22/11/13 3
©2013 DEREK BOOTH, all rights reserved
Below shows that the Spanish Navy warship has been in our waters and not innocent passage!
Look at the BGTW boundaries and look at the course it took so it could carry out 'innocent passage', very provocative, surprised not to hear RN read out any warnings.
When we had the Spanish Survey ship in British Gibraltar Territorial Waters we had the below read out.
The Royal Navy warnings read to Spanish State vessels in BGTW over Marine Channel 16 recently refer to United Nations Convention on Law Of the Sea (UNCLOS) Article 19, below is a copy of said article. Please note, particularly, sub-section (j)
Article 19
Meaning of innocent passage
1. Passage is innocent so long as it is not prejudicial to the peace, good order or security of the coastal State. Such passage shall take place in conformity with this Convention and with other rules of international law.
2. Passage of a foreign ship shall be considered to be prejudicial to the peace, good order or security of the coastal State if in the territorial sea it engages in any of the following activities:
a.any threat or use of force against the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of the coastal State, or in any other manner in violation of the principles of international law embodied in the Charter of the United Nations;
b.any exercise or practice with weapons of any kind;
c.any act aimed at collecting information to the prejudice of the defence or security of the coastal State;
d.any act of propaganda aimed at affecting the defence or security of the coastal State;
e.the launching, landing or taking on board of any aircraft;
f.the launching, landing or taking on board of any military device;
g.the loading or unloading of any commodity, currency or person contrary to the customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws and regulations of the coastal State;
h.any act of wilful and serious pollution contrary to this Convention;
i.any fishing activities;
j.the carrying out of research or survey activities;
k.any act aimed at interfering with any systems of communication or any other facilities or installations of the coastal State;
l.any other activity not having a direct bearing on passage
But today the Spanish Survey Ship speant all night surveying our waters but today they have been very careful since Spanish Ambassador was summoned. SO it goes to show they do know what are our waters!

We also had some support from UK MPs at long last in calling for more action to protect us.
Today the 22/11/13
More inhumane queues at the frontier.
I am fed up of all the smoke and screens - the constant lies and bad media fro Spain about the Spanish excuses on causing these inhumane queues! They state it is because of the tobacco smuggling but they know and have publicly declared that they have more of a problem in ports like Algeciras and Valencia. One example recently below:
Also this one:
We are trying to control illegal fishing in our waters due to the abuse of Spanish fishermen fishing in our waters with illegal means - so why is it ok for Spain to control - but we cannot do the same?
In 1984 This happened - http://www.nytimes.com/1984/10/21/world/irish-said-to-sink-spanish-trawler.html
Published: October 21, 1984
DUBLIN, Oct. 20—
Irish fishery patrol boats opened fire on a Spanish
trawler in a confrontation that developed after the vessel was found
fishing illegally in Irish waters, Irish officials said here today.
According to the Spanish Ambassador, the fishing
boat, the Sonia, sank after being hit by the gunfire, the Spanish news
agency E.F.E. reported. But this could not be independently confirmed.
The vessel had radioed that it was taking on water,
and British Coast Guard officials said all 16 Spanish crewmen were
rescued before dawn off Land's End in southwest England. No casualties
were reported.
Irish Defense Ministry officials said the patrol
boats opened fire on the Spanish ship after it tried to ram one of the
Irish boats during a five-hour chase that began Friday night in a gale.
Cannon Shells Are Fired
The Defense Ministry said in a statement that the
Irish vessels had fired a total of 596 rounds, ranging from small arms
ammunition to 20-millimeter cannon shells.
An Irish Defense Forces spokesman said the incident
began when the fishery-protection vessel Aisling discovered the 330-ton
Sonia off Wexford in southeast Ireland.
The Irish spokesman said the Aisling and another
fishery-protection vessel tried to put a boarding party on the Sonia,
but were unable to board it because of rough seas and the unpredictable
course of the Spanish vessel.
The spokesman maintained that the Spanish ship had
ignored all internationally recognized instructions to halt.
