Thursday, 28 February 2013

Feb 28th Press Release from Defenders of Gibraltar



Many months ago now, the Defenders of Gibraltar came into being with the mission statement to tackle the Spanish Governments constant harassment and oppression of our people and our homeland. We feel that we achieved some great things, but in the midst of local political wrangling, a multi-faceted and out of sync strategy and a lack of leadership (we had a committee of equals) we feel that we may have inadvertently given the wrong impression to people. As the saying goes, one must always learn to walk before you can run.

I would like to make clear that we in the Defenders of Gibraltar are in no way ‘xenophobic’ or anti-Spanish. We are against the political machinations from a government in Madrid who searches for every opportunity to stifle our growth and aspirations as a people. Unfortunately, certain people in Gibraltar have felt it pertinent to use our presence as a new political tool to wield in the confrontational nature of our local politics. To them I say that the Defenders of Gibraltar will not be drawn into these games. We are here to tackle Spanish Oppression and pressure those whose role it is to defend us. We will do so with tact, cunning and raw passion harnessed and channelled into our aims.

Yesterday, following a DoG committee meeting in which a plethora of things were discussed, the need for a clear and coherent strategy as well as a leader was clearly apparent. Following a democratic vote, a leader was indeed selected as Chairperson and Spokesperson. This person is Gareth Gingell. He is now the leader of the Defenders of Gibraltar and as such is responsible for driving and implementing the strategy of the group in consultation with the rest of the committee and our many group members.

Following the consolidation of the DoGs structure, rules and regulation, a discussion was had on the democratic nature of our group and what we would do to ensure the utmost accountability and transparency to all. As such over the next few days we will publish the group’s constitution, length of terms for committee positions (and other regulations / disciplinary procedures) and try our utmost best to ensure we set an example in this regard.

Our strategy has also been given a radical shake-up with a clear focus on our implicit aim and philosophy. We will shortly be consolidating these ideas and will present them to the public; either through online media (live streaming presentation to allow for live criticism), documents or open meetings. We will always be open to criticism as without it, we are lost.

The Defenders of Gibraltar has essentially been reborn and is now much stronger than before. We sincerely understand that we must earn your trust, and we will always endeavour to achieve it. For those who doubt this, I ask you to watch not only what we say, but also what we do, as our deeds will certainly betray deceit.

Lastly, one thing which must always be borne in mind when pursuing a nationalist ideal or standing up to a bigger foe – by fighting monsters, one must always be careful not to become a monster themselves. As a non-violent and peaceful activist group, we will never let Gibraltar down in this regard.

Viam aut inveniam aut faciam

Thank you for your continued support.

Yours Truly,

Gareth Gingell
Chairman and Spokesperson of the Defenders of Gibraltar

The Question on Innocent Passage - Unclos - Article 19

Innocent Passage?

Below is the Article 19 that everyone especially those in command of power are using to perhaps confuse the issue at hand.

Meaning of innocent passage
1. Passage is innocent so long as it is not prejudicial to the peace, good order or security of the coastal State. Such passage shall take place in conformity with this Convention and with other rules of international law.
2. Passage of a foreign ship shall be considered to be prejudicial to the peace, good order or security of the coastal State if in the territorial sea it engages in any of the following activities:
(a) any threat or use of force against the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of the coastal State, or in any other manner in violation of the principles of international law embodied in the Charter of the United Nations;
(b) any exercise or practice with weapons of any kind;
(c) any act aimed at collecting information to the prejudice of the defence or security of the coastal State;
(d) any act of propaganda aimed at affecting the defence or security of the coastal State;
(e) the launching, landing or taking on board of any aircraft;
(f) the launching, landing or taking on board of any military device;
(g) the loading or unloading of any commodity, currency or person contrary to the customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws and regulations of the coastal State;
(h) any act of wilful and serious pollution contrary to this Convention;
(i) any fishing activities;
(j) the carrying out of research or survey activities;
(k) any act aimed at interfering with any systems of communication or any other facilities or installations of the coastal State;
(l) any other activity not having a direct bearing on passage.

 So we do not have to be a genius to know exactly what the truth is here!

Remember the issue is NOT FISHING! The issue is the sovereignty of our waters - no more no less!

So lets read the above article and digest it. The Spanish Para Military do not do innocent passage in our waters - they may pretend to be but all of us who live here in Gibraltar know what these para military are like! Let us remember the roots of these para military was by the facists leader General Franco!

If the passage was innocent it would not be by a country who  has a claim on our country - that is the first and paramount issue here - let us not forget whatSpain wants and what is her driving force!

The Guardia Civil have entered our waters to enforce jurisdiction - we have proof! 
The Guardia Civil have entered our waters stopping pleasure boats and even questioning bunkering ships in OUR waters! We have proof!
The Guardia Civil escort their Spanish Fishermen boats who use illegal fishing arts - not allowed in their own country - escort them in OUR WATERS - so that they can do the illegal fishing and be protected by these para military in OUR WATERS! We have plenty of proof!
The Guardia Civil enter OUR WATERS with weapons and are armed! We have proof!
The Guardia Civil have even arrested OUR  PEOPLE in OUR WATERS and dragged them to SPAIN and confiscated their legal fishing equipment!

The above are just a few recent examples!

We have had also the Spanish Royal Navy enter OUR WATERS with the biggest spanish flag they could have found and patrol OUR WATERS!

So my question to all of  you out there who read our blog - Would you accept this for your COUNTRY - I know the answer is a firm NO you would not!

So my question is how can anyone in UK Government or elsewhere in Europe or in the United Nations expect us to turn a blind eye? 

