Thursday 14 August 2014



We all know that in times of trouble, the Spanish Government can be predictably relied upon to pull out the Gibraltar card in order to distract the inhabitants of Spain from the real issues such as:

The protests against the Royal Family,

The corruption of the Royal Family,

The corruption of the Government,

The corruption of the elite PP,

The desire of Cataluna to be separate from Spain

The economic disaster Spain is in.

Nothing however, can compare to the huge storm brewing on the horizon, which is the potential collapse of Spains economy.

Recent statistics released by the Spanish Government have shown how its debt has INCREASED to:

***1.007 TRILLION EUROS***

That figure is equivalent to 98.5% of Spains GDP in 2013 - it will be 100% or more by the start of 2015. For reference, Spain's public debt is expected to top 100 per cent of GDP next year – far above the 60 percent ceiling agreed among European Union members.

Remember that the current situation in Spain has parallels with Argentina in 1981, where Argentina had been in the midst of a devastating economic stagnation and large-scale civil unrest against the military junta that had been governing the country since 1976. By choosing to invade the Falklands, the Argentine government had hoped to rally nationalistic and patriotic feelings of Argentines towards the islands, and in doing so divert attention from the country's dire and drastic economic problems, as well as the regime's ongoing human rights abuses.

Now I hope that Spain does not choose to go the way of Argentina, but the clouds gathering on the horizon cannot be ignored, especially when we see the increase of lies about Gibraltar flying unhindered through the Spanish airways; lies designed to dehumanise us Gibraltarians.

The one consolation here, is that us British Gibraltarians are pretty good at weathering storms.


Mr Gareth R Gingell

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