Spain stops aid from Gibraltar to Philippines and The Governor Sir James Dutton sailed into a stand-off in British Gibraltar Territorial Waters
In aid of the Philippine Appeal ,Guardia civil have informed the freight company that they will not allow the container to go through the border with food which is going to help many in this appeal.
Daily Mail has covered the story
Spain accused of behaving in a 'hateful fashion' after blocking aid for typhoon victims
- Spanish authorities stopped an aid truck from leaving Gibraltar
- Food, blankets and clothes were destined for typhoon Haiyan victims
- Tory MP Andrew Rosindell accuses officials of acting in a 'hateful fashion'
A British MP has accused Spain of acting in a ‘hateful fashion’ after it stopped a truck loaded with aid for the victims of the Philippines typhoon from leaving Gibraltar.
The vehicle, carrying food, blankets and clothes, was heading to the Spanish port city of Algeciras, where its container was to have been loaded on to a ship bound for Manila.
The supplies had been collected by a Gibraltar charity at jumbles sales, and were to be given to families left homeless by Typhoon Haiyan.

Tory MP Andrew Rosindell has accused Spain of
acting in a 'hateful fashion' after officials at the Gibraltar border
blocked a truck filled with aid from leaving
Spanish officials at the border town of La Linea stopped the truck, saying they were unable to give authorisation for the food – which was mainly tinned or in packets – to be moved within the European Union.
MPs accused the Spanish authorities of creating yet more hassle for Gibraltarians, as part of the dispute with Britain over sovereignty of the Rock.
Tory MP Andrew Rosindell said: ‘The Spanish are behaving in a hateful fashion.
‘We are fast reaching a point where Britain will have no choice but to show Madrid – in a drastic way – that their behaviour will not be tolerated.’

