The importance to Vote to remain "IN"- in our EU referendum voting
Never has another referendum for Gibraltar been as important us our last one to Remain British! This referendum gives us a chance to vote as part of the United Kingdom. AS such we urge all British people to think not only what is best for England but best for all of the UK and overseas territories. This includes our magnificent Gibraltar. With UK in the EU we can continue to grow and offer opportunities to everyone to be able to live and work in Sunny Gibraltar and many will continue to reap the benefits of the EU. There is a lot of scaremongering going on about staying IN or Leaving but the facts need to be communicated properly without doubts and emotion. Being in the EU allows us all to have a say on our future and allows us all to grow financially even more. SO we urge all British people to be very cautious and to know what their vote will mean. Gibraltar benefits from an open frontier and yes even if there are issues caused by Spanish Government the EU has a responsibility to solve them and get involved - no matter how they have tried not to in the past. All British people who also live in Spain benefit greatly by UK remaining IN- their future also depends on UK voting Remain IN on the 23rd June. Not just in Spain but all over Europe we can all travel as EU citizens but if UK vote to leave this is one big part that we will all lose out on. Freedom of trade and movement. We support our Government in Gibraltar on the stance to Vote to REMAIN IN. We stand side by side in Gibraltar as do our Opposition Members as do all businesses in Gibraltar. So as always we the Gibraltarian people will stand side by side with our Chief Minister Fabian Picardo on what is deemed to be the best for our future. So we urge everyone out there that has a right to vote on this referendum to please be informed on the impact to all British people everywhere! Read our Chief Minister's call:
Together, for over three centuries, we have defended British interests and values. We were there for the Falklands crisis, the IRA era, WWII and even after the historic and decisive Battle of Trafalgar when Admiral Nelson’s body was first landed in our small corner of the British family.
It’s a great privilege to have the opportunity to put the Gibraltarian perspective across to you in a newspaper that has so often stood up for the Rock and its people, not least when Spain has tried to bully us. That's why it's sad that, on this occasion, many of Gibraltar’s great friends and supporters will have strong personal views on this issue that differ from our own.
Of course, everyone, every city, town and nation, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland has a different opinion on how Britain should vote on June 23rd. I expect the vast majority of people on the Rock will be voting to remain in the European Union. But trust me, centuries of sieges – military, economic and political - have never changed our minds about being British.
Click link to read more -
THE commander of a US nuclear submarine threatened to ram a Spanish customs vessel in British Gibraltar Territorial Waters
Once again Spain has nearly caused an international incident! This time our Roya Navy had to warn off Spanish Vessel with Flares.
Royal Navy fires warning
shots as Spanish vessel harasses US sub in Gibraltar
HMS Sabre and (inset) USS
The Royal Navy fired flares to warn off a Spanish
patrol boat approaching an American nuclear submarine off Gibraltar.
The fast patrol boat HMS Sabre fired warning shots
across the bow of a Guardia Civil vessel as it twice tried to cut across the
path of USS Florida during an incursion into Gibraltar’s waters.
Gibraltar says Spanish vessels regularly stray deep
into its territorial waters and the Foreign Office has attacked the incursions
as provocative.
But defence sources said it was rare for a Royal
Navy vessel to fire flares and it had only happened a couple of times in the
past two years.
A police boat patrols off
One Naval source said: "It just got too close
and when it's a nuclear submarine, you get twitchy anyway. If you have
responsibility for the protection of it, then you are going to take action much
quicker than you might normally. The force protection measures worked and the
vessel went away."
Officials in the British overseas territory have
complained about the incident as USS Florida visited the British Naval base
last month, the Sun reported.
defiant over border rowPlay!02:40
Spain claims sovereignty over the strategic
outpost, which stands on the southernmost tip of the Iberian peninsula, but has
been a British Overseas Territory since the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713.
In recent years Madrid has warned it is ready to impose a new border
tax, close its airspace to planes using the British overseas territory's
airport, and investigate the affairs of Gibraltarians with Spanish economic
The row escalated in 2013 after Gibraltar began
building an artificial reef it said would improve fish stocks depleted by
incursions by Spanish fishermen.
