Spanish Incursions by their para military continue and what is the UK Government doing?
That is the million dollar question!
We all know the answer is coward action and words of diplomacy!
How can anyone stop a bully like a country the size of Spain?
Simple answer - stand up to the bully and tell the truth! Gibraltar will NEVER be SPANISH!
All the UK government pr FC have to do is stand up to all the proof of constant harm that Spain has taken on against us!
Then and only then will Spain have to accept reality and not misinterpret our love for their country into wanting to ever be one of them!
People all over the world travel the whole world and never is anyone bullied to the extent we are! Yes they have not bombed us, or invaded us as yet - but in modern society there are many ways to oppress and bully a person or country!
Words, actions to stop our progress are just a few things! Put causing border queues etc and then you have more!
Spanish Government is indeed at present (and at least for the last 40
odd years) been an enemy of Gibraltar and a threat to our existence.
If you do not see that I am afraid there is nothing I could possibly
do to help you there
– I
suggest you readers
around and see just how busy the Spanish
Government is working to undermine everything we do or want. DO not
mix that with our local and human relationships between Gibraltar and
Spanish citizens.
try to undermine our economy, our bunkering, our Sport – take our
bid to enter UEFA and just see how hard they are working to stop us
getting in!Through their own media they try to show us up to being smugglers, drug barons, tax haven even though all has been proved that we are not and in fact most press will show the contrary and that Spain has been suffering all this more and more each day and each year! Especially as they go more and more into the crisis!
The EU should be interfering and stopping Spain's bullying, however the last time it interfered it gave Spain environmental jurisdiction of our territorial waters. They have also yet to condemn Spain for using frontier as a tool to oppress (the EU said there was no evidence to suggest any malice, even though recently a GC under oath in Spanish court admitted that he had been ordered to make queues because if the fishing dispute). The EU seem to be controlled or heavily influenced by Spain when it comes to Gibraltar's affairs. Just look at how we always get a biased Spanish judge on cases related to Gibraltar. Its a joke that the EU do not take us seriously but if UK does not then how can one expect the EU or the UN to!
By Leo Olivero
A staggering 94% of companies who make up the Spanish stock exchange have offshore financial activities in ‘Tax Havens’ around the world.
This hugely embarrassing news for Spain was revealed last week in a report which the Madrid Government, as you would expect, would rather keep under wraps and not comment over because of the humiliating and scandalous hypocrisy surrounding it.
Only 6% of Spanish Stock Market Companies not Present in Tax Havens
The report published over a week ago by the well-known and respected independent Spanish financial institution ‘Observatorio de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa’ (CSR) reported on 2011 activities…It revealed that 94% of the elite Spanish companies who operate the Spanish stock exchange, this equates to 33 of the IBEX 35 which are active or have subsidiaries in tax havens according to the report findings.
The study produced each year by the CSR composed of members of the civil society and organisations such as NGOs, trade unions and consumers.
The CSR in Madrid is an independent institution and civil society coalition dedicated in promoting the correct interpretation and implementation of national and EU policies, maintaining dialogue with the private and public sectors, researching and also awareness building. There are similar networked groups all over Europe who work with EU governments and in some cases with the OECD, the latter’s mission in life is also to promote policies that will improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world.
The report also concludes that since ‘2009 there has been a marked increase in Spanish companies operating in so called tax havens’ allegations that is frequently directed at Gibraltar. However Gibraltar is not mentioned in the report as one of the jurisdictions where the IBEX 35 or the naughty 33 are doing business right under the PP Government’s nose.
IBEX 35 Basking in Tax Havens
The IBEX 35 also known as the ‘Bolsa de Madrid’ is supervised by the Bolsas y Mercados Espanoles (BME) These elite companies form the integral elements of the IBEX 35 the Spanish stock market. The BME have not yet made any comment but reports suggest they are stunned at the findings published.
The news could not have come at a more difficult time for Spain. Not only because of Spain’s current financial and politically corrupt predicament, but because the Spanish Government who have embarked on a ‘I am whiter-than-white campaign of ridding Europe and the world of so called tax havens, money laundering and offshore centres’… But Does Not Look at its Own National Stock Exchange – Pure Hypocrisy We Have Come to Know!
IBEX the 33 Tax Dodgers – And How Unethical Minds Work!
The result of the report is hugely damaging to Spain, as it involves practically all the main players who are part of the national stock market known as the IBEX 35.
