Photos courtesy Tommy Finlayson
Defenders of Gibraltar have once again put actions to their words on the bullying that continues from Spain! The aim is to continue to highlight to the world the injustices and the anti Gibraltar propaganda! We hope to embarrass Spain by telling the truth!
They handed in a Letter to the Ambassador and two portfolios about the bullying tactics that Gibraltar continues to suffer!
Spain is supposed to be a democratic country and in the European Union and the behaviour that they continue to have against Gibraltar and its people is totally unacceptable! This country Spain is trying to discredit Gibraltar and the people of Gibraltar - that is the Gibraltarians!
Who would have thought that this country Spain is hte same country that is trying to get a seat in the United Nations Security Counsel! I hope this never happens as we can all now see with more clarity that Spain is not a democracy but a fascist country!
A country as big as Spain should never be allowed to bully another country into submission - at the end of the day Gibraltar and its people have the right to choose what they want to be. Gibraltar has held2 official referendums in which over 99% have voted to remain British!
So why is it so hard for a Country like Spain to accept that Gibraltar was ceded? Since that day Gibraltar belongs to the Gibraltarians for over 3 hundred years!The Gibraltarians continue to choose to be British!
So Defenders of Gibraltar with their sister Group in UK- Gibraltarians Worldwide, went to do what they set out to do!
Below are some photos and the leaflet that was given out to all Embassies around the Spanish Embassy. Also the two letters handed in - one was for the Spanish Ambassador the other was for Prime Minister David Cameron.
Defenders’ Spanish Embassy
protest, amidst
heightened tension
Defenders’ Spanish Embassy
protest, amidst
heightened tension

The Defenders of Gibraltar Group will this morning fly out to prepare for tomorrow’s protest outside the Spanish Embassy in London.
After weeks of organisation, the group last night were putting together the final details of a busy weekend ahead. The demonstration is being supported by shadow group ‘Community of Gibraltar Worldwide’ it’s expected others will also be travelling from the Rock to join in the protest, as will Gibraltarians and supporters residing or studying in the UK.
The demonstration has captured the attention of UK politicians some have already signalled their intention of joining the group outside the residence of Spain’s ambassador.
The Spanish Ambassador Trillo is in fact lucky to be living there at all this week, as the demonstration comes at the end of a politically and diplomatically charged week, with the diplomatic bag incident at the frontier which enraged British politicians across the political divide, many of whom demanded that Trillo be sent packing out of the country and back to PP headquarters in Madrid!
The Defenders see the protest as a statement for Gibraltar, but also to further publicly expose the Spanish Government and its on-going Gibraltar policy, particularly, it’s oppressive and medieval attitude towards Gibraltar and its people.
Defenders of Gibraltar also want to highlight the continuing harassment by the Spanish Government and their inappropriate and inhumane conduct towards Gibraltarians, EU Citizens and Citizens of the World generally, including the continuing disregard and contempt shown of international law by the Guardia Civil with their illegal frontier controls and daily illegal incursions into British Gibraltar Territorial Waters.
The demonstration is expected to start tomorrow at 1100 am UK time outside the Spanish Embassy in Belgrave Square. There will be some addresses. Later a letter will be handed to an embassy official who has already acknowledged that they will be receiving it from the Defenders of Gibraltar Chairman Gareth Gingell, another letter will also be handed to the UK Prime Minister David Cameron.
A leaflet is being distributed by the defenders where they explain the reasons in full for the London Embassy Demonstration.
Gareth Gingell told PANORAMA: “The reasons for this demonstration are unequivocally clear to all who live in Gibraltar and have had to live with constant harassment and bullying from Spain - one of our problems is that the Spanish Government is not held to account on their actions by us Gibraltarians outside of Gibraltar.
“We all have a voice and a responsibility to speak out and inform the world of what Gibraltar is subjected to. We aim to show Spain that we in Gibraltar will go out of our way to ensure our voices are heard on this matter, and will highlight Spains oppressive tactics wherever they have representation, starting with its diplomatic centre in London. It is time for Gibraltar to stand up and spread the truth about how Spain bullies and harasses us.
“If we as ordinary citizens do not go out of our way to stand up and make our voices heard in defence of the truth and the future of our home, then how can we expect others who are 2,000 miles away to do so too.”