A spokesman for the Ministry of Defence declined to
comment on nuclear submarine operations or force protection measures
What will our Governor do now? What will our Chief Minister do? What will Foreign Office do now? What are they all waiting for.... a death? An accident? Wake up UK! Wake up Governor! Wake up Gibraltar!
TRUTH behind the Gibraltar
row: How US submarine threatened Royal Navy to act on Spain
THE commander of a
US nuclear submarine threatened to ram a Spanish customs vessel trying to block
its path unless the Royal Navy vessel escorting it took action.
US nuclear submarine threatened to ram a Spanish customs vessel trying to block
its path
Last week it
emerged that a Royal Navy patrol boat fired warning flares across the bow of
the Spanish vessel during the altercation just outside Gibraltar waters.
It has now been
revealed that the Royal Navy’s unprecedented actions were ordered by USS
Florida’s no-nonsense captain Nathan Martin who warned the Royal Navy to sort
the situation out or he would intervene.
It was the first of
two such actions by Spanish vessels that day.
The second, in
British waters, involved a Garda Civil police boat.
The US submarine
was making a routine visit to Gibraltar’s submarine base on April 16.
It had already
surfaced but was still in international waters when its path was intercepted by
a Spanish customs vessel.
Strict security
protocols, partly prompted by the successful Al Qaeda attack on the US
destroyer USS Cole in 2000, require the captain of any US warship to prevent
uninvited vessels from getting too close to their ship.
Despite being escorted
by the Royal Navy patrol boat HMS Sabre, the Spanish vessel crossed the
submarine’s path several times.
Captain Martin was
nearing the end of his 77-day operational tour on the submarine when the
altercation took place.
Royal Navy patrol boat fired warning flares across the bow of the Spanish
Royal Navy’s unprecedented actions were ordered by USS Florida’s captain Nathan
There is no question from the report that he would have rammed the
Spanish vessel
A senior Royal Navy source
Last night a senior
Royal Navy source with access to the “After Action” report about the incident,
sent to the First Sea Lord and senior operational commanders, said it was a
very difficult and tense situation.
The source said: “The
US commander was very concerned about his vessel and our officer was worried
about sparking an international incident, a wrong decision could end your
career in a situation like this and spark confrontation.
“The US has very
strict protocols about vessels getting close to their nuclear submarines, in a
very nononsense manner he made it clear he wanted things sorted or he would
resolve the incident, and all he could do was ram the boat.
“It was a very
tense situation. The Spanish had not responded to our transmissions on the
emergency channel to steer away and the US commander was not prepared to wait
any longer.
senior Royal Navy source said it was a very difficult and tense situation
“He made it very
clear in his radio transmission that he wanted our people to act, or he would
sort the situation out himself and, while he remained polite, he was very
direct in conveying the message that he wasn’t prepared to allow the Spanish
vessel to continue harassing his boat.
“If our patrol boat
had not fired flares, there is no question from the report that he would have
rammed the Spanish vessel.”
Incredibly, Spanish
authorities failed to heed the lesson. Later another Spanish boat belonging to
the Garda Civil also harassed the submarine, this time in British waters.
No flares were
fired on this occasion.
Last night Admiral
Lord West, former First Sea Lord, said: “Nuclear submarines are very
unmanoeuvrable when they are on the surface, and it is very stupid for the
Spanish vessel to go in close like that. The Spanish clearly resent the
Americans using Gibraltar, but this is not the way for a fellow EU and Nato
member to behave.”
We urge our Government to put the pressure on UK Government and the FCO and our Governor to protect our waters and to enforce a stronger security before we have a disaster!
Spain has not taken long to threaten border closure while UK faces the IN or OUT of EU referendum!
