European Commission to visit Gibraltar frontier again next Wednesday
courtesy- GBC
The European Commission will be sending a delegation to examine the Gibraltar border next Wednesday. Sources in Brussels have confirmed to GBC that all three Governments – Gibraltar, UK and Spain - have been notified, and that a team of experts on border movement will be examining how the Commission’s recommendations are being implemented.
courtesy- GBC
The European Commission will be sending a delegation to examine the Gibraltar border next Wednesday. Sources in Brussels have confirmed to GBC that all three Governments – Gibraltar, UK and Spain - have been notified, and that a team of experts on border movement will be examining how the Commission’s recommendations are being implemented.
Last November the Commission prepared a report with recommendations to
the United Kingdom and Spain to improve the flow across the border.
The deadline expired over a month ago, and border queues continue in both directions. In fact, as GBC reported yesterday, June has turned out to be the worst month of the year so far, with peak queuing time at over five hours.
Gibraltar completed the work on the recommendations made to it by the European Commission, but the Spanish Government has barely started, apart from an architect's drawing of the infrastructural changes planned for the border.
The Gibraltar Government has already written to the European Commission to tell them everything it has done, while also highlighting Spain’s delays in complying. The Chief Minister also raised the issue with Europe Minister, David Liddington, who is expected to visit Gibraltar in the next few weeks.
GBC has now learned that a second visit by the European Commission is planned for next Wednesday. A group of experts will monitor progress on both sides.
Photo Courtesy T. Finlayson

Courtesy Trevor Bickerstaff
The deadline expired over a month ago, and border queues continue in both directions. In fact, as GBC reported yesterday, June has turned out to be the worst month of the year so far, with peak queuing time at over five hours.
Gibraltar completed the work on the recommendations made to it by the European Commission, but the Spanish Government has barely started, apart from an architect's drawing of the infrastructural changes planned for the border.
The Gibraltar Government has already written to the European Commission to tell them everything it has done, while also highlighting Spain’s delays in complying. The Chief Minister also raised the issue with Europe Minister, David Liddington, who is expected to visit Gibraltar in the next few weeks.
GBC has now learned that a second visit by the European Commission is planned for next Wednesday. A group of experts will monitor progress on both sides.
Photo Courtesy T. Finlayson

Courtesy Trevor Bickerstaff
It is Your Right To Freely Show Your Discontent With the E.U
Stand Up And Be Counted Towards The Bullying By Spain’s Government
Dont Talk The Talk, But Walk The Walk
Enough Is Enough
Show We Are Peaceful, But No To Bullying Of Free Movement
Stand Up And Be Counted Towards The Bullying By Spain’s Government
Dont Talk The Talk, But Walk The Walk
Enough Is Enough
Show We Are Peaceful, But No To Bullying Of Free Movement

Courtesy of Miguel Angel Zoilo Guzmán - his question is the EU commission coming to try and resolve the issue at the frontier or to enjoy another feast in the Costa del Sol

Press release -
Gibraltar-Spain border delays: EU recommendations six months on
Minister for Europe welcomes Gibraltar’s Chief Minister and calls
for Spain to implement EU recommendations to reduce border delays.
On 15 November 2013, the European Commission wrote to the UK and Spain with recommendations aimed at easing the delays at the Gibraltar-Spain border. The Commission asked for an update within six months from the authorities in Gibraltar and Spain on how the recommendations were being implemented.
Speaking today, the Minister for Europe said:
It is now six months since the European Commission sent recommendations aimed at easing the delays at the border between Gibraltar and Spain. Despite that, politically motivated and disproportionate checks imposed by Spain continue to create severe difficulties for the people of Gibraltar – and for people on the Spanish side of the border.
Her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar has taken significant steps, in a very short period, to address the Commission’s recommendations, including: o increasing powers of authorities to tackle smugglers; o upgrades to the border infrastructure to make smuggling more difficult; o reducing the number of cigarettes that an individual can buy; o raising duty on tobacco;
I am deeply concerned by the delay by the authorities in Spain in responding to the Commission’s recommendations. The Commission has already concluded that the intensity of the checks is unjustified. Spain needs to take simple, practical steps to improve the situation - and quickly.
The government is clear that we will maintain diplomatic pressure on the Spanish government until checks at the border return to reasonable, proportionate levels. We will continue to protect the interests of Gibraltar, its people, its security and economy.