Letters handed in by Defenders of Gibraltar
Spreading the truth about Gibraltar, ambassador told
TO: Mr Federico Trillo
Spanish Ambassador to the United Kingdom
Dear Mr Federico Trillo,
Today the Defenders of Gibraltar, Community of Gibraltarians Worldwide, Gibraltarians as well as friends and supporters held a peaceful protest outside the Spanish Embassy. The aim of this protest was to highlight the Spanish Government's harassment, oppression and bullying of Gibraltar and its people, as well as hand this letter into the Spanish Embassy (a copy of which has been attached to separate correspondence to the UK Prime Minister).
This protest also marks the beginning of a longer term strategy by the Defenders of Gibraltar, which involves travelling to diplomatic centres worldwide where Spain has interests (such as the EU parliament and United Nations) and spreading the truth about Gibraltar and what it is subjected to by the Spanish Government. We sincerely believe that the unbridled truth will shame your Government and help other nations and their people begin to associate Spain as being the bully of 30,000 peace loving people; and in so doing hold you to account and apply pressure for positive change.
Gone are the days when Gibraltarians simply expressed their discontent with Spanish harassment solely in Gibraltar. This was only too convenient for your nation as your Government is well trained in spreading its anti-Gibraltar lies and propaganda worldwide, whilst Gibraltar was restricted to spreading the truth in our local news. This was only too easy and convenient for you, however that is all about to change.
It is not only our Government which has a voice; us the people have a responsibility to spread the truth in a peaceful manner and that is what we are going to do. We may be small in number, but remember this;
It is not the strength of the messenger, but the strength of the message.
We urge you to talk sense into your Government, which has begun to act like a literal bull in a china shop. We also do not see the point of expressing our voice in your country, as it has historically been twisted and spun by your media, controlled and not allowed to speak of inconvenient truths. Given also the clear harassment and treatment of your own citizens (spare a thought for the slippery slide to a Police state your nation is becoming), we shall not be protesting in your country. If your country can beat up young children and elderly people who are protesting peacefully, it does not auger well for democratic Gibraltarians. We would much prefer to visit a democratic state where our views and universal rights are respected.
Perhaps one day in the not too distant future, Spain will get used to the fact that Gibraltar does not want to be Spanish, and has not been Spanish for over 300 years. Perhaps then with this firm understanding in the minds of your Government, along with genuine respect, Spain and Gibraltar can have the foundations of positive neighbourly relation to the benefit of those in the Campo area and Gibraltar.
Lastly, do not underestimate the resolve of the people of Gibraltar, or mistake our patience for fear,, weakness or apathy. The last person to make that mistake was the Dictator Franco. With that last unsavoury point I find it pertinent to remind you that despite his efforts, his Government is now a painful memory, whilst the Gibraltar Government is very much alive and kicking and proud to be British.
Yours Truly,
Mr Gareth R Gingell,
Chairman of the Defenders of Gibraltar
More can be done to bring Spanish bullying to an end, Prime Minister told
To: Prime Minister of the United Kingdom,
Hon. David Cameron MP 10 Downing Street,
London, UK
Dear Prime Minister,
Today the Defenders of Gibraltar (DoG), Community of Gibraltarians Worldwide (CoGW), Gibraltarians as well as friends and supporters of Gibraltar, held a peaceful protest outside the Spanish Embassy in London. The aim of this protest was to highlight the Spanish Government's constant oppression and bullying of Gibraltar and its people, as well as to hand in a letter for the attention of the Spanish Ambassador, Federico Trillo (a copy of the letter to the Spanish Ambassador is attached to this one).
As you well know, the Spanish Government appear s intent on causing a conflict with Gibraltar in order to provide a distraction from the disastrous economic situation in Spain. Unfortunately their smoke and mirrors strategy appears to have spiralled out of their control and inspired a level of hatred against Gibraltar and its people, the likes of which has not been seen since the Dictator Franco ruled that nation with an iron fist. The recent hounding of our Chief Minister Fabian Picardo at an intellectual conference in Algeciras (the topic of discussion being relations in the Campo area) by extreme right wing groups and PP sponsored fishermen speaks volumes of the level of hatred the Spanish Government is wishing to sow amongst its own people.
