Spanish Authorities enter Gibraltar waters within the demarcated swimming areas!
Yes once again we have the Spanish authorities trying to assert authority in British Gibraltar Territorial Waters!
Courtesy of a friend

This is a serious incident! Are we going to wait for a death to happen!
Incursion into BGTW: "Unacceptable and Unwarranted." The Governor personally discusses an "appropriate diplomatic response" with London.
So what will the action be by our Governor and FCO and our Government? WORDS, WORDS and MORE WORDS!
Words mean nothing! Words with action do!
It is about time that Spanish authority vessels are captured and arrested and let it go to the international courts!
Doing nothing but words is going to lead to an accident or worse a death!
Below is one video capturing this incursion!
Another video
GBC news reports..
The Governor is discussing with London an appropriate diplomatic response to an incursion by a Spanish State vessel on Saturday afternoon. Sir James Dutton says he's followed the reports of the incident closely and has been fully briefed by both the Royal Gibraltar Police and the Royal Navy. He's told GBC, it's clear that this has been an "unacceptable and unwarranted" incursion into British Gibraltar Territorial Waters by a Spanish State Vessel. The Foreign Office will also be making representations to London and Madrid.
Meanwhile, in a statement on Sunday, the Government said: " This is another glaringly obvious example of a Spanish state vessel attempting to assert its authority well inside our territorial limits."
The Statement from Number Six confirms that at around six thirty on Saturday afternoon, the Spanish Customs vessel, 'Aguila IV', chased a Gibraltar-registered pleasure boat within British Gibraltar Territorial Waters, and inside the demarcated buoys at Camp Bay.
The pleasure boat, had been stationed about one nautical mile off Europa point, when it was circled by the SVA, and the occupants, who claim to have been fishing, asked to produce documentation. It took refuge in the area of Camp Bay and called for assistance.
The SVA launch returned to Spain when the RGP, GDP and Royal Navy launches arrived and warnings were read. The Spanish Authorities claimed the pleasure boat had been off Estepona and had failed to stop when asked to do so.
The pleasure craft was escorted to the Marine Base where the occupants said they'd run away for fear of being boarded.
Acting Chief Minister, Doctor Joseph Garcia says: " It could hardly be clearer that the vessels had no jurisdiction to operate at Europa Point and even less a few metres from a beach at Camp Bay." He adds that quite apart from the serious political issues, the incident also raises the dangers of a state vessel operating within a demarcated bathing area.
Eyewitnesses report Spanish Servicio Vigilancia Aduanera
launch giving chase to pleasure craft inside buoys in Rosia
Also MR KR states his opinion on Social Media
To say that I am BEYOND INCENSED is the UNDERSTATEMENT of my 37 year old Gibraltarian life!
Guardia Civil (That's Spanish paramilitary) have this afternoon not just BREACHED INTERNATIONAL LAW by coming into British Gibraltar WATERS BUT ALSO Breached LOCAL LAW by having their patrol vessel coming into an area designated for SWIMMERS ONLY (with the dangers that accompany a fast launch coming into an area heavily populated with swimmers in a beach in Gibraltar on an August Summer's day at peak time), and acting like they have jurisdiction in British Gibraltar!!!!!!!!!
They dare so because the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, under which Gibraltar and our Security comes under, have ALLOWED THEM TO by ALLOWING HUNDREDS UPON HUNDREDS OF BREACHES AND INCURSIONS into BRITISH GIBRALTAR WATERS for the past few years.
They dare so, because the CONVENT, seat of the Governor, HM The Queen's Rep in Gibraltar HAS FAILED to PRESSURE the FCO INTO ACTION.
They DARE SO because OUR Government HAS FAILED TO PRESSURE the CONVENT into putting on the PRESSURE on the FCO.
They dare so, because the British Government, the FCO and the Convent have been laughing in our faces, treating us like FOOLS, DISRESPECTING US - THE GIBRALTARIANS all for the sake of keeping GOOD RELATIONS with SPAIN, a HOSTILE NATION that OPTS TO BULLY the GIBRALTARIANS on the basis that we ARE and HAVE CHOSEN to REMAIN BRITISH.
They dare so, because the British Government, the FCO and the Convent have been laughing in our faces, treating us like FOOLS, DISRESPECTING US - THE GIBRALTARIANS all for the sake of keeping GOOD RELATIONS with SPAIN, a HOSTILE NATION that OPTS TO BULLY the GIBRALTARIANS on the basis that we ARE and HAVE CHOSEN to REMAIN BRITISH.
My question - with so many lawyers in Parliament, quien va ser el guapo o la guapa who will bother to sit down, analyse the situation, and prepare a LEGAL CHALLENGE AGAINST THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT for NEGLECTING THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY to PROTECT Gibraltar and ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR Gibraltar's SECURITY????? Doing so will NOT make us any LESS British if anyone is worried of that - it is merely calling on them for FAILING US!
Aqui que somos tontos o que pasa???? If this were the 70s or 80s, Gibraltarians would have taken to the street to demonstrate!!!! WHY ARE WE ALLOWING OURSELVES to be TREATED like Second Class, or worse, FOOLS???!! I don't know about the rest, but I certainly don't like it when I am treated like a FOOL! (See David Cameron's national Day Message and also HM Queen's Message about Security in Gibraltar).
Perhaps, since our Nation ranks so well in terms of finance, we SHOULD start PAYING FOR OUR OWN SECURITY?!
Republished on Speak Freely and also via @KevGibraltar.
Gibraltar Government Press Release
A serious incursion took place yesterday evening when a Spanish state vessel attempted to assert its authority, not only inside BGTW, but within a few metres of the shoreline.At around 1830, a Spanish customs vessel (SVA), the Aguila IV, chased a Gibraltar-registered pleasure boat within BGTW and inside the demarcated buoys at Camp Bay.
The pleasure boat had been stationary about 1 nautical mile off Europa Point when it was circled by the SVA which had approached from the Bay making its way past the North Mole.It had earlier been given the UNCLOS warning over radio and did not respond.
When approached by launches from RGP and GDP and by a Navy RHIB, the crew of the Spanish vessel claimed that, earlier, the pleasure boat had been off Estepona and had failed to stop when asked to do so.
Having been informed that it had no jurisdiction inside BGTW, the Aguila IV was then escorted into Spanish waters. The two occupants of the pleasure boat later claimed when questioned that they were fishing off Europa Point when the SVA vessel had requested their documentation. They had moved into Camp Bay and called for assistance.
'This is another glaringly obvious example of a Spanish state vessel attempting to assert its authority well inside our territorial limits. It could hardly be clearer that the vessel had no jurisdiction to operate at Europa Point and even less just a few metres from a beach at Camp Bay,' said the Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia. 'Quite apart from the serious political issues raised by this matter, it is also dangerous for a state vessel to operate in this way inside a demarcated bathing area. This is illegal in the face of internationally-recognised Laws of the Sea.'
(Photo courtesy Tania Pereira.)