Further information
Following the Prime Minister’s intervention with President Barroso over excessively long queues at the Gibraltar-Spain border last summer, a European Commission monitoring team visited the Gibraltar-Spain border on 25 September 2013.On 15 November 2013 the European Commission followed up with letters to HMG and the Government of Spain containing recommendations aimed at easing the border delays. The Commission asked for updates within six-months and agreed to consider a follow-up visit if appropriate.
De-constructing the SpinAn explanation of some of the misleading terms used in the so-called "Gibraltar Problem". See also the Infrequently Asked Questions. If you wish to add terms, please send them to me on: or discuss on alt.gibraltar Last updated: July 2012 |
"Gibraltar Problem" | Gibraltar does not cause any problems herself. The "Gibraltar Problem" is created by the Spanish government’s obsession with colonizing Gibraltar, in direct violation of the democratic rights of the Gibraltarians. More recently, the FCO’s lack of resolve in defending Gibraltar’s rights has exacerbated the problem. |
"Spain is a modern democracy" | The Spanish government does not recognize Gibraltar's democratically elected government, has blocked the Eurovote for all EU citizens in Gibraltar, and refuses to recognize the Gibraltarian people’s inalienable and democratic right to self-determination . They also want to return a selected portion of Europe back how it was for a very limited period 300 years ago, using a treaty which, in several places, treats human beings as chattel. Their policy of economic sabotage and non-recognition has continued unchanged since the 1960's. Spain cannot therefore be called a modern democracy for Gibraltarian purposes. |
"Spain is an EU and NATO ally" | Spain still interferes with the EU rights of Gibraltarians, in particular by vetoing EU treaties unless Gibraltar (a territory outside their jurisdiction) is excluded. She still maintains air and sea restrictions, including those of a military nature, so no flights can go between Spain and Gibraltar, or vice versa, and NATO aircraft travelling to/from Gibraltar cannot overfly Spanish airspace. Spain also excludes Gibraltar from military exercises in the Straits. |
"drug-smuggling and money-laundering" | These happen in Spain with monotonous regularity. While the Spanish government and press make much noise about alleged offences taking place in Gibraltar, they have yet to submit evidence or file a single charge formally. A Spanish media headline about "Drug arrests in Gibraltar" always refers to an incident in the Campo de Gibraltar (Spanish hinterland around Gibraltar). Gibraltar complies with all UK/EU legislation on money-laundering, and the logistics of landing and distributing a drugs shipment are much easier in Spain. |
"the only option is negotiation" | Used by the British government to rule out the perfectly viable means of prosecuting Spain for her violations of Gibraltar's EU rights, a method employed enthusiastically by Spain to ensure Gibraltar complies with the minutest details of EU law. |
"the Treaty of Utrecht rules out full independence" | As long as Gibraltar acknowledged the British Crown as head of state, no violation would take place. Gibraltar could be an independent member of the Commonwealth without violating Utrecht. However, the UN principle of self-determination overrules Utrecht, so even full independence is possible. |
"UDI" (Unilateral Declaration of Independence) | A process which would also get round Utrecht, because the Gibraltarians would be alienating themselves from the UK, not the other way round. |
"self-determination" | A democratic process by which a people can decide their own future. UN principle, applies to ALL colonial peoples. |
"territorial integrity" | A non-democratic process that prevents a country from breaking up if part of its people want to split off. Inapplicable to Gibraltar, as not part of Spain, but prevents Spain taking over isthmus. No longer a major UN principle, see Eritrea, E. Timor, former Yugoslavia, former Soviet Union. |
"freely and democratically expressed wishes" | Critical quote from the Preamble to the Gibraltar Constitution of 1969. Would prevent any referendum offering a Spanish solution while the restrictions remain, and now would prevent a UK solution while the threat of non-defence of Gibraltar's rights remained. Currently, only a Gibraltarian solution could be decided upon by referendum without threat of legal challenge as unconstitutional. |
Gibraltar should be "handed back" to Spain | When people say Gibraltar should be "handed back" to Spain, the implication is that something was taken away from Spain, and that whoever took it is not the rightful owner. The correct term should be "handed over", because Gibraltar is rightfully and legally British, and although it may have once been seized from Spain, it was of course ceded by treaty. And if we're going to go around the world counting territories that were once taken from someone, we will never end. |
UK: "Gibraltar is financially dependent on the UK" Spain: "Gibraltar is a financial parasite" |
Neither of these (mutually exclusive) statements is true. Gibraltar is financially self-sufficient, and even operates a budgetary surplus. In addition, Gibraltar employs 8000+ Spaniards directly, possibly 15,000 more indirectly employed to cater for Gibraltarians, who are not averse to spending their money in Spain. |
joint sovereignty | "A man cannot serve two masters: he will either hate the
first and love the second, or salute the first flag and burn the
other." Luke 16:13, paraphrased |
"300 year old conflict" | Another lie- the conflict only commenced since 1954, when Queen Elizabeth II visited Gibraltar, causing Franco to take umbrage,to cover up Spain's poor economic position (no change there!). Previously, since the Napoleonic Wars, when Britain and Spain were allied, there was reasonably peaceful coexistence for about 170 years. See this article |
"Gibraltar is an island" | ![]() |
The truth!
