border, merely for political reasons, and in an arbitrary manner.” Picardo's views are shared by Juan José Uceda, spokesman for the Association of Spanish Workers in Gibraltar, who believes the proposed measures are tantamount to discrimination. According to Andalucía authorities, around a fifth, or 5,000 of the 30,000 people who cross the border into the Rock every day are employees with jobs there but who live on the Spanish side of the frontier. |
No estamos de acuerdo! -
Exteriores ve una buena noticia el nuevo paso para trabajadores en Gibraltar
29/07/2014 (19:04) Madrid, 29 jul.- El secretario de Estado para la UE, Íñigo Méndez de Vigo, ha calificado de "buena noticia" para los miles de españoles que trabajan en Gibraltar la puesta en marcha a partir de mañana de un nuevo permiso especial que agilizará su paso por la verja, evitando esperas innecesarias.Con este permiso, que deberá tramitarse en la Agencia Tributaria, los españoles que tengan su puesto de trabajo en Gibraltar podrán cruzar la verja en dirección a la Línea por el llamado carril rojo, el destinado para aquellos que tienen objetos que declarar y que, a día de hoy, apenas registra colas ni de personas ni de vehículos.
"Somos conscientes de que esos retrasos causan molestias a los trabajadores", ha reconocido Méndez de Vigo en rueda de prensa junto a la directora del Departamento de Aduanas e Impuestos Especiales de la Agencia Tributaria, María Pilar Jurado.
No obstante, Méndez de Vigo ha recordado que la obligación de España es mantener los controles aduaneros en la verja para evitar, entre otros perjuicios, el contrabando de tabaco.
El nuevo permiso está dirigido no sólo a los trabajadores españoles que pasan cada día al Peñón, sino también a quienes tienen residencia en Gibraltar pero tienen un contrato vigente en España, en total unas 6.000 personas.
Para los trabajadores con residencia en España, esta ventaja se limita a los vecinos de La Línea, Algeciras, San Roque, Los Barrios y Castellar de la Frontera.
En el caso de que se trate de trabajadores autónomos, deberán acreditar que prestan servicios al otro lado de la verja de manera habitual.
Tras aportar la documentación exigida, el trabajador recibirá una autorización con una validez máxima de un año prorrogable que deberá presentar a la hora de utilizar los carriles especiales.
María Pilar Jurado ha explicado que el nuevo permiso podrá pedirse desde mañana mismo por medio de un formulario específico de la Agencia Tributaria y permitirá agilizar de forma notable el paso de los trabajadores, ya que la afluencia en el llamado carril rojo es "sensiblemente inferior".
Además de este nuevo canal "rápido" para los trabajadores, España va a iniciar este mismo mes de agosto unas "ambiciosas" obras de mejora en las instalaciones fronterizas de la Línea de la Concepción que, según ha reconocido el secretario de Estado, son "antiguas" y necesitan una puesta al día.
Se habilitará un tercer carril para vehículos y se instalarán doce máquinas de lecturas biométricas, con lo que, donde ahora hay un agente revisando la documentación de los peatones, habrá doce tornos, lo que multiplicará por doce la frecuencia de paso.
Estas obras, que en parte financiará la UE, costarán más de 7 millones de euros y estarán acabadas antes del 15 de mayo de 2015. EFE

(esta opción tiene gato encerrado, lee toda la información )
Nuevamente utilizan la discriminación como herramienta de hostigamiento a Gibraltar.
Un ser humano inocente no tiene ni más ni menos derechos que un ser humano inocente y trabajador.
Ambos son inocentes y deben tener el mismo trato.
La delincuencia tiene tantas caras que también usan la careta de los famosos, políticos, militares, miembros de las fuerzas armadas, casas reales, etc...
Sin olvidar a niños, ancianos, enfermos, discapacitados, etc... QUE NO PUEDEN TRABAJAR.
Los inocentes no sólo son...
BASTA YA DE DISCRIMINACIÓN A SERES HUMANOS INOCENTES, sean de donde sean, trabajen o simplemente usen la frontera con fines sociales, familiares, comerciales, turismo o para ocio personal.
Resolución de 25 de julio de 2014, del Departamento de Aduanas e Impuestos Especiales de la Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria, por la que se regula el supuesto especial de uso del circuito rojo en el tráfico de viajeros en la Administración de Aduanas e Impuestos Especiales de la Línea de la Concepción para los trabajadores fronterizos.
Si todavía no te has dado cuenta, el PP que desde hace tiempo quieren manejar tus datos. A cualquier coste, te has preguntado el porqué???
-Empezaron con el famoso peaje.
-Obligación a realizar la declaración de la renta.
-Ahora el pase para trabajadores por el carril rojo.
Cuando os tengan controlados sabréis los motivos.
Ahora vas y... LO CASCAS!!!
So what we need to be clear to UK Government and the FCO that we the people of Gibraltar cannot and will not accept this discrimination! So they must come out publicly rejecting this proposal.
Then we want the EU Commission to also support the rejection of this proposal as this is NOT the solution to the problem!
The solution to the problem is simple tell SPAIN once and for all to accept that Gibraltar is British and belongs to the Gibraltarians and they are not for sale or exchange!
The bully that SPAIN is and as such will continue until such time as a clear and concise message is sent to them. SPAIN being in the EU - being in NATO cannot treat people like this and must not be allowed to discriminate in what is the basic human right of free movement.
Stop stepping on eggshells and say it how it is and avoid further conflicts.
Anne-Marie Struggles