This should not be allowed! Wake up Gibraltar! Before it is too late and one of our own is injured or die!
As reported by another Social Media Post Vadar Boats
Today's chase!! I saw 3 or 4 boats fishing just of europa point, all of a sudden the Augila IV (spanish aduana boat) started to approach one of the local fishing boats in the area at a very high speed, for what i saw the to men onboard the local fishing boat got intimidated by the Augila IV and started making way to a safe haven in the bay of Gibraltar. Augila IV continued intimidating the local fishing boat even inside the saftey bouys at camp bay.
I was meters away from the local fishing boat at the scene at camp bay and it was clear that it was only two lads who were trying to enjoy a peaceful day out at sea fishing and totaly spoiled by the Spanish authorities in British Gibraltar Waters!!!

Do we have to be afraid to use our pleasure boats in
our own waters?
Why is the FCO so adamant to only send paper protests? -
we want action and we want it now!
I guess getting the Queen to visit Spain is more
important than the lives of the British people in
How ignorant are the FCO and the UK Government on
the issues affecting Gibraltar!
How can they think - EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Will an old queen and a young king be able to heal the festering UK/Spain dispute over Gibraltar?
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The problem with SPAIN and Gibraltar is that UK does
nothing to stop the bully that SPAIN is! A bully only
stops when you force the boundaries and they suffer
the consequences!
Take action Mr Cameron. You will never join the same league as Churchill and Thatcher if you sit on your hands