Once Again Spanish Para Military Guardia Civil - exercise Jurisdiction in British Gibraltar Territorial Waters!
Yesterday the Gib Cormorant Boat Club held its annual fishing competition with many boats competing.
Well at 8 am in the morning Mr Triay and another boat arrived at a fishing mark just opposite Catalan bay well within British Gibraltar Territorial Waters - when they were approached by the Guardia Civil again asking questions and exercising jurisdiction in our waters!
Not a sign of the British Navy or Our Royal Gibraltar Police whilst all this was happening .
This Fishing Event had been published and advertised for some time, So, how come such an event go unnoticed by our local authorities who have not even provided the necessary protection it requires!
Remember that everyone knows how things are and how the Guardia Civil are not only armed but have been trying to exercise jurisdiction for some time now!
Again shameful attitude by the FCO, our Governor, the RGP and Our Government who are doing nothing about this!
Will it take a death before our own Government does what it is meant to do?
We all know the FCO and the Navy do not care about protecting us but surely our Government should do so!
They should be putting pressure on the RGP, FCO and the Navy and they should be challenging all these illegal incursions!
Why should we the people of Gibraltar be afraid of going out to sea and enjoy our fishing competitions and our summer activities!
A local describes another issue that happened yesterday!
I know some people who enjoy fishing from boats, sports fishermen so to speak. One of my fishermen friends explained to me yesterday that on Friday (yesterday), a Guardia Civil police boat approached a small Gibraltar boat at Europa Point, bordered the boat and confiscated all their fishing rods! The RGP were apparently called but when they arrived, it was too late the Guardia Civil made good their escape into Algeciras.
My friend also tells me that many of the sports fishermen with boats now go out in groups and keep close communication with each other when they go out fishing because they do not feel safe out in our own waters. It is now routine for Spanish police boats to challenge local boats in our own waters and ask for documentation. Many of these instances go unreported.
The situation is worse than what some would like us to believe. Be under no illusions, Gibraltar no longer enjoys the clear cut territorial integrity of our waters. I am not going to suggest that it’s Spanish 100% but as far as I am concerned and it hurts me to admit it, it’s more like a “shared sovereignty”. Spanish police vessels and military too, come and patrol our waters like Pedro por su casa. The “warnings” that they are given and the political complaints to Madrid are just not working, if anything it is simply encouraging them to keep on escalating the situation.
We should have a 24/7 Navy presence in our waters. Is that too much to ask?
I am sorry but the position adopted by our own law agencies is simply not effective. The Navy has to be forced into a position in having to take action against these invaders that are behaving more like pirates. I am not talking about using guns or anything, I am simply saying that enough is enough and if need be arrest one of their vessel s bring them in.
Some seem to be worried about the impact of such actions at our frontier, worried about the repercussions. Well, they are actually playing on this and quite honestly if it comes to a temporary closed frontier, so be it. That issue also needs to be brought to a conclusion because the “new system” they are finishing is not going to get rid of the queues.
We have lost control of our waters. More importantly, the Spanish are making progress in controlling our waters, whilst those who should be in a position to do something about it are simply not doing enough. I do not refer to the police or customs; I am referring to the decision makers and the Navy. It’s time to grow some and demonstrate in no uncertain terms whose waters these are. As it stands, they seem to be shared moving more towards a takeover. If you want to avoid a confrontation then make sure you don’t allow opportunities for them to come in and approach any of our own boats. The current approach is far too “reactive” to what they get up to and not “proactive” enough not to allow them to get up to mischief.

Wake up and smell the coffee....PLEASE....before someone gets hurt or worse. We have already heard of minor accidents, why should we wait for a more serious one? Esta gente se an cresido demasiado.
ON the same incident
Another terrible incident with the Guardia Civil out at Europa Point . IN B.G.T.W.
This person and owner of his boat was fishing, when all of sudden he saw the Spanish Guardia Civil coming straight towards him. He started up his engine and the G.C. wanted to board his boat and he said "no that he will not permit them to board him" He tried always to keep a distance between the two boats.
Suddenly they tried to force and board him! Within an arms distance one of the Guardia civil got hold of one of his fishing gear and stole it from him .THE FISHING gear is worth about £600.00 .
Now the big question again where were the RGP or THE NAVY or THE NEW COASTAL AGENCY? OR EVEN THE PORT DEPARTMENT? .
So we have spent millions of tax payers money for what? On new Police Launches? On.new customs boats? What is the point of new boats and new manpower for the New Coastal Agency?
FOR WHAT? A waste of Tax payers money! When it could have been used for the new Mental Hospital OR AT THE HOSPITAL FOR A NEW SCANNER!
That would be TAX PAYERS MONEY well spent!
Also all those Spanish fishermen who are breaking our laws!
Or are there two different laws here in Gibraltar - one for Spaniards and one for the locals?
Are we going to wait till there is a fatal accident out at sea!
What then?
Will we all have to go and give our condolences to their loved ones?
Remember people - that next time it could be you or a relative of yours!
One other local stated
Many years ago when the Spanish started their assault over the frontier control we used to toot our horns and complain fiercely but their persistent behaviour wore us down, we now sit quietly queuing whether for ten minutes or two hours
It appears that whilst out government and opposition play childish political games with each other in clear view the Spanish para military are taking control of our waters.
Someone should give the people of Gibraltar the comfort they deserve that our sovereignty and waters are NOT under threat.
Get off the fence and protect our people.........
Another person writes:
Just to enlighten people it's not that people don't want to do anything on our end ! It's that our counterparts in UK stop us from making any movements and any retaliation of sorts.
Now wouldn't it be better if these so called leaders pulled their thumbs out their asses.
And started to actually give a f***, other than we have to cut money here and there?
Also on top of it the government in UK are letting immigrants step all over our laws and ways of life. That doesn't happen in gib. Now I know these immigrants drive money trough the country and help out in the economy. I know it's a bit of topic. But it shows why things aren't being doing because the heads in UK won't upset anyone!
It makes us wonder if UK are slowly but surely selling us to Spain and our Government by doing nothing is in agreement to this happening!
Our Governor is leaving under speculation of difference of interpretation of our 2006 Constitution - then we have GC in our Queen's Birthday parade - apparently FCO always invite them? Oh and our Government were not aware that Spanish Para Military entered our Land to attend? Who is in charge of our Gibraltar is the question to ask openly!
Our Government must and has a duty to be informed of any Spanish Military visit in our Land and they must take up any illegal incursion and any illegal act of trying to enforce jurisdiction in our British Gibraltar Territorial Waters!
So, should UK Government and the FCO take up Spain on these issues!
UK Government need to step up and protect us and our Government must stop acting like a mouse in this important issue! Start arresting the Guardia Civil - start making stronger protests and defend your people who cannot even go out to sea for leisure!
Wake up Chief MInister Fabian Picardo and do your duty we are fed up of words it is as bad as the UK protests to Madrid!
Serve your people by protecting them! No more time for playground games!
Gerald Struggles