It never ceases to amaze me that Spain would use this difficult situation to once again find a way to bully Gibraltar. Can you imagine how hard life would become for us the people of Gibraltar if UK did vote out? As if it is not bad enough what happens when we are in I can only imagine how it will only get worse. At the moment of course all politicians are united in Gibraltar to encourage the Vote in and as such are supporting and pushing the vote in campaign called Remain IN. OF course they are and will as it is the future of Gibraltar not only for now but further generations to come. But one point that Spain continues to miss is that SPAIN is also benefiting from Gibraltar. More than 10, 000 cross borders workers depend on Gibraltar in Europe for jobs and security. La Linea, Algeciras, all the way to Malaga businesses and workers travel to work or make money from Gibraltar. So to think otherwise is such a foolish attitude. Spain should encourage more co operation between Gibraltar and Spain and not try to cause more division. The time has come if anything for Spain to join the spreading of the IN campaign especially since so many ex pats live in Spain and have a right to vote. Spain should start to being more understanding of the true situation that affects their own people that live and depend so much on the prosperity they enjoy because of Gibraltar Also we need to urge all UK citizens to also think about us when they vote - we are also British and we have been loyal to UK for more than 300 years! Now UK citizens should show more support towards Gibraltar and its people.
Spain could blockade Gibraltar if UK votes to leave EU, diplomat warns
'We wouldn't have to respect free movement of labour, capital or goods,' said senior Spanish official
The Rock has caused tension between Spain and the UK for years Alamy
SPAIN could close its borders with Gibraltar if Britain leaves the EU, a senior Spanish official has warned.
The diplomat warned Spain could tear up its obligations to the Rock if the UK votes Leave on June 23.
The unnamed source told the Times Madrid would no longer have to respect directives from Brussels on free movement of capital, goods and labour towards the British overseas territory.
Spain Gibraltar border Alamy
“We do not see Britain leaving the European Union as an opportunity but you have to understand that if Brexit happened it would change our obligations to Gibraltar,” the source told The Times.
“No longer would we have to respect the free movement of labour, not having long queues and the free movement of capital and goods which Brussels demands.
"We could even close the border if we wanted.”
The Spanish government sees Gibraltar as a territory under “illegal occupation” and has aggressively maintained Madrid’s claim to sovereignty. Spain gave Gibraltar to Britain in 1713 under the terms of the Treaty of Utrecht.
The government source said: “It is rather like if Spain occupied a territory in the Firth of Forth, allowed nuclear submarines to visit, helped industries to develop, used it to smuggle contraband cigarettes and said the waters around it belonged to Spain.
“I do not imagine the Scottish would be too pleased.”
Spanish foreign minister José Manuel García-Margallo, recently suggested if the UK votes for Brexit Britain and Spain could resume talks on joint sovereignty which were shelved by Tony Blair’s government in 2002.
Fabian Picardo, the chief minister of Gibraltar, said: “Why would a modern European country behave despotically to a democratic people whose only desire is to have good relations and co-operation with our neighbours?
“Gibraltar will not surrender its sovereignty, not one bit of our land, not one drop of our territorial waters and not one breath of air. We have seen off many sieges of many kinds and the Gibraltarian spirit is as resolved and determined to defend our rights. Gibraltar will never surrender.”
Rob Oxley, from the Vote Leave campaign, said: “Our membership of EU is not protecting us from Spanish irrationality; the country already ignores rules on Gibraltar so you have to ask are we any better off in the EU? It is not an argument to say these guys are really bad so better to be in the EU with them than outside without them.”
In 2013 Brussels had to call in inspectors after a row broke out between Britain and Spain.
Spanish officials had introduced tough border controls, which caused huge delays, in retaliation for the creation of an artificial reef in waters off Gibraltar.
Tensions between the UK and Spain have been strained recently with around 300 unlawful incursions by Spanish vessels into British Gibraltarian waters last year.
When the issue of a referendum on the UK’s continued membership of the EU was first mooted, I asked David Cameron and David Lidington to ensure we would be able to vote with the rest of the UK. Both agreed. True to their words, when the vote was called, British, Irish and Commonwealth citizens resident in Gibraltar were included in the franchise.
Now the coming weeks are going to move very quickly as we rollercoaster our way towards the vote on June 23rd.
