More anti Gibraltar media campaign - IS Spain really a democracy? Should they still be in EU?
At a time when the Europe - actually the World are striving to do away with discrimination - violence and hate campaigns - how can Spain being an Ally in Nato - being in the EU be allowed to continue their daily harassment to a small country like Gibraltar!
How can a European Country as big as Spain be allowed to inflict bullying tactics like she does and get away with it? How can they continue unchallenged when their youths of the Partido Popular come out in support of FASCISM?
How can anyone from any Country in their right mind even consider to allow SPAIN to host the Olympics with such a dangerous and damaging behaviour? Spain is a bully that still tries by all means at her disposable to choke a small country like Gibraltar by creating queues with excuses that are not valid within Europe!
Worse still is the fact that under the United Nations of Human rights their behaviours is totally unacceptable and illegal even more it is inhumane! No one has the right to inflict pain or suffering to any other person and that by creating queues of over 4 hours in the scorching heat is not inhumane then what is? Do we have to have a death before anyone does something about it?
Since Spain is in Europe and is a democratic country or so they claim! Should their government not ban FASCISM? Should they not be an example for others to follow in that the young people from their political party be banned from their party as it is bringing their party and their country into disrepute?
By doing nothing about all the inciting of violence and allowing it to happen and to continue are they not then a big part of this?
Are the Spanish Government playing a big part of it by using all the media possible to make people hate Gibraltar and allowing them to spread lies uncontrolled proof enough for all to see that SPAIN is only after one thing - OUR COUNTRY GIBRALTAR and cares not how she achieves it?
Why should SPAIN be allowed to oppress another Country just because they do not wish to be SPANISH?
The behaviour from SPAIN in the recent months are like a danerous "Deja Vu" Actually it is very dangerous and scary that in the 21st Century another country can behave and repeat certain actions and words and behaviour that was known only from Hitler and his behaviour towards the Jewish people!
Will the rest of the WORLD continue to ignore the double standards of SPAIN and how they are targeting people from Gibraltar not just spreading lies and deception but by inciting hate and violence as a government and not punishing those who are so vicious towards Gibraltar and the people!
How can any person or Country ignore that Spain has started all this bullying again by the same political party in the 60s that led to the closure of the Frontier!
No one in their right mind can say, believe or agree that Spain can bully another country just because of their nationality or force a Treaty that is no longer valid!
All this hatred and violence because Gibraltar CREATED an artificial reef! Come on in today's modern society that acknowledges that each country has entitlement of their own waters and as such can do whatever they deem they need to do to protect the marine life and sea habitat!
Spain has many artificial Reefs all over their coast - so why can't Gibraltar have them? What makes Spain think they have any right at all in our land, air or sea?
Gibraltar has been British more than it was ever Spanish!
Gibraltar has 30,000 people who want to remain BRITISH!
Gibraltar has chosen not once, but 3 times NOT to be SPANISH!
Gibraltar has a people who have their own culture, nationality and pride!
Gibraltar is and will always be BRITISH!
Gibraltar has a VOICE!
Gibraltar has a CHOICE!
Gibraltar has a RIGHT to determine their own future and that does not include SPAIN!
It is about time that SPAIN and especially their Government accepted the one real truth - Gibraltar belongs to the PEOPLE of GIBRALTAR!
SPAIN must STOP their bullying and harrasment! They must stop spread lies, hate and inciting violence! SPAIN should be boycotted by all countries if theyr continue their behaviour!
Pro-Spanish pieces continue to propagate in International media.
This is an letter by the Consul general of Hong Kong in China, published today in the South China News .
The author of the letter is a clear indication of the planned mediatic strategy that Spain have had from the start. It is further accentuated by the increase in news items now being carried by the Global Press which are almost replicas of those created for Spanish national consumption.
Last nigh - Intereconomia - Intervention by Manos Limpias in relation to Denuncia against our Chief Minister on Spanish TV
They started a hate campaign towards Defenders of Gibraltar only because we were highlighting their bullying and they accused us of having a website inciting violence to their Police and Guardia Civil and now they accept it was not us!
