Friday 27 September 2013

What will the EU Commission do? Queues continue, incursions continue and so does illegal fishing with illegal means that even EU do not allow!

What will the EU Commission do about the bullying and harassment from SPAIN doing queues on purpose?

Finally after more than an year of sending email complaints about the frontier problems with SPAIN - the EU come to visit to observe and gather evidence.
 It is funny that SPAIN suddenly do no queues as if to show like BULLIES  generally do that they are doing no wrong!

So thank goodness DOG has enough evidence as do other people who have also been gathering evidence. Like tonight's photo below this is the queue that leads Winston Churchill Ave to our beach down Devils tower road then to frontier

The big question is will they see the truth? Will they believe the lies? SPAIN is bigger than Gibraltar but I believe in HUMANITY!

So....EU inspectors are here and as predicted by pretty much the whole of Gibraltar, we have the miracle of Houdini queues - disappearing acts almost as if they never existed.
The question is, are the EU going to fall for this deception? Will the Governments dossier of evidence (to which MANY locals and tourists have contributed) have an effect in ensuring the wool isnt put over their eyes?

I for one will only be content with the EU commissions findings if it chastises Spain for creating politically motivated queues, inhibiting the freedom of movement of EU citizens and results in either a hefty fine OR pushes Spain into an EU binding commitment to ensure fluid traffic flow at the frontier.

We have to face the fact that our neighbour will always be finding ways to undermine us, provoke us and of course harass us into submission. They know they will never get Gibraltar and have as much a claim on Gibraltar being Spanish as the King of Saudi Arabia has a claim on Spain.

For those who are wondering what DoG have been doing in the last 2 months well its simple. We have been observing intently, watching out for key developments and ensuring we give space for diplomacy to take its course. We have been emboldened by the words of the UK Prime Minister on National Day and watching with pride as our Government take steps to ensure a robust defence of Gibraltar. We have been listening to peoples concerns, logging incidents reported to us and planning strategically about what our next steps will be.

You see, the Defenders of Gibraltar may be a group, but more than that, it is an IDEA. It is the idea that little Gibraltar can stand up to Spain in a peaceful, logical and intelligent manner. That instead of 'flying under the radar' when it comes to Spanish oppression and harassment, we should be highlighting its tactics and attitude towards us to the wider world. I take great pride in seeing how that idea is not only spreading, but flourishing. Whereas before Gibraltarians saw tackling Spain as a hopeless cause, we now see hope. That is our defensive wall. We must remember that there is no point in having 'red lines' with Spain if they are not respected or accepted as being red lines. That has been the mistake of the past.

We must also understand that simply by standing up to the bully, we invite difficulties - it liberates us, but it also drives the bully to thinking that by increasing the pressure we will fold back to the position of simply accepting their bullying tactics. A rat is at its most dangerous when it is cornered, and the Spanish Government is finding itself cornered. It is pulling out all of the stops in order to regain the previous status quo - we must not let them regain a single millimetre.

The Defenders of Gibraltar have a few aces up their sleeves and a few surprises to come in the following days. Needless to say, we believe Gibraltar has the moral high ground and is on the side of right. We will win this.

For those who are worried, scared, feeling hopeless in the current situation please remember just this: The night is always darkest before the dawn.
Gareth Gingell

They even threaten us on the day the European Union inspectors are visiting the frontier. Spanish Minister for the Interior called Jorge Fernandez Diaz has today said that unless we cooperate the frontier restrictions will continue.
Can we really have much faith in the outcome on the EU commission? I mean many of us received replies from complaints stating Spain were doing nothing wrong and that it is because UK and Gibraltar are not part of Schenghen - but when we put enough pressure they have come. However, they ommitted to tell us the fact that Miguel Puente Pattison (Spanish national) is not only the European Union's spokesperson for the short visit here. He is the ''Jefe de Prensa'' representing the EU for the whole of Spain.
So can we believe they will not be biased in their investigations? They refused to meet any NGO of which we are one so they have not heard it from us the people!  
The EU commission by refusing to meet and talk have in fact chosen not to believe the real story as we know what the bully is doing and getting away with and they have not heard the victims' voices! It is us the people who have a VOICE and we should have been given the chance to voice what we have seen and experienced!
Benjamin Russell writing for the Daily Express reports on yesterday's visit by the EU Inspection team where they had a ''cup of coffee'' in Gibraltar and a slap up lunch with spanish officials in at an upmarket restaurant in spain where they dined on fried squid, tuna kebabs and lemon sorbet. Read the article in full.
Below is a photo posted today that has raised up what we as individuals need to revive!

Spain keeps bullying in so many ways

What the spanish press do not report on! Argentinian Press reports on a meeting in New York yesterday between Margallo and his Argentinian counterpart Héctor Timerman to form a common diplomatic front between both countries to discuss with the United Kingdom the ''recovery'' of the sovereignty of Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands

Ship denied Spanish entry raises alarm on shore because the last port of call was GIBRALTAR!


Spanish kids perform a "sketch" where Spanish military come in and shoot at Gibraltarians and "claim" Gibraltar. Parents look on and seemingly enjoy this act of violence.

this is what Spanish media has achieved - with the Anti-Gib sentiment and hatred in Spain now seeped well into everyday Spaniards, and alarmingly the younger generations, cheered on by parents.
27 Sep 2013 at 08.30 - Incursion by Rio Cedena, escorted by RGP and Royal Navy - courtesy Tommy Finlayson

Another incursion by the Spanish Guardia Civil - armed para military in British Gibraltar Waters - Courtesy M Porral.

On 24th September DOG were contacted:
by a concerned mother of an incident that happened in Tarifa this weekend .
4 coaches and about 15 private cars left Gibraltar to spend the weekend there as an end of summer concert. 
The youth went into their bungalows to sleep very late but at six in the morning the person in charge woke them all up very abruptly and told them all to leave the premises she was insulting them all the time and pushing them to get out! All of them left - some went into their cars to even get dressed,  but others had to wait outside the coaches because they were locked!
This woman called them Yanitas de Mierda ,Hijas de P--- a ,and she continued insulting all the time. She also threatened them if they didn't get out that the Guardia Civil  would arrest them all. 
They were very frightened and crying ,the place was El Capri according to the mother and daughter who want to remain anonymous.
So please we warn you - when going into Spain- be careful because you can get harassed, bullied and threatened anywhere and anytime! 
If anything happens to you or family or friends you must speak out and report the incident to the police and government here as soon as you can. I ask those who went through this experience to please contact the Government it is never too late to speak out!
The fishing issue - we need to stop the reality of what is happening around the world! Spanish fishermen and ruining our seas and our fish stock is at its lowest! They continue to disregard laws in many countries not just Gibraltar's laws. They continue to destroy wherever they go which is why many countries do not and will never put up with their fishing methods in their waters! So why should we?
Spanish fishing fleet 1912 then 2013
We all need to show and highlight the REAL SPAIN the one that lives next to Gibraltar!

All news media should be covering this Spanish event with children where parents and kids allow the inciting and hatred of Gibraltarians and laugh and smile when killing people in cold blood? Is this SPAIN the so called democratic country in the EU? An Ally of UK in NATO? Is this the same SPAIN that wants to join the UN security committee - May God help us all if they do there will be no stopping this propaganda becoming worse! I cried when I saw this video - confirming how deeply brainwashed are parents and children about Gibraltar and US the people fo Gibraltar! DISGUSTING!
Anne-Marie Struggles

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