Alongside the dates of our other, historic, referenda, that will be one of the most important days in our modern history.
The referendum to decide whether we remain in the European or leave it will be a defining moment for Gibraltar’s future and indeed that of the United Kingdom.
I, along with the all the elected political party leaders, am asking you to go out and vote “REMAIN”.
Gibraltar is not often politically united.
You should realise the seminal importance of this vote given your politicians’ unprecedented unity on this subject which is not directly a sovereignty question.
Some of you may feel your politicians argue too much. Maybe. But the reasons we are firmly united on this occasion have at their heart the preservation of our country’s many achievements over the past three decades.
I therefore call on you to work with me and your other political and civic leaders to make sure that family and friends also use their vote to REMAIN in the EU. For anyone who will be away or unable to attend a polling station, make sure you or they organise their proxy votes.
Your MPs, representing the entire Gibraltar Parliament will be joined by other representatives of civil society, trade unions, commerce and many others in giving whole hearted support to Gibraltar Stronger in Europe campaign.
In the very capable hands of Gemma Vasquez and her team, I know Gibraltarians will give the “Gibraltar Stronger In” group every support.
Voting at this referendum is as important as any referendum we have held in Gibraltar.
Leaving the EU will not destroy us. Nothing can.
Despite the headlines, Gibraltar has seen through many sieges and battles, challenges and often turned these into opportunities.
Like on every occasion when we have been written off, we would endure and we would succeed.
Of that I have no doubt at all.
But why break something that works relatively well?
Why exit a growing, expanding trading block that has delivered the prosperity that we enjoy today?
Why move from the certainty of our status today to the unknown of the status we could have once the UK renegotiates it’s relationship as a non-member of the EU.
Why would 30,000 people want to exclude themselves from a trading block of 520m people that will soon also have a free trade agreement with the 400m people in the USA?
The only thing that is clear is that leaving the EU will certainly create unnecessary uncertainty.
Yes, there are always winners and losers with major change. But in terms of Gibraltar we are agreed, across the political, commercial and trades union spectrum, that the losses with a leave vote far outweigh any benefits.
The many ‘ifs’ that a leave vote creates – such as what happens at our frontier, what happens to financial services in the City of London, would Scotland once again seek independence etc – are simply the source of more uncertainty.
Nothing has ever been easy for Gibraltar.
Successive Chief Ministers have had to battle on many fronts – Spain, the EU and even sometimes the UK itself – to arrive at a Gibraltar that was strong enough to ride the many storms we have endured and to live in relative prosperity.
We have seen though joint-sovereignty attempts, global economic upheaval and twisted Spanish diplomacy chomping at our doorstep.
We won our right to vote at EU elections in the Court of Human Rights in a case against the UK.
We have won and prevailed against countless EU Commission moves in areas such as tax and defended our highly reputable finance centre and our highly regulated gaming industry and both are now therefore highly regarded.
We have won EU passporting rights crucial to the financial industries.
By remaining in the EU we keep our successes and battle on.
If we leave we will need to go back to the drawing board in some of the hard fought areas and we will rely on each successive UK government not sacrificing us to the expediency of its own political, economic and commercial interests and needs.
Spain’s caretaker Foreign Minister is already excited at the thought of gaining leverage to pursue his personal sovereignty campaign against us.
Well, whatever the outcome of the referendum let me be very clear: we will never surrender to pressure from Spain. Gibraltar will always remain ours.
Gibraltar belongs to the British Gibraltarians and that is not going to change.
Gibraltar will, of course, live to fight another day and we will survive whatever the challenge that comes before us. Your government is ready for the hard work that rebuilding a new economic model for the future will entail. We have been working on the options for some time.
But why put ourselves and our children through all that uncertainty and subject to new potential pitfalls?
If the best part of our 23,000 eligible voters choose REMAIN, the significance of that unity will go far beyond there being at least a slim chance that we tip the balance.