The Spanish IBEX 35 lists the 35 most liquid stocks on the Spanish stock market .The 35 companies listed on the IBEX 35 are everyday well-known Spanish brand names like Banco Popular, Gamesa, Banco Santander, Telefonica, Mapfre, Telecinco and Ferrovial are among the elite IBEX 35’s
How Corrupt and Hypocritical Minds Work
Disgracefully and a classic example how corrupt and hypocritical minds work ‘that whilst 94% of the elite ibex 35 companies are active and doing business in so called tax havens, probably hiding money from the Madrid Government in these far-flung tax paradises away from the clutches of the Spanish Tax Man’, the Spanish Government hypocritically goes about making all sorts of allegations and threatening to eradicate these same tax havens or low level tax jurisdictions. Gibraltar for many years has erroneously or politically been at the receiving end of these allegations
What Goes Around Comes Around!
From a Gibraltar perspective the news must raise more than a smile even a chuckle in fact, particularly when you think how the Spanish Government who have continuously been on Gibraltar’s back alleging all manner of financial wrong doings in our institutions. Then the tables-are-turned with practically all the blue-ribbon companies who prop up the Spanish Stock Exchange are operating in the same so called dodgy financial centres across the world attempting to hide money from the Spanish Government…A Classic Case of What Comes Around Goes Around!
6o% Increase in 3 Years of IBEX Elite Operating in Tax Havens
The study director Carlos Cordero Sanz, stated in the report that during the economic crisis these activities, instead of diminishing has increased by 60% since 2009, he was also clear with his opinion when he said “It is a tax avoidance, i.e. a legal activity but negatively impacts the national economy, he complained”.
Cordero blamed the lack of transparency from the companies to the absence of legal rules that prevent these activities. The report, which was reviewed and modified in some points, reflects lack of other data on corporate responsibility of the companies involved, such as the environment, human rights, consumer protection and corruption.
Already there has been some condemnation in Spain regarding the context of the report, some financial commentators in the Spanish capital have raged saying that “whilst the capitalist crisis strangles the pockets of ordinary taxpayers, Spanish companies with higher profits have stepped on the gas to avoid paying taxes that should go into the coffers of the state government”
Mr Cordero, who in a previous report in 2010 when referring to the same situation said “operations in tax havens are not useful to argue the risk of fraud, but they nevertheless indicate a “risk”. Another part of the report states that no company in a tax haven has to provide information on the granting of money, or contributions in kind, given to political parties. On the latter issue, he said “information transparency is essential to minimise the risk of involvement in acts of corruption or favouritism”. The latter comment for me makes perfect sense as everything falls into place when you consider the corruptible mess the PP Government have landed themselves in, especially with the Barcenas scandal, together with all the other on-going politically driven and financially corrupt investigations…Which must be doing wonders for ‘La Marca Espana’
Not Everyone in the World is Fooled by Spain!
By Leo Olivero
A staggering 94% of companies who make up the Spanish stock exchange have offshore financial activities in ‘Tax Havens’ around the world.
This hugely embarrassing news for Spain was revealed last week in a report which the Madrid Government, as you would expect, would rather keep under wraps and not comment over because of the humiliating and scandalous hypocrisy surrounding it.
Only 6% of Spanish Stock Market Companies not Present in Tax Havens
The report published over a week ago by the well-known and respected independent Spanish financial institution ‘Observatorio de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa’ (CSR) reported on 2011 activities…It revealed that 94% of the elite Spanish companies who operate the Spanish stock exchange, this equates to 33 of the IBEX 35 which are active or have subsidiaries in tax havens according to the report findings.
The study produced each year by the CSR composed of members of the civil society and organisations such as NGOs, trade unions and consumers.
The CSR in Madrid is an independent institution and civil society coalition dedicated in promoting the correct interpretation and implementation of national and EU policies, maintaining dialogue with the private and public sectors, researching and also awareness building. There are similar networked groups all over Europe who work with EU governments and in some cases with the OECD, the latter’s mission in life is also to promote policies that will improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world.
The report also concludes that since ‘2009 there has been a marked increase in Spanish companies operating in so called tax havens’ allegations that is frequently directed at Gibraltar. However Gibraltar is not mentioned in the report as one of the jurisdictions where the IBEX 35 or the naughty 33 are doing business right under the PP Government’s nose.
IBEX 35 Basking in Tax Havens
The IBEX 35 also known as the ‘Bolsa de Madrid’ is supervised by the Bolsas y Mercados Espanoles (BME) These elite companies form the integral elements of the IBEX 35 the Spanish stock market. The BME have not yet made any comment but reports suggest they are stunned at the findings published.
The news could not have come at a more difficult time for Spain. Not only because of Spain’s current financial and politically corrupt predicament, but because the Spanish Government who have embarked on a ‘I am whiter-than-white campaign of ridding Europe and the world of so called tax havens, money laundering and offshore centres’… But Does Not Look at its Own National Stock Exchange – Pure Hypocrisy We Have Come to Know!