Although we are a small country - do not underestimate our passion and our rights! Join us and highlight how in our modern world there are still bigger countries like SPAIN being allowed to bully a smaller country only because of who they are - BRITISH PEOPLE living in their own land GIBRALTAR!

 We all need to stand up to the bully! There is no need even try to water down incurious as no matter what no one can say it is INNOCENT PASSAGE!

We all know this - all who live and work in GIBRALTAR! SO we invite Mr Cameron and Mr Hague and Mr Lidington and the EU committee to come and see for themselves - we  have enough proof to show the whole world!

Do your job and protect the sovereignty of Gibraltar and do what is right to the people of Gibraltar! We are 30,000 citizens - no oil but more passion and pride than anyone could ever find!

Anne-Marie Struggles

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Gibraltar under more bullying from Spain!

Bullying done by Spain

As each day goes by we see an increase of the different ways that Spain insists in bullying Gibraltar and the people!

No matter what everyone does to highlight and be the better person - Spain insists on a barrage of attacks from every angle possible.

No one would believe that in this day and age and under the European Union that these bullying tactics are not challenged by other countries bigger than us to Spain that is bigger than us!

One does not have to be a rocket scientist to see the behaviour from Spain towards Gibraltar and us the people is out of order. 

A good example is the picture of David and Goliath! The latest tactic from Spain is trying to divide the people in Gibraltar and twists media and words to do it.

We are all aware that a successful way to win  is to DIVIDE AND CONQUER! So as if we do not have enough to battle with we now find people are arguing between them instead of uniting against the real enemy - SPAIN!

All politicians will fight their own corner and it is very sad that any of them give more ammunition so to speak to the spanish journalist to twist and cause more divide.

I have said this numerous times - our issue is NOT the fishing - our issue is INCURSIONS BY SPANISH PARA MILITARY IN OUR BRITISH TERRITORIAL WATERS! No more no less!

The problem about the fishing by Spanish Fishermen is clear to all - we have laws and those laws have to be respected and obeyed. On the other side of the coin - we also have a right to see that the law is enforced to everyone - no matter who they are or where they come from. Lack of law enforcement draws a very thin line on corruption! So let us not go there!

The dangerous state of affairs today is that a Country called Spain who still claims our land is using every possible means to not only claim but undermine us as a people and our rights!

Spain has no jurisdiction in our land, sea or air! The failure is now from United Kingdom Government who are slacking with the use of the so called Diplomacy - something that is not seen by them to any other country - for example The Falklands - which though only having 2,000 british citizens have more protection offered to them than we get! Ask why? I can tell you the whole truth - GIBRALTAR HAS NO OIL! If we did trust me UK would invest more protection and respect of the British People of Gibraltar!

We have been British for over 300 years and yet UK and the EU and the United Nations of Human rights do not put a stop to the bullying from Spain and try to hold us to an old Treaty(Utrecht) that was no longer valid since they broke  it immediately after having made it!

We live in the 21st Century and yet a small country like ours with 30,000 British citizens have to put up with so much bullying from another country in Europe! They continue to break our laws at seas - cause frontier queues of over 2- 3 hours almost every day - they contravene so many leglislations in EU and nothing is done!

But guess what - we the people of Gibraltar will never GIVE IN or GIVE UP! We have a passion and stamina to keep on fighting for our rights! 




Lets fight together and not allow anymore of the "divide and conquer" from the enemy to us the people - set our politics aside and concentrate on seeing the issues as they are! SPAIN will use anything and everything to make us look back - bully us and we have to stand guard and highlight it all!

Anne-Marie Struggles

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

More incursions in our waters - now by Spanish Salvamento Ship

 Once again we have incursions - do we have no waters?

Salvamento Maritimo In Gibraltar Waters and the Royal Navy Shadowing it near by Hms Sabre P285

These incursions have to stop and UK Government have to do their job and stop them once and for all!

We have written letters to UK Government demanding more action.

We have even made an official complaint against the RGP for lack of action in enforcing the laws at sea.

So we call on everyone to bombard letters and emails to the UK government and also to make complaints to the Police Authority about the lack of action!

Gibraltar belongs to the people and it is us the people who are nto happy about the lack of action not just by UK but by our own Police Officers.

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Everyone has a job to do and not doing it is negligence of the responsibility they have!

What is a police a commissioner?

The job of the police  commissioner will be to ensure the policing needs of their communities are met as effectively as possible, bringing communities closer to the police, building confidence in the system and restoring trust.
Police  commissioners will give the public a voice at the highest level, and give the public the ability to ensure their police are accountable. 

Police Commissioners will cut crime and deliver an efficient police service

They will aim to cut crime and deliver an effective and efficient police service within the force area. They will do this by:
  • holding the chief constable to account for the delivery of the force
  • setting and updating a police and crime plan
  • setting the force budget and precept
  • regularly engaging with the public and communities
  • appointing, and where necessary dismissing, the chief constable
It will not be for the Police Commissioner to tell the professionals how to do their job - the legislation continues to protect the operational independence of the police by making it clear that the chief constables retain direction and control of the forces officers and staff. The operations of the police will not be politicised; who is arrested and how investigations work will not become political decisions.


Police Commissioner  will be required to swear an oath of impartiality when they are elected to office. The swearing of an oath will be an important symbol of impartiality, emphasising both the significance of this new role in local communities and that PCCs are there to serve the people, not a political party or any one section of their electorate.

So WAKE UP MR Yome and let your officers do their JOB - they are paid by the people!

Anne-Marie Struggles