The people of Gibraltar thank you for your support (including your spectacular message on our National Day, which was well received) and that of the UK Government, along with the vast majority of Members of the UK Parliament. We do however feel that much more could be done to ensure that the bullying and harassment of Gibraltar and its people comes to an end. It is not right that Gibraltar should be subjected to periodic cycles of hatred and harassment from successive Spanish Governments, as well as continuous attempts to undermine and strangle our peaceful way of life. We feel that perhaps more should be done to highlight how Spain bullies Gibraltar simply because we are small, and they are used to getting away with it.
The people of Gibraltar will no longer tolerate such medieval treatment. The Defenders of Gibraltar will soon begin the next peaceful stage of our strategy to travel to diplomatic centres where Spain has interests, such as the EU Parliament and the United Nations, in order to spread the truth about Gibraltar and the way we are treated by Spain. We want the world to look at Spain and remember how it bullies a small nation of 30,000 peace loving people, a Spain which claims to be a modern democracy, responsible EU nation and fellow NATO member. With friends like this who cannot respect boundaries or diplomatic and legal frameworks to resolve disputes, who needs enemies?
We thank you for standing up for us. We understand how easy it could have been to simply do as previous UK Governments have done and kick the issue into the long grass. The people of Gibraltar thank you and admire you for doing what is right, not what is convenient. We urge you to stay the course and not waiver in your resolve.
Lastly, we would like to extend an invitation for you to come and visit Gibraltar. We believe that it is about time that a Prime Minister who supports us did so to symbolise the unwavering support of the UK Government. You are likely to receive a very warm welcome.
Yours Truly,
Mr Gareth R Gingell
Chairman of the Defenders of Gibraltar
Spreading the truth about Gibraltar, ambassador told
TO: Mr Federico Trillo
Spanish Ambassador to the United Kingdom
Dear Mr Federico Trillo,
Today the Defenders of Gibraltar, Community of Gibraltarians Worldwide, Gibraltarians as well as friends and supporters held a peaceful protest outside the Spanish Embassy. The aim of this protest was to highlight the Spanish Government's harassment, oppression and bullying of Gibraltar and its people, as well as hand this letter into the Spanish Embassy (a copy of which has been attached to separate correspondence to the UK Prime Minister).
This protest also marks the beginning of a longer term strategy by the Defenders of Gibraltar, which involves travelling to diplomatic centres worldwide where Spain has interests (such as the EU parliament and United Nations) and spreading the truth about Gibraltar and what it is subjected to by the Spanish Government. We sincerely believe that the unbridled truth will shame your Government and help other nations and their people begin to associate Spain as being the bully of 30,000 peace loving people; and in so doing hold you to account and apply pressure for positive change.
Gone are the days when Gibraltarians simply expressed their discontent with Spanish harassment solely in Gibraltar. This was only too convenient for your nation as your Government is well trained in spreading its anti-Gibraltar lies and propaganda worldwide, whilst Gibraltar was restricted to spreading the truth in our local news. This was only too easy and convenient for you, however that is all about to change.
It is not only our Government which has a voice; us the people have a responsibility to spread the truth in a peaceful manner and that is what we are going to do. We may be small in number, but remember this;
It is not the strength of the messenger, but the strength of the message.
We urge you to talk sense into your Government, which has begun to act like a literal bull in a china shop. We also do not see the point of expressing our voice in your country, as it has historically been twisted and spun by your media, controlled and not allowed to speak of inconvenient truths. Given also the clear harassment and treatment of your own citizens (spare a thought for the slippery slide to a Police state your nation is becoming), we shall not be protesting in your country. If your country can beat up young children and elderly people who are protesting peacefully, it does not auger well for democratic Gibraltarians. We would much prefer to visit a democratic state where our views and universal rights are respected.
Perhaps one day in the not too distant future, Spain will get used to the fact that Gibraltar does not want to be Spanish, and has not been Spanish for over 300 years. Perhaps then with this firm understanding in the minds of your Government, along with genuine respect, Spain and Gibraltar can have the foundations of positive neighbourly relation to the benefit of those in the Campo area and Gibraltar.
Lastly, do not underestimate the resolve of the people of Gibraltar, or mistake our patience for fear,, weakness or apathy. The last person to make that mistake was the Dictator Franco. With that last unsavoury point I find it pertinent to remind you that despite his efforts, his Government is now a painful memory, whilst the Gibraltar Government is very much alive and kicking and proud to be British.