Whatever the outcome of the overall referendum, Gibraltar must signal to UK, the EU and the world the direction we want to take: free movement of people, capital, goods and services, the right to trade freely with UK, with Europe and the world. Britain, as much as the rest of Europe and the World, need to hear from us what we expect of it.
Our message must be united and clear.
A huge Gibraltar vote to REMAIN is the only option that will get that message across.
The EU is far from perfect. But voting to REMAIN in it is the right choice for Gibraltar.
New Governor and still no action on Spanish incursions in British Gibraltar Territorial Waters!
What is the point in having a Governor if nothing is ever done and we all know Governors have no power and are only a representative of Our Majesty? In this day and age A Governor should have the the sincerity to state the truth - "Sorry Gibraltarians but the reality is my hands are tied by the pen pushers in the Foreign Office!" But will one Governor ever be so honest? I doubt it very much. To be honest I had high hopes for Sir James Dutton but that failed big time. Now I had hopes for our new Governor - but the delays to see a positive reaction on the incursions and dangers in our waters leaves a lot to be desired! Once again I truly believe we are just being ignored as a people on the dangers and security risk at sea. May our new Governor wake up to realisation of the truth of his position! Lieutenant General Edward Davis - You need to remember what your true role is here even if that makes you unpopular with the FCO! You Sir - The Governor serve as Commander-in-Chief of Gibraltar's military forces and have sole responsibility for defence and security So, the question has to be asked why are you doing nothing about the incursions that have been happening just for the few weeks you have been here? We are fed up of the constant paper protests that have never resulted in any solution! A reminder of a few issues of what has happened during your watch:
11th February - Spanish Para Military 4th incursion off Europa Point
9th February - Smugglers ram into Police launch - you say you are happy with state of the art equipment.
4th February - Another Para-miliatry incurions - This is not a "serious incursion" according to the FCO
4th Feb ref incursion - you send a protest - words that blow and go with the wind!
3rd Feb - Unusual Algeciras Pilot Incursion - you referred this incident to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
22nd January Incursions by SPS Serviola & Aguila - Convent spokesperson said; "Incursions are a violation of sovereignty. However, they do not weaken or undermine the international legal basis for UK sovereignty over British Gibraltar Territorial Waters."
January and February - Continous illegal fishing activity by Spanish fishermen in our waters- nothing done!
Not a thing done about constant incursions This is not a "serious incursion" according to the FCO SVA Aguila IV INCURSION OFF EUROPA POINT La Turbo got too close and lingered for too long off Europa Point today and despite the Navy RHIB presence and warnings from Navy Ops they still refused to budge. It was not until HMS Scimitar arrived and told them to leave did they comply. ****************************************
Convent launches investigation into incursion
The Convent has launched an investigation into an incident earlier this week in which an Algeciras pilot vessel navigated a tanker out of Gibraltar waters and into Spanish waters, without permission.
A spokesperson declined to comment further at this stage but confirmed that the British government will be protesting the incident to the Spanish government.
The Port Authority has said the incursion was a blatant disregard for the navigational safety of vessels in British Gibraltar Territorial Waters. GBC understands the Algeciras pilot vessel is likely to have breached EU law, as well as the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, in several different ways.
An ‘incursion’ into BGTW by an Algeciras pilot vessel took place just after midday on Wednesday
3rd February 2016.
The Algeciras pilot boat ‘Piloto’ was observed at 1225 hours entering BGTW by the Gibraltar Port
Authority Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) staff, heading towards a large tanker which had just
weighed anchor off the Western Arm.
The pilot boat continued towards the tanker without any request to Gibraltar VTS for permission
to enter BGTW and several minutes later the pilot boarded the vessel less than one mile from the
Western Arm despite instructions given to the master from Gibraltar VTS not to allow the
The Algeciras pilot then proceeded to navigate the tanker out of BGTW, finally anchoring the
vessel to the north, in Spanish waters off El Campamento.
These ‘incursions’ by the Algeciras pilots are a fairly frequent occurrence.
However, in this
particular instance the action, deep into the western anchorage, with no communication with
Gibraltar Port Authority, was a blatant disregard for the navigational safety of vessels in BGTW.
