surprise, BBC reports on the negative action by GC in our waters, says
how Foreign Office and UK Govt are complaining to a 'higher authority',
mention of weapons being drawn; so what is the Spanish Govts response to
all this?
That's right....
Let's mess around and abuse/bully the ordinary citizen and worker who just wants to make a living in Gibraltar....
Thing is I'm certain about what their real tactic is....
They want the world to think Spain is so awesome people are literally queuing for hours to get in.......
....Sadly though its the reverse. If we had more houses here, people
would be queuing to get away from one of the most impoverished regions
of Spain, one of the most politically and economically corrupt nations
in Europe...
Photo below from Facebook group The Rock of British Gibraltar
These queues are not only inhumane but is what used to happen under Franco the dictactor until he closed the border!
No matter how Spain tries to justify the unjustifiable it is plain to see for everyone around the world. So we call on all those people boycott your holidays and spending in Spain and go elsewhere that does not bully a smaller country!
Gentleman was one of the passengers in one of the cruise ships that
called in Gibraltar yesterday the 31th of October .Giving all his
support .. And very proud of his Tee Shirt The word is spreading .....
Well Done Mr Richard Willey....Hope you enjoyed your stay ..
Post on our Defenders of Gibraltar group by an avid supporter :
Shame on the telegraph for muddying the waters.
The crown of Castille lost Gib to The Dutch, English and Crown of
Aragon allies in 1704. Spain lost it again (couldnt reconquer it) in
1704 pitting 10,000 Castillians against 1,500 . Signed a treaty in 1713
which Spain broke in 1727 pitting a force of 12,000 Spaniards against
5,500 and subsequently signed the treaty of Seville in which she
endorsed the treaty of Utretch 1713 as being totally valid AND agreed on
a neutral ground of 600 toises....the disputed isthmus. Again in 1779
she broke the treaty of Utretch and Seville and again laid siege to
Gibraltar pitting 33,000 soldiers, 30,000 sailors 47 ships and 86 guns
against Gibraltars garrison of 7,500..... she then signed the treaty of
versailles in which again she endorsed all her treaties with
GB inclusive which up until then she had endorsed
ceding Gibraltar for perpetuity , without any impediments whatsoever to
GB. By the 1780 GB was fed up with Spain and her continual pulling back
on her word and using the isthmus to launch sieges on Gibraltar. The
isthmus was a staging ground for the Spanish to attack
wonder it was taken.......spoils of war I say.Even so GB helped to a
large extent save Spains hide in the penisular war and Gibraltar was an
important base to the southern campaign. pain should be grateful to the
perfidious pirates as they always call the British.It is undeniable that
Gibraltar belongs to the crown of UK and is sovereign British soil and
that anybody born on sovereign British soil, is a British subject due to
juris solis. The headline in the Telegraph should " Do you support
human rights, the right to self determination, the right to live in
peace and not be subjected to alien subjugation, the right to choose
your political , economic and social future , the right to live under a
constitution of your choice, the right not be be subjected to alien
domination". The right to live by what so many died for in WWII .....whilst Spain was a dictatorship.
If the Spanish Government suffer no consequences of their behaviour towards people by causing queues - this could be their next step - remember Spain is not a democracy but rather ruled by a fascist government wearing clothes of democracy!
Reply from the EU EN E-010034/2013 Answer given by Mr Barnier on behalf of the Commission (31.10.2013)
1. Currently there are no infringement proceedings pending against the
United Kingdom concerning the non-transposition of Directives on
financial services in Gibraltar. 2. Council Directive 2011/16/EU of
15 February 2011 on administrative cooperation in the field of taxation
and replacing Directive 77/799/EEC was transposed in Gibraltar by means
of the Income Tax Act 2010 (Amendment) Regulations 2013, which were
published in the Second Supplement to the Gibraltar Gazette No 3977 of
17 January 2013. The said legislation entered into force on 1 January
2013. 3. Directive 2005/60/EC on the prevention of the use of the
financial system for the purpose of money laundering and terrorist
financing and Directive 2006/70/EC laying down implementing measures for
Directive 2005/60/EC were transposed via two legal acts (No 37 of 2007,
and No 38 of 2007, both published in the Gibraltar Gazette on 20
December 2007). 4. As regards all Directives, the Commission points
out that, pursuant to the Treaties, it initiates infringement
proceedings only against Member States. This being so, it can state that
in this instance, as at 30 September 2013, there were 14 cases pending
against the United Kingdom for failure to notify national transposition
How sad that the Spanish Government have a group focused only to destroy Gibraltar and our people. I am sure these people have more important things to do!