IBEX the 33 Tax Dodgers – And How Unethical Minds Work!
The result of the report is hugely damaging to Spain, as it involves practically all the main players who are part of the national stock market known as the IBEX 35.
The Spanish IBEX 35 lists the 35 most liquid stocks on the Spanish stock market .The 35 companies listed on the IBEX 35 are everyday well-known Spanish brand names like Banco Popular, Gamesa, Banco Santander, Telefonica, Mapfre, Telecinco and Ferrovial are among the elite IBEX 35’s
How Corrupt and Hypocritical Minds Work
Disgracefully and a classic example how corrupt and hypocritical minds work ‘that whilst 94% of the elite ibex 35 companies are active and doing business in so called tax havens, probably hiding money from the Madrid Government in these far-flung tax paradises away from the clutches of the Spanish Tax Man’, the Spanish Government hypocritically goes about making all sorts of allegations and threatening to eradicate these same tax havens or low level tax jurisdictions. Gibraltar for many years has erroneously or politically been at the receiving end of these allegations
What Goes Around Comes Around!
From a Gibraltar perspective the news must raise more than a smile even a chuckle in fact, particularly when you think how the Spanish Government who have continuously been on Gibraltar’s back alleging all manner of financial wrong doings in our institutions. Then the tables-are-turned with practically all the blue-ribbon companies who prop up the Spanish Stock Exchange are operating in the same so called dodgy financial centres across the world attempting to hide money from the Spanish Government…A Classic Case of What Comes Around Goes Around!
6o% Increase in 3 Years of IBEX Elite Operating in Tax Havens
The study director Carlos Cordero Sanz, stated in the report that during the economic crisis these activities, instead of diminishing has increased by 60% since 2009, he was also clear with his opinion when he said “It is a tax avoidance, i.e. a legal activity but negatively impacts the national economy, he complained”.
Cordero blamed the lack of transparency from the companies to the absence of legal rules that prevent these activities. The report, which was reviewed and modified in some points, reflects lack of other data on corporate responsibility of the companies involved, such as the environment, human rights, consumer protection and corruption.
Already there has been some condemnation in Spain regarding the context of the report, some financial commentators in the Spanish capital have raged saying that “whilst the capitalist crisis strangles the pockets of ordinary taxpayers, Spanish companies with higher profits have stepped on the gas to avoid paying taxes that should go into the coffers of the state government”
Mr Cordero, who in a previous report in 2010 when referring to the same situation said “operations in tax havens are not useful to argue the risk of fraud, but they nevertheless indicate a “risk”. Another part of the report states that no company in a tax haven has to provide information on the granting of money, or contributions in kind, given to political parties. On the latter issue, he said “information transparency is essential to minimise the risk of involvement in acts of corruption or favouritism”. The latter comment for me makes perfect sense as everything falls into place when you consider the corruptible mess the PP Government have landed themselves in, especially with the Barcenas scandal, together with all the other on-going politically driven and financially corrupt investigations…Which must be doing wonders for ‘La Marca Espana’
Not Everyone in the World is Fooled by Spain!
Civil in the Spanish/Andorra
frontier are now using trained dogs to sniff out contraband currency
from vehicles apart from alcohol and tobacco.
have decided to introduce this measure due to the increase in money
laundering they say has been detected there!
can tell the RN visiting ships have left us and the Guardia Civil
know it!
At 10.30, Sun 19 May 2013 Rio Cedena was spotted patrolling BGTW less than 100 metres off our Moles and then coming to a stop to inspect a Spanish fishing boat that was making its way into the Western Approaches.
This action by the GC is in breach of innocent passage but unfortunately Navy Ops appear to have missed it however here is the photographic evidence for all to see.
At 10.30, Sun 19 May 2013 Rio Cedena was spotted patrolling BGTW less than 100 metres off our Moles and then coming to a stop to inspect a Spanish fishing boat that was making its way into the Western Approaches.
This action by the GC is in breach of innocent passage but unfortunately Navy Ops appear to have missed it however here is the photographic evidence for all to see.

Linea Mayor supports Gibraltar
La Linea mayor Gemma Araujo has written to the Spanish government’s regional representative warning that the lack of control in the queue for Gibraltar could one day lead to tragedy.
The mayor wants the Spanish government to supervise to stop queue jumpers and prevent waiting cars from blocking roads and causing traffic chaos.
“The waiting times, coupled to the fact that some uncivil drivers try to jump the queue, means that there are numerous incidents between drivers day after day,” she wrote.