The latest spat comes after Spain upped security
checks at the Gibraltar border this summer causing hours of delays to
motorists and which the EU has ruled as lawful
Telegraph covers the story too! Totally inhumane!
Spain accused of blocking Gibraltar aid to Philippines
Spain has been accused of acting in a “hateful fashion” as it banned emergency food from Gibraltar destined for the typhoon-hit Philippines
Spain's customs officials prohibited food donated in a charity drive on the
Rock from entering Spain where it was due to be shipped from the port of
Algeciras to the Red Cross in Manila, citing problems over issuing
The departure of the 20-foot container packed with food, blankets, vitamins
and drinking water will be delayed until after Christmas.
MPs viewed the delay as being politically motivated in the tense dispute over
Gibraltar's sovereignty.
The container will now be collected directly from Gibraltar on December 29 at
greater expense to the Maroc Atlas Gibraltar 4x4 group which organised the
relief shipment, worth just over £600, as part of its charitable works.
The Head of the Spanish Customs Authorities in the border town of La Linea
told freight company Redwood that only clothing, water and canned tomatoes
would be allowed across the frontier because health certificates could not
be issued due to the lack of facilities.
Fabian Valerga, warehouse manager with Redwood, said: “It’s crazy. We do not
know at present if these instructions have been given by Madrid, or the
Customs administrator is abiding strictly with the law, which I am sure with
some goodwill a special permit could have been obtained for such a cause for
a one off occasion.
“It’s about time such facilities were installed, like in any other normal border throughout Europe.”
Andrew Rosindell MP said: “The Spanish are behaving in a hateful fashion and it is totally inexcusable.
“Relations between Britain and Spain are at an all time low over their continuing bullying of Gibraltar.
“We are fast reaching a point where Britain will have no choice but to show Madrid – in a drastic way – that their behavior will not be tolerated.
“It is disgusting that the poor people of the Philippines should now be made to suffer due to this Spanish obsession.”
Luis Gonzalez the chief spokesman for Madrid’s Customs and Excise department said that food was denied access into La Linea as the office there "is not enabled by European legislation for the importation of products intended for human or animal consumption".
Mr Gonzalez added that the banned foods could be imported through Algerciras.
But from Gibraltar that would require an expensive passage by sea.
Graham Watson MP and MEP for south-west England and Gibraltar said the decision to block the relief food was “absolutely appalling”.
Speaking from Brussels on Friday Sir Watson said he intended to raise the matter immediately with Cecilia Malmström the EU Home Affairs Commissioner.
The latest tension at the Gibraltar border comes after a string of incidents since the overseas territory created an artificial reef in the summer to Spain’s chagrin.
Last month a diplomatic bag was searched by at the Gibraltar border by a Spanish official in an unprecedented breach by an EU partner and Nato ally of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.
“It’s about time such facilities were installed, like in any other normal border throughout Europe.”
Andrew Rosindell MP said: “The Spanish are behaving in a hateful fashion and it is totally inexcusable.
“Relations between Britain and Spain are at an all time low over their continuing bullying of Gibraltar.
“We are fast reaching a point where Britain will have no choice but to show Madrid – in a drastic way – that their behavior will not be tolerated.
“It is disgusting that the poor people of the Philippines should now be made to suffer due to this Spanish obsession.”
Luis Gonzalez the chief spokesman for Madrid’s Customs and Excise department said that food was denied access into La Linea as the office there "is not enabled by European legislation for the importation of products intended for human or animal consumption".
Mr Gonzalez added that the banned foods could be imported through Algerciras.
But from Gibraltar that would require an expensive passage by sea.
Graham Watson MP and MEP for south-west England and Gibraltar said the decision to block the relief food was “absolutely appalling”.
Speaking from Brussels on Friday Sir Watson said he intended to raise the matter immediately with Cecilia Malmström the EU Home Affairs Commissioner.
The latest tension at the Gibraltar border comes after a string of incidents since the overseas territory created an artificial reef in the summer to Spain’s chagrin.
Last month a diplomatic bag was searched by at the Gibraltar border by a Spanish official in an unprecedented breach by an EU partner and Nato ally of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.
One supporter from UK wrote to Sky NEws to highlight this injustice!:
Freddy Meilak
Our new Governor is actually getting more involved in what happens at Sea!
Sir James Dutton actually went out to sea when there was a clear incursion by the Spanish Para Military in our British Gibraltar Territorial Waters!
Governor sails to stand-off area by JOE GARCIA
Governor Sir James Dutton sailed into a stand-off in British Gibraltar
Territorial Waters yesterday. It happened in the early morning when a
Spanish 'Guardia Civil' vessel made an appearance.
At the time, the Governor was visiting the Royal Navy's 'Scimitar'
patRol vessel - the alarm went and the Governor decided he would have a
look from close quarters.
The Governor is a retired Royal Marines Lieut. General with a
distinguished career. He was the first British General to command
American troops since the second world war. His attitude yesterday shows
the stuff he is made of!
An eye-witness told PANORAMA that the 'Guardia Civil' vessel appeared to
be playing games, as if provoking a cat and mouse operation.
An official source said the Spaniards could be described as undertaking 'patrolling manoeuvres'.
"They altered course deliberately into Western Beach," the source added.
That was near where the concrete blocks were laid to create a reef.
They like to complain about the relatively small Gibraltar reef when
there are as many as 130 much bigger reefs littering the Spanish coast.
The 'Guardia Civil' spent 45 minutes in British Gibraltar waters. As
usual, warnings were issued by the Royal Navy and a complaint will be
Even though the Spanish Foreign Minister said last week that he
ackowledged that the waters were British, in that if the issue was taken
to court Spain would lose, they keep undertaking their provocative
acts. As has been stated officially so many times, it is a behaviour
that should not manifest itself among NATO allies and EU partners.
This was just another incursion. The main difference was that the
Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Gibraltar was embarked on the Royal
Navy patrol vessel - and saw for himself what was happening.

Our message is to wish all of you supporters and readers a very Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year all the way from Gibraltar.xxxxxx
Thanks guy's for the support!!