Her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar has immediately referred this incident to the Foreign and
Commonwealth Office. The Government expects appropriate and proportionate action to be
taken urgently via the appropriate diplomatic channels.
The Convent will be protesting two incursions by Spanish State vessels into British Gibraltar Territorial Waters on Friday. The Spanish Navy Patrol Boat, the SPS Serviola, entered BGTW during the morning on the Eastside. In the afternoon there was also an incursion by a Spanish Customs launch, SVA Aguila, which was escorted by the Royal Navy’s Gibraltar Squadron. The Convent has confirmed it will be protesting to the Spanish authorities.
Convent spokesperson said; "Incursions are a violation of sovereignty. However, they do not weaken or undermine the international legal basis for UK sovereignty over British Gibraltar Territorial Waters."
The Royal Gibraltar Police will bolster training and equipment for marine officers following Sunday’s dramatic collision between a police launch and a smuggler’s boat.
Police will conduct a review of their rules of engagement and will explore the purchase of new kit, potentially including ‘vessel arrest systems’ designed to snare propellers to bring vessels to a halt.
The review is focused on non-lethal equipment but the RGP said it had not ruled out the possibility of arming its marine officers.
“All options remain open,” a police spokesman told the Chronicle.
The review comes after RGP Marine Section officers were rammed by suspected drug smugglers during a chase on Sunday afternoon.
The incident highlighted the dangers faced by law enforcement officers out at sea.
“This is yet another reminder of the dangers that the officers of the Royal Gibraltar Police and other law enforcement agencies face on a daily basis whilst combating drug smuggling in the Straits of Gibraltar,” police Commissioner Eddie Yome said.
“I am grateful to the officers of the Marine Section for their bravery, professionalism and determination when attempting to intercept suspect vessels, in what are becoming all too frequent occurrences.”
“I am mindful that the safety of the officers must be a prime concern. I have asked for a review of our rules of engagement at sea. I have also asked for techniques to be researched and equipment to be considered, to assist in deterring and combating such actions and affording the officers the best possible means of protecting themselves.”
Inspector Albert Buhagiar, Head of the Marine Section, said in an interview with GBC that the smugglers would do anything to get away, including ramming police vessels and throwing projectiles at officers.
“They are out there to do one thing and that is drug trafficking,” he said.
He declined to be drawn by GBC on the nature of the review but said that the safety of both RGP officers and the smugglers themselves “is paramount”.
The latest incident unfolded shortly before 5pm as officers patrolled British Gibraltar Territorial Waters aboard the interceptor vessel Sir John Chapple.
The crew had earlier chased a 12 metre Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat [RHIB], with four occupants, out of Gibraltar waters.
Whilst stationary close to Europa Point they were alerted to the presence of two RHIBs about four miles off the eastern end of the runway.
Shortly after the crew were informed that one of the two vessels was now navigating slowly in a southerly direction and about three miles east off Eastern Beach.
The crew then proceeded north on an interception course. On nearing the suspect vessel the navigator of the RHIB carried out an evasive manoeuvre which culminated with a direct thrust at the police RHIB colliding with the stern and damaging one of the four engines.
The suspect RHIB was approximately 13 metres in length and was carrying four occupants. As a result of the collision they were able to escape into Spanish waters.
The RGP officers, operating their RHIB on three engines, then gave chase to the smaller second vessel which was further to the north and carrying six occupants. This vessel also escaped into Spanish waters.
Two of its occupants were later apprehended by the Spanish authorities once onshore.
The RGP officers then returned to base with their damaged RHIB escorted by a Gibraltar Defence Police RHIB which had deployed to assist.
The GSD has commended the bravery of the marine officers whose vessel was rammed by suspected drug smugglers during a chase on Sunday.
The GSD, who echoed the words of the Commissioner of Police, Eddie Yome, added that it welcomed the fact that none of the officers sustained injuries.
“Incidents like these serve to highlight the dangers faced by our law enforcement officers, whether they be from the RGP the GDP or Customs, at sea, on a regular basis,” Trevor Hammond said on behalf of the GSD.