Ambassador Notified Quickly
Luis Jordana de Pozas Fuentas, the Spanish
Ambassador, told the Spanish news agency that he had been notified by
the Irish Navy soon after the incident started. He relayed a message to
the trawler ordering the captain to surrender to the Irish authorities,
the news agency quoted him as having said.
The Irish spokesman said the fishery-protection
vessels began firing ''warning'' rounds of live ammunition in the chase
across the Irish Sea. It said that although the first shots were fired
over the trawler, shots were later aimed directly at it as it made
repeated attempts to ram the Aisling.
''During the ramming attempts, the Aisling fired
shots into the vessel's bows and at the structural part of the vessel's
bridge,'' the statement said. It said the shots were aimed to hit the
trawler but miss the crew.
The Irish vessels gave up the chase for fear of
causing casualties when the trawler reached British waters, the Irish
spokesman said. West Germans Save 3
British Coast Guard said the trawler later radioed a
distress call, saying it was taking on water in heavy seas and
gale-force winds and was in imminent danger of sinking about 45 miles
north of Land's End.
A West German cargo ship, the 995- ton Achat,
rescued three members of the trawler's crew. The other 13 were rescued
by a Royal Air Force Sea King helicopter sent from its base at Brawdy in
South Wales. Three other British vessels and another helicopter were
also sent to the scene.
The Press Association, the British domestic news
agency, said the three trawler crewmen taken aboard the
Hamburg-registered Achat were being taken to the Irish city of
Waterford. The agency said the other 13, lifted to safety by the British
helicopter before dawn, were taken to the Royal Air Force base at St.
Mawgan in southwest England.
One of the 13 Spaniards taken to St. Mawgan said one
of the Irish boats had opened fire without warning. 'No Warning
Shots' ''They fired directly on our boat and there were no warning
shots,'' said Sabino Zubichray, 40 years old.
Mr. Zubichray acknowledged that the Sonia was
fishing inside Irish waters when the incident began Friday. But he said:
''Reports that we tried to ram the Irish ship are rubbish. It would be
impossible. We had only a small fishing boat and wouldn't try anything
like that.'' He said he knew of no guns aboard the Sonia.
Speaking through an interpreter at the St. Mawgan
base, Mr. Zubichray said: ''Our ship was hit everywhere. All the glass
was broken. The bridge was shot to pieces. The ship was covered in
holes, some small, some big.''
He said: ''We couldn't communicate with the Irish
because all our radio equipment was destroyed when they opened fire.
They fired immediately, and no warning was given.'' Official Inquiry
Planned The spokesman for the Irish Defense Forces said Irish Government
officials would get in touch with the Spanish Consul here about the
affair. He said they also planned an official inquiry.
Because Spain is not a member of the European Common
Market, it is banned from fishing in the Community's waters.
On March 7 two Spanish trawlers, the Burgoamendi and
Valle de Atxondo, were fired on by a French Navy gunboat while
illegally fishing in French waters. Nine fishermen were wounded, two
The Queue:
Even the US citizens are harrassed like video below
We need more protection - we need more like the Falklands see below - I know we have not petrol or oil but we are 30,000 british citizens!
The Military Balance: Defending Gibraltar & the Falklands [Infographics]
Gibraltar and The Falklands have been at the centre of territorial disputes during 2013.
It’s no secret that Britain’s territories overseas have had additional pressure on them over the last few months.With the mobilisation of war-ships to these locations by Britain, if worst comes to worst, how will each country fare?
These infographics are free to use and share as you wish. For any amendments or special requirements, please contact sean@neomam.com directly.

The Falkland Islands

So we demand more protection from UK before something happens due to their inaction!
Spain's democracy is being eroded by the growth in facsicm as below shows http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/nov/21/spain-government-strict-anti-protest-laws
Spanish government drafts strict anti-protest laws
Opposition and activists criticise plan to introduce steep fines for activists who take part in unauthorised

A protest in Madrid over cuts to education budgets. Photograph: Javier Soriano/AFP/Getty Images
ruling People's party has drafted strict new laws against public
protests, in a move denounced by the opposition as a blow to democracy.
