The solution proposed by Spain to resolve the border queues -by providing a special pass and the use of a channel only for Workers
This is discriminatory! This is illegal! This is not what EU, UN rights are about!

There is no way that the EU or UK or the FCO can allow this to be implemented. To provide special passes to Spanish workers to jump the queues is a blatant act of discrimination!
Who decides when crossing a border - who is more important or deserves special treatment by not queuing with the rest of the people traveling to and from Spain?
Surely if an exception should be made this would be towards anyone with Children, Disabled or elderly people in their vehicles? Why should a healthy worker take priority over these people?
PREAMBLE – The Universal Declaration of Human
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in
this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour,
sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social
origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall
be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international
status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it
be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of
No one shall be subjected to
torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
All are equal before the law and are entitled without any
discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal
protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and
against any incitement to such discrimination.
Article 13.
(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence
within the borders of each state.
(2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own,
and to return to his country.
All Union citizens have the right to enter another Member State by virtue of having an identity card or valid passport. Under no circumstances can an entry or exit visa be required.
Free Movement - EU nationals
Free movement of workers is a fundamental principle of the Treaty enshrined in Article 45 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and developed by EU secondary legislation and the Case law of the Court of Justice. EU citizens are entitled to:- look for a job in another EU country
- work there without needing a work permit
- reside there for that purpose
- stay there even after employment has finished
- enjoy equal treatment with nationals in access to employment, working conditions and all other social and tax advantages
How can anyone justify that just because you live in Spain and work in Gibraltar that you have a right to not queue with the rest of the people in the queues - those people in the queues are tourists, locals going shopping or want to visit Spain from Gibraltar.
- All people are entitled to free movement – that means no discrimination and that includes no matter if you live in Spain and Work in Gibraltar or vice versa. So the very basis is illegal.
- We will not agree to a special lane in Gibraltar for this – no special treatment that does not resolve the real issue here.
- Remember that everyone caught in these queues are humans and should never suffer discrimination to cross the border.
- This new move has only fed and revived more divisions amongst the people from both sides. (Divide and conquer) Remember that we have all worked hard to fight this border queues together from the beginning – DOG and ASTEG with other people from both sides giving water and helping anyway we could. So locals will be annoyed and asking that not only are they working in Gibraltar they will now have special treatment is adding insult to injury to what is already a very serious issue at the humane level.
- The fact is that Spanish government distort the truth not only about Gibraltar and our people but what the real issue is at the BORDER-but everyone knows UK, Spain, EU United Nations etc that the problem can be resolved if just one entity stands up to the bully and says STOP USING THE BORDER as a political weapon! Someone has to tell Spain to behave as an Ally in Nato and a member of the EU in that they need to operate the Green and the red channels like everywhere else in Europe no more no less.
- Checks – of course we want checks but in and out of Gibraltar and not excessively – people complain they feel they are treated like terrorists – they feel threatened – is this going to go away with this new pass solution? Of course not!
The reality
is this and we should all act against this at least happening on our side of
the Border. We may not be able to stop Spain introducing this special pass and channel into Gibraltar but we can and we will not allow it to happen on Gibraltar's side - that is entry into Spain.
The simple reason is that we are a people who do not and will not discriminate in this way!
The Spanish MP and Algeciras Mayor Jose Ignacio Landaluce
welcomed the move as “protecting both Spanish commercial interests from
contraband and the interests of Spanish workers.”
Well that is not a surprise - i can tell you one truth anything that this man is in agreement means it is bad for Gibraltar and our people!

Spain have to wake up as do many institutions out there to the reality of the rights of the people of Gibraltar and as such stop trying to convince themselves of a non existence problem.
The queues at the border are not queues caused by so many workers coming in and out of Gibraltar but rather the truth be known and accepted once and for all is that Spain as in their Government cause these inhumane queues to hold Gibraltar at ransom, to distort the truths and destroy the economy.
If Spain just implemented more lanes and put into practice the correct use of the red and green channels - i can guarantee you all the queues would no longer be there as they are now!
We need people from all over the world to help stop more discrimination happening and ensure that within the EU - in Schengen or not this discrimination
has to stop!

We have to think about all people!
Our Tourists = Our
Anne-Marie Struggles
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