“Their courage in dealing with all such incidents is to be applauded, as is the excellent co-operation that clearly exists between the RGP and GDP marine sections. It is pleasing to note from reports that at least some of the smugglers involved in the incident were subsequently apprehended.”
The Governor Lieutenant General Ed Davis and Chief Minister Fabian Picardo conducted their first joint official engagement yesterday afternoon when they visited the ‘Joint Services Marine Base at Gun Wharf’ to be introduced to the police officers and crew of the RGP vessel involved in the serious drug trafficking incident in BGTW over the weekend.
They were given a first-hand comprehensive account of the incident by RGP crew members involved, and showed the damage caused to one of the engines. They also went on board the RGP interceptor vessel ‘Sir John Chapple’ involved in the incident. Both HE and the CM showed great interest and asked a number of questions, they congratulated the officers for the invaluable and dangerous work they perform.
Later, taking a few questions from the press at the end of the visit the Governor said he was impressed on how professional and courageous the crew involved in the incident were, adding they perform a ‘great job and was very proud of them’
Answering a Panorama question, on why the Royal Navy do not support the police in ‘drug related incidents in BGTW’ when the RN perform counter-drug and counter- terrorist operations in many other places except Gibraltar. The Governor replied, ‘Commander British Forces and the Police are constantly reviewing what the threat is and the forces are given according to the threat, and what you see in Gibraltar is a force structure of police law enforcement and military and navy vessels which is adequate for doing the job’
The Governor added, ‘the reason why RN vessels are used in counter narcotics operations elsewhere, is because we don’t’ have a Gibraltar in those places where the smaller vessels that you see here that the RGP and GDP have. The RN frigates that you see are providing the mother ship that the Rock of Gibraltar provides to the agencies of Gibraltar’
The Governor finally added that he was comfortable with the set up in Gibraltar although always looking out to improve it.
The Chief Minister said he was conscious of the dangers that officers endure every night, it has been an incident that has hit the headlines, although the public should not think this is something that happens once in a while, it is happening every single night. Gibraltar has to be alive to these situations that happen ever night and why the Government when it came into office in 2011soon purchased these new assets that the RGP now have which have been in operation for some time’. Government he added, ‘has also invested in their maintenance, and have in fact recently purchased four more large engines, which are on the way, and other smaller engines.
The CM added, ‘there needs to be constant investment, the assets the Police have now protects them more then what they use to have when the RGP in the past, were operating only with confiscated vessels from drug traffickers. Even with safer vessels, it doesn’t take away the dangers that crews are in,, the public has a debt of gratitude to thank the police for what they do in BGTW every single night’
Mr Picardo said that together with the police the Government discuss if equipment requires upgrading or additional assets purchased but this was something that is considered carefully with the Commissioner, the equipment is now state-of-the-art.
The Chief Minister was also happy regarding the cooperation that now exists between law enforcement agencies which wasn’t as positive not so long ago, and was pleased that he assisted in the improvement of that relationship, praising both the RGP Commissioner and GDP Chief Officer who made it happen.
On a question asked regarding ‘rules of engagement’ the CM said it was not an issue he had any qualification or expertise to bring into that discussion and that it was an issue for the Commissioner and his team.
The Gibraltar Security Council has held its first meeting chaired by Governor Edward Davis since he took office last month. The Chief Minister and Commander of British Forces also attended this meeting along with senior members of their staff.
The GSC analysed the currect threat level and concluded that Gibraltar should remain at Substantial level. The response to this threat level will be reassessed on a regular basis.
The governor said that while there was no specific threat to the Rock it was important that we all remain vigilant and for the public to report anything they consider suspicious to the police.
Governor advocates closer cooperation with Spain at sea to combat drug smuggling
The Governor has said more co-ordination is neccessary with our Spanish and Moroccan counterparts if we are to avoid incidents like the one which saw a Marine Section RHIB rammed by suspected drug smugglers during a chase on Sunday afternoon. These comments were made when the new Governor and the Chief Minister visited the damaged Police vessel on Tuesday.