We have always suffered the bullying tactics by the Spanish Government in that they have always used the frontier as a political weapon since the frontier with Gibraltar was opened!
We need to be truthful and state things how they are in reality. It is no longer right for any country within EU or even in NATO to bully a smaller country! NO matter the reasoning that they believe it is WRONG!
Human beings should NEVER be used as a form of ransom like terrorist do just to get what they want! We cannot say it is alright that Spain behave in this way! IF we do it is giving out the wrong message to bigger and larger countries in that they too can bully other countries. The dangerous reality here is that Spain and any other country that behave like this are in fact acting like TERRORIST!
You may think that is harsh but the truth be told one cannot excuse the way that human beings daily are treated in this way! We have children, the elderly, the disabled and workers in general and tourist who have feared coming in and out of Gibraltar! They feel terrorised that even their lunch boxes and sandwiches are opened and they are even scrutinsed about how much money they have on them and will spend in Gibraltar.
Those of you who do not live here or near our frontier with Spain cannot see clearly what is happening and to be be honest how could you? When Spain as a country is bigger and out on an all out hate campaign against my Country Gibraltar and our people - how could you know the reality?
So I urge you to come and visit - to spread the truth by sending out our blog link so that others around the world see the truth via the people affected! The people are we the one living and breathing the problem with Spain!
It is utterly incredible that in our modern day society that some people continue to just believe government propaganda without questioning!
Our modern society now have plenty of ways to investigate and prove or not what is being told out there now!
Creating queues on purpose for political aim or gain is UNACCEPTABLE! It is causing anxiety, fear, desperation and anger to those affected. No one can in their right mind agree it is right! There is no reason to keep pedestrians in 32 degrees Celsius standing for two hours to cross into Spain! It is not right that bicycles and motorbikes and cars could at any time face queues in the heat now from 2 - 8 hours!
This is done without warning and for no reason! There is a weak excuse that sometimes Spain has the audacity to use - smuggling! But every person can investigate their government figures that actually show that this is not true! IF you go further and investigate the smuggling issue in SPAIN you will find that Algeciras Port and Valencia are one of hte highest for these crimes - yet they do not suffer these inhumane queues on entry or exit from their country!
Worse still is the fact that no queues like they create in Gibraltar and have their anti terrorist Guardia Civil's in place are seen in places like the crossing to and from France - where inhabitants cross daily to buy cheap items on both sides to make a living! You do not see this either at Airports in UK or Spain for people entering or exiting - that do buy cheap cigarettes and alcohol too in great numbers!
So why does SPAIN behave this way with Gibraltar?
The answer is simple - POLITICS!
The Spanish Government promote that Gibraltar should be SPANISH! They teach it from an early age they brainwash any who will listen and uses the pride of that country to then blind them to the truth!
They do this for various reasons - 1. A Smokescreen so their own people do not see the corruption and crisis in their own country! 2. They truly believe it to be true and find it hard to move on on!
So it is like Spain had a possession and lost it but in actual fact the reality is they gave it away! At the time they gave it away they thought Gibraltar was worth nothing and they made a great deal! However, as years have gone by and humanity has grown and modernised - Gibraltar has played a vital part for UK. In actual fact Gibraltar has survived and flourish and now over three hundreds years later Gibraltar has become a people, a culture a society with rights and choices of their future! Gibraltar now belongs to the people of Gibraltar!
Gibraltar has now its own government and way of life independent from their mother country UK!
Gibraltar has established its own IDENTITY so who is SPAIN to try to rob it off the people!
Spain has to move on just like a husband whose wife has left him! Spain cannot continue stalk Gibraltar AND bully as they do!
So our message to SPAIN is move on! Let your children have a relationship with Gibraltar and its people if they wish to and stop trying to destroy Gibraltar that feeds over ten thousand of your own people who would be unemployed and without home if left up to you to care for them!