“I fear that one day this will end in a tragedy that we will all regret.”
She told Javier de Torres, the government representative in Cádiz province, that La Linea lacked the technical and human resources to control the situation.
She reminded him that the access road to the border is in any event a national road on which the Guardia Civil have the core responsibility for order.
“For those reasons I offer total cooperation to deal with this matter, including the possibility of relying on the Policia Local,” she said in her letter.
“I think this will bring benefits for the people of La Linea, for the city’s perception, and for the workers that cross over daily into neighbouring Gibraltar.”
La Linea mayor Gemma Araujo has written to the Spanish government’s regional representative warning that the lack of control in the queue for Gibraltar could one day lead to tragedy.
The mayor wants the Spanish government to supervise to stop queue jumpers and prevent waiting cars from blocking roads and causing traffic chaos.
“The waiting times, coupled to the fact that some uncivil drivers try to jump the queue, means that there are numerous incidents between drivers day after day,” she wrote.
“I fear that one day this will end in a tragedy that we will all regret.”
She told Javier de Torres, the government representative in Cádiz province, that La Linea lacked the technical and human resources to control the situation.
She reminded him that the access road to the border is in any event a national road on which the Guardia Civil have the core responsibility for order.
“For those reasons I offer total cooperation to deal with this matter, including the possibility of relying on the Policia Local,” she said in her letter.
“I think this will bring benefits for the people of La Linea, for the city’s perception, and for the workers that cross over daily into neighbouring Gibraltar.”

We need more support from all of you out there!
a press release dated 16th May 2013,the United Nations Special
Committee of 24 on Decolonization is to hold the Caribbean Regional
Seminar in Quito,Ecuador between the 28th to the 30th May
2013.Gibraltar is included in the listing.See link for more
Nations vote yesterday on the right to self determination of French
Polinesia angers France.This territory has now been included,amongst
others, together with Gibraltar and the Falklands in the UN list
.Read the article to find out more details on this
Chief Minister Fabian Picardo has told German readers of Frankfurter Allegmeine Zeitung that he is firmly convinced that Gibraltar will never be Spanish because today’s Europe is about the people rather than the states.
One of the leading German newspapers Frankfurter Allegmeine Zeitung carried an extensive interview with the Chief Minister, this week by the paper’s correspondent in Spain, Leo Wieland.
Mr Picardo, speaking to the newspaper when in Madrid, says the will of the people counts and he would expect a mature democracy such as Spain to respect that.
Despite this, Mr Picardo laments that the attitude of the present Spanish Government is not as forthcoming as that of the previous Socialist one, adding that there is no dialogue because Spain withdrew from the Trilateral Forum.
Mr Picardo also tells the German newspaper that Gibraltar’s economy is booming like hardly any other in the European Union. He explains that Gibraltar is already the Silicon Valley of online gaming and aspires to become the Silicon Valley for financial transactions in Europe. The world’s largest companies are resident on the Rock because Gibraltar provides strict control and security, he says.
He adds that Gibraltar has OECD approval and cannot be classified as a Tax Haven. It already has Tax Information Agreements with many countries. Gibraltar, says Mr Picardo, seeks the right to self-determination and is striving for a tailormade solution which allows a maximum of self-government under the British Crown.
Chief Minister Fabian Picardo has told German readers of Frankfurter Allegmeine Zeitung that he is firmly convinced that Gibraltar will never be Spanish because today’s Europe is about the people rather than the states.
One of the leading German newspapers Frankfurter Allegmeine Zeitung carried an extensive interview with the Chief Minister, this week by the paper’s correspondent in Spain, Leo Wieland.
Mr Picardo, speaking to the newspaper when in Madrid, says the will of the people counts and he would expect a mature democracy such as Spain to respect that.
Despite this, Mr Picardo laments that the attitude of the present Spanish Government is not as forthcoming as that of the previous Socialist one, adding that there is no dialogue because Spain withdrew from the Trilateral Forum.
Mr Picardo also tells the German newspaper that Gibraltar’s economy is booming like hardly any other in the European Union. He explains that Gibraltar is already the Silicon Valley of online gaming and aspires to become the Silicon Valley for financial transactions in Europe. The world’s largest companies are resident on the Rock because Gibraltar provides strict control and security, he says.
He adds that Gibraltar has OECD approval and cannot be classified as a Tax Haven. It already has Tax Information Agreements with many countries. Gibraltar, says Mr Picardo, seeks the right to self-determination and is striving for a tailormade solution which allows a maximum of self-government under the British Crown.
Anne-Marie Struggles
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