The "confusing story" of the arrest of the person behind the fake friends of Gibraltar Page, has now gone outside of Spain's borders and is being carried by both UK nationals (Daily) and the Regional Press (as this item).
Briton in ‘torturers’ claim over Rock row arrested
The Spanish workers who work for the government departments in Spain in La Linea - even they follow by now wanting to do a demonstration at the border because their government is not paying them! What has Gibraltar got to do with their problem with their government for not paying them their wages?
Spain as a supposedly democractic country and in EU should start to repest Gibraltar, its laws and its people! No more No less!
Spain should follow the example of our Cief Minister who has come out publicly to ask his people to remain calm!
Ministerial statement by The Chief Minister
By 11 hours 41 minutes ago
This article has been read 809 times.

The Prime Minister, the Foreign Secretary and the Minister for Europe support is real and not just for the cameras.
Good evening
As we start our National Week celebrations this year, I want to reflect on current events and communicate your Government's huge pride in the manner in which every one of you has reacted to recent anti-Gibraltar provocations.
I also want you to know that our Nation's macro-economic performance is not being materially hindered by recent actions at the frontier. And I want to tell you more about the proposal for "ad hoc" contact with the Spanish government, which we have developed jointly with the UK in the past year and a half. It is certainly true that in the past year and a half, we have also had to endure a crescendo in the anti-Gibraltar campaign designed to smear the good name of our Nation and our people. There has been an escalation of rhetoric and action, illegal incursions into British Gibraltar waters culminating with a jet-skier being shot at by the Guardia Civil and we have seen our frontier choked at different times, in particular, in the past five weeks.
Of course, no-one in Gibraltar will believe that even recent actions have anything to do with our creation of an artificial reef. The reality is that it appears that some in Spain believe that they might somehow advance their sovereignty claims using the tactics that failed in the 1960s. In fact, the same type of issues arose and the same tactics were deployed against us the last time the Partido Popular were in government in Madrid. As usual, the heightened rhetoric has included threats and innuendos designed, alongside the action at the frontier, to damage our economy and, thereby, attempt to hinder our self-sufficiency.
This is not new; and it will not work.
On this occasion, however, in an era of 24hours news, incendiary social media comment and provocative television programming, the words and actions from Madrid have been interpreted by many in Spain as a license to spread unprecedented animosity against our people. This is all largely based on inflammatory statements built on a lack of understanding about the structure of our economy and our lifestyles.
As a result, we have all been concerned and saddened by reports of damage to property, of Gibraltar registered cars burnt and scratched and cases of insults hurled at occupants of Gibraltar registered vehicles. In the light of this, I am enormously proud - as we all should be - of the calm and measured way in which everyone in Gibraltar has reacted to such antagonism. This has been the right reaction from all of us. This is what has allowed us to win the argument hands down in the international media. You have done our history and our future proud by the mature and unflappable way in which you have dealt with the constant incitement. We are a strong, steadfast and responsible people. We do not react to these provocations in kind. Instead, with the United Kingdom, we have been consistently robust. We have rationally chosen to take the reasonable course. We make our arguments politically and legally in the appropriate international fora and call on our opponents to do likewise; because the people of Gibraltar have never bowed to bullying.
We have not resiled from our continued desire to remain British. We will not surrender our right to determine the future of our land for ourselves. And, however more aggressive the pronouncements of the Spanish government may have been in these past five weeks, the resolve of our Nation is still as strong as ever. The spine of our determination is as solid and unbreakable as the rock itself.
And this week we will celebrate, with our usual flair and dignity the anniversary of the first expression of our free will, the referendum of the 10th of September 1967 and our right to self-determination.
That is what National week and our National Day are all about.
The events planned for this year include a magnificent "Mega Concert", which will bring to the Rock internationally renowned artists. On National Day itself, we will welcome not just our friends from the Westminster Parliament but also members of the European Parliament. And in a hugely positive innovation, I have this year also invited to join us the Chief Ministers of all the other UK Overseas Territories for important working sessions both before and after the National Day celebrations next Tuesday. It is the first time that the leaders of the Overseas Territories have been convened to meet together in one of the territories. I know that you will make all of our visiting guests welcome.