So to the EU commission our message is very clear - tell SPAIN the truth! Tell them to move on and let go! Tell SPAIN they are WRONG! They must NOT be allowed to continue this inhumane treatment of people crossing a border within the EU! What they do is excessive and should be stopped!
EU Commission you must do your job! Be true to what you are supposed to stand for as below!
deliver on the approach set out in previous sections, the EU needs to
strengthen the way
it deals with human rights and democracy in its external action.
European Parliament has made human
rights and democracy one of its highest priorities.
making its voice heard systematically as well as urgently on the key
questions of the day,
Parliament has taken up a leading role in promoting human rights in
all the EU does. Its
with other parliaments (through its parliamentary cooperation
committees and
to regional parliamentary assemblies) is especially valuable in
reinforcing the
signals. The European Parliament could usefully step up efforts to
spread its vital human
message beyond the Human Rights Sub-Committee to its delegations to
third countries.
the EU to be more effective and credible in promoting and protecting
human rights and
the collective weight of EU institutions and EU Member States must be
Member States must continue to have
strong ownership and responsibility for the
human rights and democracy policy both at the multilateral level and
in bilateral relations
third countries. This requires the formulation of strong common
positions on human
which guide both EU institutions and EU Member States in order to
speak as one. This
be facilitated by regular discussions on human rights questions also
at the political level.
of the EU human rights and democracy policy through burden sharing
of labour.
standing capability on human rights and democracy in the Council of
the EU
Council Working Group on Human
Rights (COHOM) has a key role in steering the EU
rights policy and in advising the PSC and the Council. Currently,
COHOM is staffed
capitals and meets only once a month and can no longer fully respond
to the increased
and demands. Effective implementation of EU external human rights
policy would
more frequent meetings of COHOM and also a standing capability and
expertise on
rights and democracy among the Permanent Representations in Brussels
of EU
States. A Brussels formation of COHOM would ensure closer
integration with the
of the Council, COREPER and PSC other thematic or geographic Working
Groups. It
also allow monthly meetings of Human Rights Directors to concentrate
on the strategic aspects of the EU policy on human rights and
democracy, while the Brussels formation would address ongoing issues.
a culture of human rights and democracy
Directorate on Human Rights and Democracy has been created within the
EEAS. As a
principle, it is understood that human rights are not only the
responsibility of experts,
that they are key to the work of everyone. To this end there is now a
human rights focal
in all EU Delegations worldwide – this system should be formed into
a network for the
of cross-cutting campaigns. A similar network of focal points is in
the process of
created in the EEAS and in the Commission services.
on human rights and democracy is provided to all Heads of Delegation
and to EEAS
Commission staff.
network of focal points on human rights and democracy will be
completed, using latest
technologies for the sharing of information and best practice.
rethink of EU communications
the world, social media networks provide a platform for human rights
provide support and information to one another, and to reach their
supporters around the
They also allow them to document and relay their personal
experiences, often
State-controlled media. Video- and message-sharing services can make
it more
for brutal regimes to hide human rights repression and the subversion
of democracy.
the same time, these services can be used for more accurate
monitoring and profiling of
This connectivity – and the community of people newly created
through social media
– can also be used to bring together policy makers and people for
For example, by using a live webcast, people from around the world
can discuss
rights issues with leading political figures from the EU and its
international partners.
breaks down traditional barriers of hierarchy and access to political
influence. If people
to have a say in the discussion, all they now need is internet
with different groups in society through digital diplomacy is a key
way to
EU values, and the EU’s work around the world. There have been
in the EU’s digital diplomacy through its use of social media,
although more
to be done to develop these new techniques, and tap into the
potential of its Delegations
the world.
EU could mobilise key Delegations to use social media for digital
diplomacy using
communication resources. The EU will give practical support to those
using social
to enhance civic engagement on the ground.
European Union has both the will and the means to be a leader when it
comes to
human rights and supporting democracy worldwide.
Communication is designed as a contribution to the ongoing discussion
within the EU
on a more effective and comprehensive approach to human rights and
seeks views on a number of possible actions and options. The next
step should be to refine
ideas through inter-institutional discussions into an agreed EU
order to track progress in achieving the objectives set out in this
Communication, the EU
present its performance in its annual report on human rights and
democracy in the world.
should give an opportunity to all stakeholders in EU policy,
including civil society, to
the impact of EU action and contribute to defining future priorities.
Council and the Parliament are invited to review this performance
regularly, and to
the EU’s strategic objectives after five years.
Anne-Marie Struggles
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