The importance to Vote to remain "IN"- in our EU referendum voting
Never has another referendum for Gibraltar been as important us our last one to Remain British! This referendum gives us a chance to vote as part of the United Kingdom. AS such we urge all British people to think not only what is best for England but best for all of the UK and overseas territories. This includes our magnificent Gibraltar.
With UK in the EU we can continue to grow and offer opportunities to everyone to be able to live and work in Sunny Gibraltar and many will continue to reap the benefits of the EU. There is a lot of scaremongering going on about staying IN or Leaving but the facts need to be communicated properly without doubts and emotion.
Being in the EU allows us all to have a say on our future and allows us all to grow financially even more.

SO we urge all British people to be very cautious and to know what their vote will mean.
Gibraltar benefits from an open frontier and yes even if there are issues caused by Spanish Government the EU has a responsibility to solve them and get involved - no matter how they have tried not to in the past.
All British people who also live in Spain benefit greatly by UK remaining IN- their future also depends on UK voting Remain IN on the 23rd June. Not just in Spain but all over Europe we can all travel as EU citizens but if UK vote to leave this is one big part that we will all lose out on. Freedom of trade and movement.

We support our Government in Gibraltar on the stance to Vote to REMAIN IN. We stand side by side in Gibraltar as do our Opposition Members as do all businesses in Gibraltar. So as always we the Gibraltarian people will stand side by side with our Chief Minister Fabian Picardo on what is deemed to be the best for our future.
So we urge everyone out there that has a right to vote on this referendum to please be informed on the impact to all British people everywhere!

Read our Chief Minister's call:
Together, for over three centuries, we have defended British interests and values. We were there for the Falklands crisis, the IRA era, WWII and even after the historic and decisive Battle of Trafalgar when Admiral Nelson’s body was first landed in our small corner of the British family.
It’s a great privilege to have the opportunity to put the Gibraltarian perspective across to you in a newspaper that has so often stood up for the Rock and its people, not least when Spain has tried to bully us. That's why it's sad that, on this occasion, many of Gibraltar’s great friends and supporters will have strong personal views on this issue that differ from our own.
Of course, everyone, every city, town and nation, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland has a different opinion on how Britain should vote on June 23rd. I expect the vast majority of people on the Rock will be voting to remain in the European Union. But trust me, centuries of sieges – military, economic and political - have never changed our minds about being British.
Click link to read more -
All of us who have the right to vote -
we urge VOTE to REMAIN IN!
Support Gibraltar by voting in!
Our FUTURE depends on all of you who can vote!
Vote Stay IN and show us you stand with us!
Watch the video below:
This is our first Referendum Broadcast
Listen to more -
Anne-Marie Struggles
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