It is also enormously important that we join in welcoming any Spanish visitors who are attracted to the events of National Day and our Mega Concert. Despite the provocations from a particular and easily identifiable part of the Spanish political spectrum, we have many friends in Spain.
The Spanish workers who cross into Gibraltar every day, their families and Spanish citizens who come to visit Gibraltar are very welcome here. I know you will continue to make them feel welcome. They are not responsible for their government's actions and words.
This year, we may find that some sectors of the Spanish media or some right wing groups of radical individuals may seek to come to Gibraltar on National Day or to our concert to provoke adverse reactions from us. I know that you will all have the good sense to avoid reacting to any such provocations. Whether it is representatives of Spanish media outlets or Spanish individuals, we all know the best reaction is to walk away from any provocations. We will all want to turn our backs to any incitements and report any remarks or actions to our excellent law enforcement officials in the RGP who will be out protecting us all on the day as usual. I know you will want to join me in thanking the RGP and all our emergency services for the work that they do on National Day whilst we all enjoy ourselves.
And have no doubt that the government will be responding to all the lies and defamations spread about Gibraltar in a measured and responsible way at the appropriate time. Indeed, it has been quite remarkable to see the Spanish authorities take over a year to react to the call for dialogue we have been making since last April on the "ad hoc" formula. Well, for whatever reason they may be taking that attitude now, we welcome the fact that the offer made by William Hague, a year and half ago with our support, is now going to be progressed. I have worked closely with the Foreign Secretary to elaborate on this formula. And, tonight, I want to be crystal clear with you about this proposed dialogue. There is no question of the sovereignty or future of Gibraltar being raised or discussed at these talks. The Spanish government has accepted that in their Parliament earlier this week. These talks will not be bilateral or quadrilateral.
Again, the Spanish government has accepted that in their Parliament.
Gibraltar will have its own distinct voice at any such talks. The Spanish government has of course also accepted that. And I can assure you that there will be no agreements on Gibraltar matters without our consent.
As you know, the position of the United Kingdom and Gibraltar has been to create these "ad hoc" opportunities to meet but to do so in the context of re-stating our strong commitment to the parallel trilateral forum for dialogue and the "double-lock" formula that Britain will not transfer the sovereignty of Gibraltar without our consent and will not negotiate sovereignty without our consent.
That is in effect a veto allowing us to prevent any resumption of bilateral talks on sovereignty between the UK and Spain under the Brussels process or otherwise. There is therefore nothing to fear from the formula we have developed for these "ad hoc" discussions.
And I am sure we will all be very pleased to see the European commission has agreed to David Cameron's call to involve itself in investigating the excessive and disproportionate frontier queues.
We welcome that they should also review the excellent coastal protection works being undertaken at Sandy Bay and the manner in which the new reef in British Gibraltar territorial waters was created. Remember that the commission has already told Spain that the eastside reclamation has been done properly and legally. They have immediately told Spain that there is nothing to investigate in respect of our financial services. Because the one thing that we have on our side are the facts; and we have confidence that once the commission studies the facts, if they once again make a fair and just objective determination of the data, they will once again confirm that Gibraltar has acted entirely legally and properly in everything that we have done.
Indeed you will also have derived great confidence from the way in which you have explicitly seen us work closely and in partnership with UK ministers in the past weeks. Both sides have worked hard to develop and foster a relationship of cooperation in the conduct of our international relations since we were elected.
That work has brilliantly borne fruit now. I have seen that work come through in the stalwart responses from the Prime Minister, the Foreign Secretary and the Minister for Europe. Believe me, their support is real and not just for the cameras.
So as we start our National week celebrations, rest assured that our economy is not only stable, but actually performing even more strongly than i predicted during the budget session in June. Rest assured international investment into Gibraltar has not been put-off by the recent problems at the frontier. And rest assured that Gibraltar will emerge from this assault stronger than ever before; because the course we are navigating is a sure route to our continued growth and prosperity.
So enjoy your National Day celebrations with family and friends safe in the knowledge that the future of our Nation and our people is secure.
Great programme about the Gibraltar-Spain situation, a la telenovela style - written by Carmen Gomez and Directed by Martin Noon - starring a few members of DoG too
Anne-Marie Struggles
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