The second demonstration or protest was held in La Linea side of the Frontier.
The group consists of citizens from both sides of the border and also a lot of cross frontier workers from all over Europe!
The first protest was held in December and attracted over 200 people but the one held in La Linea was an even better achievement attracting support from over One Thousand people!
Photos - courtesy - Alvaro Marquez Diaz, M.D. Kiu - and
Juan Pecino - Gibraltarian Unionist

Diego Cañamero Sat.

The Mayoress of La Linea - Gemma Araujo Morales.

Manuel Fernandez with the sign

With Miguel Angel Zoilo Guzmán, Ángel Villar and Mari Carmen Diaz Quiñones.

Oppostion Member of Parliament in Gibraltar Mr Netto

Juan Uceda

Miguel Angel Zoilo Guzmán.

Nuria Gomez

Samuel Fernandez - Radio Bahia Libre

The crowd
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So all in all citizens are starting to be brave and join in all the different ways to get our voices heard and forgetting the political side of things and coming together as Human Beings first and foremost!
This goes to show the European Union, United Nations of Human Rights and all governments that the people on both sides only wish to have a frontier that offers free movement no more and no less!
All people in the protest were sending out one clear message to the SPANISH GOVERNMENT and that was stop using the frontier as a weapon for political gain! You must never allow a country or their perspective government to ever use human beings and the ability to oppress to prove any point!
The people are rising and in Spain this is something very hard to do when people live in fear of the para-military forces! But if anything they have shown to be brave and courageous in the midst of knowing that many have been hit for standing up for their rights! More impressive was the fact that people from Gibraltar stood with them in solidarity!
We are all fighting for the same cause - a dignified frontier - free movement as promised in the European Union! This is our right!
Interesting and great times ahead that as a people we all join together no matter our nationalities!
GBC News covered the event -
In Spanish for our followers -
Nada ha tenido que ver la manifestación
que se ha llevado a cabo en la tarde de hoy con respecto a la que se
llevó a cabo hace unos meses dentro de Gibraltar. la poca publicidad y
las condiciones climatológicas jugaron entonces una mala pasada. Esta
tarde la respuesta ha sido mayor que en aquella ocasión, y se calcula,
por parte de la propia organización, a cargo de la Plataforma ‘Por una
Frontera Humanitaria’, que han sido cerca de mil personas las que han
acudido a esta protesta, aunque como es habitual, comenzará el baile de
números dependiendo del punto de vista y los intereses de quien lo mire.

Además ha estado presente la Asociación
de la Pequeña y Mediana empresa (APYMELL) que es otro de los grandes
perjudicados por las colas, ya que se ha producido un importante
descenso de ventas en la ciudad a tenor de los problemas de los
gibraltareños para salir, y por tanto hacer las compras en la ciudad
como ha sido tradicional.

Han ido tomando la palabra diferentes
representantes en un acto que ha durado casi 45 minutos. Se ha realizado
una campaña de divulgación que ha tenido mayor respuesta que las
anteriores, aunque aún está lejos de ser un reflejo del problema que
padecen 6.000 trabajadores españoles que acuden a diario a la colonia a
trabajar. Hubiera sido lógico que visto el problema que padecen los
vecinos que acuden a trabajar, hubiera sido mayor la respuesta.
Imágenes: Antonio Cañete
Not long ago it was hard to get people to speak out and stand up and now we have seen many demonstrations and protest in the last two years on this common issue.
It is not right to have queues created on purpose no matter the excuses we who live here and there in Spain know the truth!
So if in doubt EU Commission should learn from their mistake when they visited last time! Do not talk to the politicians - Speak to the people affected! Speak to the people groups who are fighting for their rights to be heard!
Anne-Marie Struggles
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