The Governor, Lieutenant General Edward Davis, and the Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo, made the trip to the Marine Base at Gun Wharf to get a first hand look at the RHIB which was damaged during the high-speed chase. Mr. Picardo congratulated the officers involved for their professionalism and courage when faced by the aggressive actions of smugglers.
The Governor, who arrived on the Rock a little over a fortnight ago, was keen to point out that the threat from drug smuggling needs to be countered with the relevant equipment and training. However, he believes current resources are acceptable.
While at the scene, the RGP were called into action as a suspected smuggling vessel was spotted crossing the Strait. The Police were quick to try and intercept the smugglers, sending out an RGP RHIB. This event only goes to further emphasise the frequency of this type of incursion and the dangers the RGP Marine Section face daily.
How can you as Governor think we have the necessary equipment to tackle Smugglers, Spanish Para military and their NAVY? Do you know what our police have to defend themselves?
Below are some comments from others on Social Media:
At least they should be armed with baton shotgun or rubber bullets like the Guardia Civil have cos when a person is hit with one of these it leave a very big bruise that I am sure they won't be back as the message will get through that drugs cannot be transshipped through BGTW
Remember the RGP Marine crew are not supplied with any weapons other than a wooden baton, but it's high time they were issued with at least something more effective!
Gibraltar Authority ie the RGP marine Section have to put a stop to it even if the officers have to carry the Shotgun that fires Hard rubber Baton rounds like the Guardia Civil launch.
The RGP crew on-board the Gib patrolling vessels should be properly armed in the same manner RGP officers are armed outside the convent, airport, & elsewhere, those officers at at sea are unprotected, this time it was an incident with drug smugglers, next time could be a group of terrorist. Though at night you could not tell if they are carrying drugs, weapons, & explosives, even immigrants
But I guess until there is a death or a big incident you will do nothing as many before have done!
A reminder to Your Excellency on facts:
Gibraltar logged 431 Spanish vessels' incursions into territorial waters
The number of unlawful incursions by Spanish state vessels into British Gibraltar territorial waters rose last year compared to 2014.
But the number of serious incidents tailed off in the final months of 2015 against the context of diplomatic efforts to increase cooperation at sea, according to a report published in the Gibraltar Chronicle.
Figures released by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office show that a total of 431 incursions were logged by British officials last year.
That compares to 387 in 2014 but is significantly lower than the 486 incursions recorded in 2013, when tensions at sea were running high.
Figures released by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in response to Chronicle questions show that a total of 431 incursions were logged by British officials last year.
That compares to 387 in 2014 but is significantly lower than the 486 incursions recorded in 2013, when tensions at sea were running high.
The total for last year was pushed up by an intense period between May and August, when over 40 incursions per month were logged.
It was during this time too that a number of serious incidents unfolded at sea, including one in which Spanish customs officers fired warning shots close to a local pleasure boat.
That incident was described as “outrageous” by the British and Gibraltar governments at the time and led to diplomatic efforts to defuse tension and focus instead on cooperation.
The Royal Navy’s Gibraltar Squadron, together with the Royal Gibraltar Police, the Gibraltar Defence Police and HM Customs (Gibraltar), also stepped up their presence at sea as a deterrent.
Since then, officials said there had been “a noticeable decline” in the number of serious incursions.
Law enforcement agencies from both sides of the border have also cooperated in a number of anti-smuggling operations at sea.
Your Excellency, for your Convent and FCO to come out with "Incursions are a violation of sovereignty. However, they do not weaken or undermine the international legal basis for UK sovereignty over British Gibraltar Territorial Waters." is bar far the most ridiculous response ever! What the heck are these incursions succeeding if not to undermine British Soveriegnty on our very own waters! I am absolutely gob smacked to think that you think this is acceptable behaviour. IF this were to happen in The Falklands or by the French in Dover would you say the same? I doubt it very much indeed!
Time to wake up and stand up for Gibraltar in its entirety and that includes our waters!