Yours Truly,
Mr Gareth R Gingell,
Chairman of the Defenders of Gibraltar
More can be done to bring Spanish bullying to an end, Prime Minister told
To: Prime Minister of the United Kingdom,
Hon. David Cameron MP 10 Downing Street,
London, UK
Dear Prime Minister,
Today the Defenders of Gibraltar (DoG), Community of Gibraltarians Worldwide (CoGW), Gibraltarians as well as friends and supporters of Gibraltar, held a peaceful protest outside the Spanish Embassy in London. The aim of this protest was to highlight the Spanish Government's constant oppression and bullying of Gibraltar and its people, as well as to hand in a letter for the attention of the Spanish Ambassador, Federico Trillo (a copy of the letter to the Spanish Ambassador is attached to this one).
As you well know, the Spanish Government appear s intent on causing a conflict with Gibraltar in order to provide a distraction from the disastrous economic situation in Spain. Unfortunately their smoke and mirrors strategy appears to have spiralled out of their control and inspired a level of hatred against Gibraltar and its people, the likes of which has not been seen since the Dictator Franco ruled that nation with an iron fist. The recent hounding of our Chief Minister Fabian Picardo at an intellectual conference in Algeciras (the topic of discussion being relations in the Campo area) by extreme right wing groups and PP sponsored fishermen speaks volumes of the level of hatred the Spanish Government is wishing to sow amongst its own people.
The people of Gibraltar thank you for your support (including your spectacular message on our National Day, which was well received) and that of the UK Government, along with the vast majority of Members of the UK Parliament. We do however feel that much more could be done to ensure that the bullying and harassment of Gibraltar and its people comes to an end. It is not right that Gibraltar should be subjected to periodic cycles of hatred and harassment from successive Spanish Governments, as well as continuous attempts to undermine and strangle our peaceful way of life. We feel that perhaps more should be done to highlight how Spain bullies Gibraltar simply because we are small, and they are used to getting away with it.
The people of Gibraltar will no longer tolerate such medieval treatment. The Defenders of Gibraltar will soon begin the next peaceful stage of our strategy to travel to diplomatic centres where Spain has interests, such as the EU Parliament and the United Nations, in order to spread the truth about Gibraltar and the way we are treated by Spain. We want the world to look at Spain and remember how it bullies a small nation of 30,000 peace loving people, a Spain which claims to be a modern democracy, responsible EU nation and fellow NATO member. With friends like this who cannot respect boundaries or diplomatic and legal frameworks to resolve disputes, who needs enemies?
We thank you for standing up for us. We understand how easy it could have been to simply do as previous UK Governments have done and kick the issue into the long grass. The people of Gibraltar thank you and admire you for doing what is right, not what is convenient. We urge you to stay the course and not waiver in your resolve.
Lastly, we would like to extend an invitation for you to come and visit Gibraltar. We believe that it is about time that a Prime Minister who supports us did so to symbolise the unwavering support of the UK Government. You are likely to receive a very warm welcome.
Yours Truly,
Mr Gareth R Gingell
Chairman of the Defenders of Gibraltar
To our Falkland Friends we had to take this Photo for you to show our support to you! THis was outside Argentinean EmbassyOUR LITTLE GIBRALTAR ISLAND OUTSIDE SPANISH EMBASSY!
Earl of Dartmouth signing the UK flag and the Gibraltar Flag

MEP Earl of Dartmouth - after handing in the letter and the two portfolios.


It was a very humbling experience to play a part in highlighting the bullying that Spain does in the 21st Century to a people who just want to remain British and not give up their identity to just appease to SPAIN!
This shows the emotions people go through about the border queues!
This is how you need to measure the queues at the border for pedestrians!

With the border queues you can see the evolution of MAN!
This should be the welcome to Spain sign that tourists should see as this is the truth!
Now with all the queues still going on at the border - we must give the Noble Prize to EU this photo speaks a thousands words about them!
But Gibraltar will NEVER surrender!
So what will we achieve? - We will spread the truth to all people over the world!
The amount of people we spoke to was quite a lot! So we aim to go to all Spanish Embassies all over the world!
The truth will be told! We do have a VOICE! We do have RIGHTS! We do have a CHOICE!
We choose never to be silent again about the bully that SPAIN is! Our Rights as Human Beings are being broken and we have to continue to speak up and out!

So watch this SPACE - Defenders of Gibraltar are here to stay!
Anne-Marie Struggles
Hey its Janet Jackson Great , I really love your writing style that you are using for your posts and stuff,