Once again the incursions continue adding more insult to injury. What is UK going to do about it? Wake up FCO you really need to get a grasp on all these incursions before we have a death! We will hold you accountable!
30/06/13 - Photos courtesy of Trevor Bickerstaff.

Our Royal Navy - doing nothing! What a SURPRISE!

Were the Spanish scared? Nope look how they come back

So much for the power of DIPLOMACY from UK and FCO!
Watch how blatantly obvious that they are in our waters!

One avid supporter wrote on our Defenders of Gibraltar
Below is another link of the video of the dshooting from the ARMED GUARDIA CIVIL TO A JETSKI USER!
So all in all no matter the ten thousand signatures we collected from the people of Gibraltar, no matter the demonstrations, no matter the 48 hour VIGIL in February and worse still no matter the constant incursions, no matter the arresting of our own in their boats in our waters like pirates and then the shootsing and now the incident above - what the heck has the Foreign Commonwealth Office done? NOTHING but words!
We have a saying words get lost with the wind! Words without action accomplish nothing!
SO about time David Cameron, William Hague and David Lidington wake up to the reality before we have to mourn a death at sea!
You all promised with so many replies to SPANISH GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS this would end! Well how do you feel when you see the words have gone when the sun does not even shine!
Imagine how we feel - imagine if this were happening in your waters by DOVER! Imagine it happening in Falklands again cos that is the example the Argentinean will follow!
Stop doing nothing and put action with your words!