The legislation, expected to be presented in a cabinet meeting on Friday, would introduce steep fines for activists who take part in unauthorised protests, publish images of police or interrupt public events.
Demonstrating near parliament without permission could result in a fine of up to €600,000, while insulting a police officer during a demonstration could cost up to €30,000.
The prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, said the law was not meant to gag citizens but protect them. "One of the obligations of the government is to guarantee the liberty and security of all of its citizens," he said.
But Joan Coscubiel, a spokesperson for the Izquierda Plural group in parliament, called the law a "kick in the teeth for democracy".
The proposed law has outraged activists. "It's an attack on one of the pillars of our democracy," said Stéphane Grueso, a Madrid-based activist and blogger.
Previously, he said, actions such as demonstrating outside the homes and offices of public figures would land protesters in court, defending their actions in front of a judge. But this legislation would automatically deem certain tactics to be outside of the law.
"It worries me how the government has decided, all of a sudden, that they didn't need judges and that they could solve everything themselves," Grueso said.
Manuel Ballbé, a law professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, said the legislation was less about cracking down on demonstrators and more about winning votes for the conservative government.
"They need to radicalise these movements, to create a climate of violence. Then the government can come out and show that they are the best party to institute law and order," he said. "Despite the crisis, there hasn't been any increase in crimes or violence. With six million unemployed and half of our youth unemployed, there's been no rise in delinquency."
The anti-eviction leader Ada Colau called on her nearly 100,000 Twitter followers to stage a day of general disobedience if the law is passed. Her group, the Mortgage Victims' Platform, added their own message aimed at those promoting the law: "We're not scared. We know the power that we the people have."
*************************************************************************The legislation, expected to be presented in a cabinet meeting on Friday, would introduce steep fines for activists who take part in unauthorised protests, publish images of police or interrupt public events.
Demonstrating near parliament without permission could result in a fine of up to €600,000, while insulting a police officer during a demonstration could cost up to €30,000.
The prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, said the law was not meant to gag citizens but protect them. "One of the obligations of the government is to guarantee the liberty and security of all of its citizens," he said.
But Joan Coscubiel, a spokesperson for the Izquierda Plural group in parliament, called the law a "kick in the teeth for democracy".
The proposed law has outraged activists. "It's an attack on one of the pillars of our democracy," said Stéphane Grueso, a Madrid-based activist and blogger.
Previously, he said, actions such as demonstrating outside the homes and offices of public figures would land protesters in court, defending their actions in front of a judge. But this legislation would automatically deem certain tactics to be outside of the law.
"It worries me how the government has decided, all of a sudden, that they didn't need judges and that they could solve everything themselves," Grueso said.
Manuel Ballbé, a law professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, said the legislation was less about cracking down on demonstrators and more about winning votes for the conservative government.
"They need to radicalise these movements, to create a climate of violence. Then the government can come out and show that they are the best party to institute law and order," he said. "Despite the crisis, there hasn't been any increase in crimes or violence. With six million unemployed and half of our youth unemployed, there's been no rise in delinquency."
The anti-eviction leader Ada Colau called on her nearly 100,000 Twitter followers to stage a day of general disobedience if the law is passed. Her group, the Mortgage Victims' Platform, added their own message aimed at those promoting the law: "We're not scared. We know the power that we the people have."
The EU seem scared to stand up to the bully that SPAIN is - could this be that EU is not as democratic as we all think and is more a part of state control Fascism?
There is no way with all proof we keep posting for the world to see that any country could think that Spain should continue the way they behave!
So I urge you all to support - please write protest letters or emails about the EU decision that has now caused SPAIN to enforce more bullying tactics - more Warship incursion and more inhumane queues at the border but towards pedestrians!
Where is the United Nations for HUman Rights? I have tweeted the proof to human rights watch - will they also proof to be a farce? Who will stand with us?
We all need to play a part - you would not like this to happen to you or your people so why should we be silenced - we have a voice and it is our choice and our right to be heard!
Support us in our demonstration in UK outside the Spanish Embassy 30th November at 11.00am.
I hope to see you all there to stand with us and for us!
Anne-Marie Struggles
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