The reality is the question was IS Gibraltar British or Spanish and anyone with a bit of education knows Gibraltar is British as every morning I awake to the British Union Jack!
Spanish ministry of defence staff vote thousands of times in Gibraltar poll
Telegraph Gibraltar poll approaches one million votes – after thousands of
votes from Spain’s ministry of defence and social media campaign
article from Europa Sur of a speech delivered by Julio Montesino Ramos
the Spanish delegate of their Ministry of Foreign affairs in the
''Campo'' since 2008 to date in which he clearly states that her Majesty
the Queen is not the Queen of Gibraltar as that title is held by King
Juan Carlos of Spain. In the same article he also scrutinised in great
detail Gibraltar position within European Union. This is a link to the
article Montesino was responsible for setting up the Instituto Cervantes in Gibraltar and continues to attend functions there!
website publishes an extract today which includes Gibraltar
in part two of Aznar's autobiography when he was in power, which was
from March 1996 to 2004, as Spain's President entitled '''El compromiso
del poder'' due out on the 7th of November 2013.''Respecto a Gibraltar,
Aznar califica de "incomprensible" que después del trabajo diplomático
desarrollado durante su mandato, y "en vez de continuar explorando las
posibilidades abiertas con el avance sustancial en la vía de la
cosoberanía", el Gobierno de Zapatero retrocediera "hasta un punto
insólito y gravemente perjudicial para la reivindicación española al
aceptar un foro trilateral que incorporaba a Gibraltar como una parte
más reconocida por España". En su opinión, la estrategia del Gobierno
del PSOE supuso un "grave error que sólo podía tener una interpretación:
la debilidad y el abandono, claves de nuestra política exterior durante
demasiado tiempo". This is a link to the whole article.
We need more action and less words! We had a visit by MEP Ashley Fox and if there is something I learnt was the fact of how little this gentleman knows about my country and my people!
It was not the fact he called us Gibraltans but rather the fact that he had no idea of the extent of the bullying and harassment by Spain!
We are forever grateful for his trying to help us at the European level but if there was ever any doubt in my mind there is no longer - Gibraltar needs their own MEP or at least UK MEPs need a team of Gibraltarians to help keep them in touch so that we do not lose a single battle in the European Union - e.g. like the eastside designation of waters that belong to Gibraltar!
We need MEPs willing to work harder on the Gibraltar cause and not the little time they can currently give to us!
Lack of knowledge is something we cannot afford in our fight against the bully that Spain is!
MEP's were not responsible for the designation of areas of waters, that was a technical matter and the responsibility was with the Ministry of Agriculture in the UK, under the Labour government. It took us ten years to get representation in the EU Parliament and currently we have six MEP's some work for us and some never even attend the sessions there. Mr Fox is advised on the situation in Gibraltar but he organised the meeting to hear first hand from people what they thought. As constituents you can write to him or arrange a meeting with him and I hope after the meeting you understand what an MEP can do and what they cannot do. Foreign affairs for Gibraltar remain the responsibility of HMG.
If you are a member of the Fascist GE (Facebook group) you are just wasting your time thinking you can comment on here and use this blog as a platform - see ya!
MEP's were not responsible for the designation of areas of waters, that was a technical matter and the responsibility was with the Ministry of Agriculture in the UK, under the Labour government. It took us ten years to get representation in the EU Parliament and currently we have six MEP's some work for us and some never even attend the sessions there. Mr Fox is advised on the situation in Gibraltar but he organised the meeting to hear first hand from people what they thought. As constituents you can write to him or arrange a meeting with him and I hope after the meeting you understand what an MEP can do and what they cannot do. Foreign affairs for Gibraltar remain the responsibility of HMG.